Adding to what Dave said, here is how you can add a stroke to your path, This is essentially adding a colour to the path outline which could be with a pencil or brush at a chosen thickness. In the Paths tab, select your path. Click on the icon in the top right corner of the panel (the 3 horizontal rows) to get the popup menu. Select Stroke Path... You can then choose Pencil or Brush (or other tools). This will add an outline based on the current thickness of that tool and the foreground colour. To colour in - this could be done in multiple ways. I'd suggest you add the colours in a separate layer. You could use the paintbrush to paint the colours in the areas you want. You could use the outline layer or even the path to create selections to fill or delete areas. As a beginner, it is worth looking at the different ways you can select parts of an image. Here is a page that covers various selection options in Photoshop. Photoshop Elements Help | Use tools to make selections
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