Nov 15, 2024
04:03 PM
Thanks! The problem randomly went away again, but I'll try this method the next time.
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Nov 15, 2024
04:01 PM
You know, I had never gotten around to testing this, but I just pulled out the mouse that came with my Wacom tablet, that I've pretty much never used, and its scroll wheel did allow me to go through the list, so thanks for the idea! It's slow and cumbersome, especially since the uncollapsed list is long and frustrating, so it's still pretty useless, but I did learn a new way to use my Wacom tablet.
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Jul 08, 2024
10:42 PM
This is not the first time this has happened to me, but the problem went away for a good while. Now it's suddenly back. Every time I type a note, it's in all caps (I don't have the caps lock button on). This is happening on two different Macs, even one that I recently completely wiped and re-loaded with Adobe software. I can turn it back to normal if I highlight the text and either hit shift-command-k or go to the Paragraph Styles panel and select "basic paragraph," but both are a little bit of a pain. I can't find any options in the preferences section that will fix this. Does anyone have any ideas? Is there some place you can globally set paragraph styles for Notes?
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Dec 15, 2023
05:02 PM
> The fonts list needs to be automatically collapsed down showing only the type family names. Exactly--I don't know why that isn't the default. I have a Wacom pen, as well, but the keyboard arrow keys didn't even work for me.
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Dec 15, 2023
01:01 PM
1 Upvote
This question has been asked before, but there was no answer that worked for me there, so I'm trying again. I'm trying to check something about an activated font. So I tried looking through the list of fonts under the "Manage Fonts" section of Creative Cloud, but there's no way to scroll through the list; I can only see the first few names, and can go no farther. And all of the dropdowns under the font family names are fully open, so if you were able to scroll, you'd have to go past every "Bold," "ExtraBold," etc., each taking up an entire line. Am I missing something? This is quite useless as it stands. I'm on an iMac, using Ventura 13.6.1. As far as I know, I have the Creative Cloud app updated.
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Jul 19, 2023
10:28 AM
Thanks for the tip.
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Jul 18, 2023
11:51 AM
Thank you! I'll pass it on. ETA: she may have wanted breaks for some words in the paragraph but not others.
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Jul 13, 2023
02:51 PM
Okay, she says she selected certain words and applied "No break" from the Character menu. But when I went into that assignment and switched out a few words in one paragraph, the "no breaks" in that entire assignment no longer worked.
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Jul 13, 2023
11:34 AM
Thanks for the reply; I'll try to find out. I didn't see any marked breaks from within InCopy when I showed all the characters.
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Jul 12, 2023
05:04 PM
A client of mine says that when I make a text change to a paragraph of an InDesign document using InCopy, the custom “no break” and other line-wrapping settings she put in vanish, and the text re-rags in a way she didn't intend. It only started happening with this one document, this month. Does anyone have any idea what's going on?
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Mar 14, 2023
01:16 PM
I'm having this same issue, and it's super annoying because there are a lot of little text things that use the same spot color, and apparently I'll have to change them all individually, instead of replacing the color all at once--the swatch they're colored in won't delete, because it's attached to the Illustrator links, even though the formula didn't update in InDesign. I'm sorry there doesn't seem to be a fix for it.
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Nov 11, 2022
06:09 PM
1 Upvote
I just wanted to add another workaround for future readers, in case the IDML system doesn't work (which it didn't for me). Duplicate your master, and apply the new master to the page.
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Nov 10, 2022
12:57 PM
Thank you SO MUCH for this answer about assigning the content type! I accidentally turn shapes into text boxes all the time (I think InDesign makes that far too easy, although now I see below that I can turn off this feature, hooray), and then it causes problems when trying to outline all the fonts. BTW, I "liked" your post a while ago, but then just now I accidentally unliked it, and can't get it to like again; ironic. So you really have 10 likes.
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Sep 09, 2022
03:33 PM
I've been trying to use the InDesign Secrets system, but the resulting PS file only contains a portion of the poster I'm trying to print. I think it's somehow stuck on an 11x17 page size, although the document is 24x36. The page setup option is greyed out when I try to print to a PS file, so I can't figure out any way to change it to 24x36. Does anyone know how to fix this? I am not trying to print the poster at my home office; I'm just trying to make a printable 24x36 PDF that doesn't have that box around the company's logo. Thanks!
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Feb 25, 2022
11:26 AM
We finally figured out an answer to this, at least on our system. Somehow, the paragraph styling develops issues, so if you just reapply the style to your text (on Mac, hold down the Option key while you click on the paragraph style in the palette, to get rid of the little plus sign that's next to the style name), that seems to fix it, and bring the text back into the editable area.
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Jul 26, 2021
11:52 AM
I just had this same issue, and it turned out I had accidentally "hidden" a font object. I have no idea how; I thought I had deleted the text object. It didn't show at all--not even in outline view--and could not be selected, so I couldn't figure out why "find font" kept saying a font was in there. Just in case it helps anyone else, here's the solution I found: Go to Object<Show all. In my case, the text object reappeared, and I could then delete it normally.
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Apr 30, 2021
06:44 PM
Hi--sorry for the delay; I didn't get this message for a while. I'm working on an assignment I checked out that's in an InDesign file opened within InCopy. My operating system is Apple 10.15.7 (Catalina). I have 16GB of RAM and 621GB of empty space on the hard disk.
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Apr 30, 2021
01:33 AM
I have to edit a document that is housed on a company server. Multiple times this week, InCopy has crashed randomly while I'm in the middle of writing a note. If I open the same document from within InDesign, it shows that my InCopy persona still has the assignment checked out (the one I was working on at the time of the crash), so it can't be worked on within InDesign. But when I open the file in InCopy again (which takes ages), my work isn't always saved. It's hellish spending lots of time writing complicated explanations of grammatical changes, only to have them suddenly wiped out during an arbitrary crash. I'm using the latest version of InCopy (16.1). Does anyone know what is going on?
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Mar 03, 2021
03:23 PM
Nope--I had the same thought, but I turned on the hidden characters view, and there was nothing. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
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Mar 03, 2021
11:53 AM
I'm trying to edit stories in InCopy. This has happened twice now: I add a few words toward the beginning of the story, and InCopy pushes everything below that line into the overflow section. So I get a suddenly mostly blank text box, and the Copyfit Progress Info says I'm 98 lines over, even though there's plenty of room in the text box on the page. There shouldn't be any overflow on this story at all, let alone 98 lines. The only way we could solve it the first time was by going into the InDesign doc and throwing away the text box, and recreating it. Does anyone know what's going on?
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Oct 19, 2020
04:36 PM
Update: the only thing that applies to my system is that I'm using an old Wacom tablet, but updating the driver did not fix the problem.
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Oct 19, 2020
03:58 PM
Same here. I'm not running Forcepoint, so I find it frustrating that that's given as the final answer to this issue. Update: it looks like they have a newer page that lists these various issues--one of them might be causing my problem:
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Jul 03, 2020
11:39 AM
The printer settings/photos of the print aren't necessary, because the problem shows onscreen, as I demonstrated with the screenshots I posted in my last reply to you. (A larger version of a similar image is attached to my original post.) If I can see in Illustrator the same thing that Acrobat shows onscreen, I can fix the lines. "Without the real PDF and Illustrator..." I was not aware that posting the actual files would be something anyone would want. They're too large as is, but I can probably cut them down and post a modified version if you want to look at them.
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Jul 02, 2020
04:54 PM
"All in all maybe you made this much more complicated than needed from the beginning." I resent this. The line drawing was intended to be vector, and printed as a PDF from the start. It was only decided to drop it in Word at the last second, when the client decided they wanted to be able to edit some text on the page themselves. And from the standpoint of how the artwork is created, it made a lot more sense for me to do it in Illustrator than Photoshop. But the Word issue is somewhat of a red herring--the problem with the line weights came up in the PDF. I find it problematic that Illustrator's preview doesn't show the same thing that Acrobat's does. I only mentioned the Word aspect here because the Word preview and the Acrobat preview showed the same thing, which indicated to me that the problem might lie somewhere in Illustrator's preview. "You can really mess it up when you use both of them." Strange. In that case, Illustrator shouldn't allow the user to make this adjustment. I have seen nothing in the Illustrator documentation that says to avoid this. (It might be there, but it doesn't appear to be prominent; it's not on the two pages about brushes that I just checked.) And it doesn't seem to be a problem with every stroke or every brush. I've done quite a few of these silly line drawings, and the client has only complained about the weights in this one.
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Jul 02, 2020
04:38 PM
The test version the client printed was actually the PDF, not the Word version. I still think it's a problem that Illustrator doesn't show what a PDF is previewing, whether or not this particular project will be printed in Word--shouldn't Illustrator/Acrobat be the same???!
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Jul 02, 2020
11:58 AM
Turning off the Smooth Line Art preference helps when I print the file, but the final image will not be in Acrobat (but Word), so that doesn't matter. But thanks for the suggestion; I didn't know about this preference before I posted about my problem.
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Jul 02, 2020
11:56 AM
Dear Monika: Thanks for the response. I was never asked if the issue was solved. (I just went back through my messages and double-checked.) I see now that a moderator could have been the one to mark the message as correct, so thanks for explaining that. There was a later message saying that I had done it, which confused me. That must have been me trying to undo the "correct" mark. I don't know why the moderator would have marked that particular answer as correct, though, since to me it appeared to suggest a way to gather more information; it wasn't really providing a solution. re: "BTW: it's not at all clear what exactly you are doing step by step and what exactly is OK in which application and what you expect to happen or how your artwork will go into production." 1) I created line art in Illustrator. I am working in an .ai file. 2) I sent a test PDF version of the file to the client. They complained that some of the lines were too thin. I thickened the strokes in Illustrator, resent as a PDF to the client, and they said they looked exactly the same. I checked the PDF preview and saw that the PDF and the Illustrator views of the file do not match. 3) I expanded the strokes, and it made no difference in the PDF. I changed the brush's thickness very slightly and applied the difference to the strokes, and it had uneven results--too thick in some places, still too thin in others. I tried re-opening the original PDF version of the file as an .ai, in hopes that would allow me to start over with the thinner-looking lines, but that didn't help; it reverted back to the deceptively thicker-seeming lines. The final images will be dropped into Microsoft Word for the client to add text and print. I tried putting both the PDF and an EPS version of the Illustrator file into Word as a test, and the too-thin lines are what show and print. It seems that the problem might be either with Illustrator's preview (since the Acrobat and Word previews agree) or with the third-party brush I'm using. I wonder if there's some Illustrator viewing preference I should change, but I don't know what. The brush looks normal in the Calligraphic Brush Options, and making adjustments there just caused new problems, so I don't know what to do about that, other than just assign a different brush to every stroke that used it, which will be quite tedious. Attached is a screenshot--the Illustrator view is on the left, and the Acrobat view of the same file on the right. (The difference is most apparent in the squirrel and the girl's face and dress.) What I would like is WYSIWYG capability when I draw a line or thicken a stroke's weight.
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Jul 02, 2020
10:06 AM
I got an alarming email yesterday morning saying I had marked it correct, which I didn't, so I went in and unchecked the "correct answer" mark. I don't know who was able to do it in my stead. I guess I should change my password. Re: Smooth Line Art preference The lines do look thicker when this is turned off, but the page prints out with the thinner lines on the client's end, so it doesn't fix the problem. The main issue for me is that Illustrator's preview and Acrobat/Microsoft Word's don't line up. Word does a better job of showing how the file prints than Illustrator does, even though it was created in Illustrator.
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Jul 01, 2020
09:56 AM
Who marked this the "correct" answer? It didn't solve the problem.
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