NB, colourmanagement
Community Expert
NB, colourmanagement
Community Expert
Feb 08, 2025
04:40 AM
@Jojo_jojauz Are you sure you are using the actual printer driver SW not the MacOS default?
Noite: As far as I know - the same issue applies to Canon printer software - the "apple" print driver will miss necessary features - so if it's a canon please see this as an example of how to proceed. Rather than an actual step by step.
Epson / Mac: Add printer, AirPrint issue, here are some notes about Apple’s built in (default) Gimp Print / Gutenprint based printer drivers.
Best avoided. It can print quite differently from the manufacturer's own driver software.
Does the print driver look different? some options have changed?
Are media names the same as previous drivers you've used, e.g.. is 'Premium Luster Photo Paper' mentioned or are the media types just simplified names like matte or gloss?
You'll be aware, I'm sure, that the selected media name in the driver must match the selection made when printing ICC profiling patches, (so the ICC profile and media type selection are linked) . BUT is the media name selected previously actually there in the list?
IF the media names listed differ (and have been simplified) then you are perhaps inadvertently using Apple’s default Gimp/ Gutenprint driver rather than Epson’s own. It's not just a matter of installing Epson driver software, you have to select it too. I do know it's very important to use Epson's own driver software. I tripped over this myself on a client site, the driver looked different and I put it down to an OSX update imposed style - took a while to work that one out.
Here's an example of what I'd expect to see in an Epson driver for media name options:
Can you access print settings in an application other than Photoshop, try Preview?
If not, a thorough purge may be in order, perhaps install drivers (downloaded from Epson) again:
1. Delete all instances of Epson printers from
System Settings (or System Preferences depending on Mac OS version) / Printers & Scanners -or- System Preferences>Print & Fax, whichever you have.
2. Then go to /Library/Printers and trash the whole Epson folder.
3. Delete the Epson LFP Remote Panel (IF you are using that utility).
4. Then go to Epson online and download the printer drivers yourself
Do not let the Mac install the printer driver for you.
There’s one more tripwire - in System Settings (or System Preferences depending on Mac OS version) / Printers - - - , when adding the connected printer
[i.e. click the padlock, enter your password and click the “+” button]
- watch out for the “Use" selection - I recommend you do not select "Airprint" there under "use", but, rather, manually set "use” to the printer name, which will then call on the manufacturer’s own software rather than the default Apple driver (that’s based on Gimp Print / Gutenprint, which misses out some printing options such as specific manufacturers media names).
I hope this helps
neil barstow, colourmanagement net - adobe forum volunteer - co-author: 'getting colour right'
google me "neil barstow colourmanagement" for lots of free articles on colour management
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
Feb 06, 2025
05:48 AM
1 Upvote
Feb 06, 2025
05:48 AM
1 Upvote
@Ged_Traynor "If you scroll down to the download section as per my screenshot above and click on download you will be redirected to this link"
yes I see now, what a shame, I guess Jim the pro design tools guy should remove those pages now. . I got the impression earlier that he was previously hosting actual installer downloads - not just going to an Adobe source. Maybe that’s what's changed.
appreciate your patience
looks like there's no way to get early installers now then.
so many users will be stuck as in many cases OS SW cant be updated on older hardware.
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
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Feb 06, 2025
05:39 AM
@Ged_Traynor AHA, I think I get you now, I'd. not actually tried to download the installer myself - so the Protools links are no longer useful, that’s a shame
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Feb 06, 2025
05:37 AM
All the links seem to go to relevant places.
I posted 4 links, should one be replaced by an updated version, if so please be specific about which is being forwarded and I'll update my notes .
or 2:
Also if I click either of these:
I can proceed to, this
which seems to be a direct download link to CC19.
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Feb 06, 2025
03:11 AM
@Ged_Traynor Thanks. The prodesigntools link seems to work for me. Did you mean the helpx link I posted?
let's hope the OP can find what they needed.
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Feb 05, 2025
10:22 AM
@VincentDN perhaps try this:
Perhaps try a thorough reset of Photoshop preferences?
(read this entire post before acting please)
Resetting restores Photoshop's internal preferences, which are saved when Photoshop closes.
If they become corrupt then various issues can occur.
Here’s some info on how to do that:
Manually removing preferences files is the most complete method for restoring Photoshop to its default state:
Manually removing preferences files is the most complete method for restoring Photoshop to its default state. This method ensures all preferences and any user presets which may be causing a problem are not loaded.
Quit Photoshop.
Navigate to Photoshop's Preferences folder. macOS: Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings Windows: Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings Note: The user Library folder is hidden by default on macOS. To access files in the hidden user Library folder, see How to access hidden user library files.
Drag the entire Adobe Photoshop [Version] Settings folder to the desktop or somewhere safe for a back-up of your settings
Open Photoshop. New preferences files will be created in their original location.
Note re macOS: The user Library folder is hidden by default.
To access files in the hidden user Library folder, see here for how to access hidden user library files.
Unexpected behaviour may indicate damaged preferences. Restoring preferences to their default settings is a good idea when trying to troubleshoot unexpected behaviours in Photoshop. check out the video
Learn how to access and modify Photoshop preferences and customise per your frequent workflows
And here’s an earlier forum discussion as an aid to understanding
You may want to backup your settings and custom presets, brushes & actions before restoring Photoshop's preferences.
Here is general info about that: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/preferences.html#BackupPhotoshoppreferences
Before you reset your preferences
in case of future issues, I suggest you make a copy as Adobe may need one to check problematic references.
Quit Photoshop. Go to Photoshop's Preferences folder
Preferences file locations: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/preference-file-names-locations-photoshop.html\
[on MacOS see: Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings Note for those on macOS: - be aware that the user Library folder is hidden by default on macOS.
In the Finder, open the “Go” menu whilst holding down the Option (Alt) key.
Library will now appear in the list - below the current user's “home” directory. ]
Now you can drag the entire Adobe Photoshop [Version] Settings folder to the desktop or somewhere safe as a back-up of your settings.
Note for those on macOS:
Preference preservation is affected by macOS permissions,
you’ll need to allow Photoshop ‘Full Disk Access’ in your Mac OS Preferences/Security and Privacy
If that doesn't fix the issue:
Go to Preferences > Performance... and uncheck Multithreaded Compositing - and restart Photoshop.
Still hanging?
Go to Preferences > Performance... click Advanced Settings... and uncheck "GPU Compositing" - then restart Photoshop.
Do you still have problems?
It may even be time to reinstall Photoshop.
It’s recommended that you use the Adobe CC cleaner tool to remove all traces first.
(See above about preserving preferences though! It’s worth preserving them unless they are corrupted.)
Uninstall Photoshop BUT make sure to choose the option “Yes, remove app preference”.
Once that process finishes, start the installation process and look into the “Advanced Options”. Uncheck “Import previous settings and preferences” and choose to “Remove old versions”.
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant a& co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management
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Feb 05, 2025
10:21 AM
@mgenero for an older printer model, Canon may not have made a compatible plug-in (for newer versions of PS). You'd ned to talk to their support I think -
BUT do you have to have the plug in?
It is frustrating how devices get left behind by SW updates when still working fine
You can't simply print direct from Photoshop using a regular printer driver?
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Feb 05, 2025
08:35 AM
Epson / Mac: Add printer, AirPrint issue, here are some notes about Apple’s built in (default) Gimp Print / Gutenprint based printer drivers.
Best avoided. It can print quite differently from the manufacturer's own driver software.
Does the print driver look different? some options have changed?
Are media names the same as previous drivers you've used, e.g.. is 'Premium Luster Photo Paper' mentioned or are the media types just simplified names like matte or gloss?
You'll be aware, I'm sure, that the selected media name in the driver must match the selection made when printing ICC profiling patches, (so the ICC profile and media type selection are linked) . BUT is the media name selected previously actually there in the list?
IF the media names listed differ (and have been simplified) then you are perhaps inadvertently using Apple’s default Gimp/ Gutenprint driver rather than Epson’s own. It's not just a matter of installing Epson driver software, you have to select it too. I do know it's very important to use Epson's own driver software. I tripped over this myself on a client site, the driver looked different and I put it down to an OSX update imposed style - took a while to work that one out.
Here's an example of what I'd expect to see in an Epson driver for media name options:
Can you access print settings in an application other than Photoshop, try Preview?
If not, a thorough purge may be in order, perhaps install drivers (downloaded from Epson) again:
1. Delete all instances of Epson printers from
System Settings (or System Preferences depending on Mac OS version) / Printers & Scanners -or- System Preferences>Print & Fax, whichever you have.
2. Then go to /Library/Printers and trash the whole Epson folder.
3. Delete the Epson LFP Remote Panel (IF you are using that utility).
4. Then go to Epson online and download the printer drivers yourself.
Do not let the Mac install the printer driver for you.
There’s one more tripwire - in System Settings (or System Preferences depending on Mac OS version) / Printers - - - , when adding the connected printer
[i.e. click the padlock, enter your password and click the “+” button]
- watch out for the “Use" selection - I recommend you do not select "Airprint" there under "use", but, rather, manually set "use” to the printer name, which will then call on the manufacturer’s own software rather than the default Apple driver (that’s based on Gimp Print / Gutenprint, which misses out some printing options such as specific manufacturers media names).
I hope this helps
neil barstow, colourmanagement net - adobe forum volunteer - co-author: 'getting colour right'
google me "neil barstow colourmanagement" for lots of free articles on colour management
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Feb 05, 2025
08:32 AM
@Karen Meets World does this help:
There's a link to the 2018 downloads, but that's as far back as they go. I read that Jim, who runs that site, has a good relationship with Adobe, so they are happy that he makes those versions available, and as in your case, there will be a lot of people with operating systems and/or hardware, that are unable to run current versions.
I hope this helps
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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Feb 05, 2025
08:24 AM
@Sharp Videos38129389ii69 Until you get this fixed be sure to save before trying to print. I realise the horse has bolted but it's worth remembering.
IF it’s a MAC, reset printing system - for Win see lower down: On your Mac, choose Apple menu System Preferences, then click Printers & Scanners Press and hold the Control key as you click in the list at the left, then choose “Reset printing system” from the menu that appears. After you reset the printing system, the list of printers in Printers & Scanners preferences is empty. Reinstall the print driver, only from the manufacturer, not Apple.
Also (for both Mac and Win) take a look at the following article and check if that helps: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/printing-color-management-photoshop1.html
You may like to re-install the printer drivers to check if that makes a difference?
Here is some general Adobe [Mac and Win] info on printing problems, https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/troubleshoot-printing-problems.html Simple reset for Photoshop printing: hold the space bar when you open the print window. It resets the print dialogs - deleting possibly corrupt print metadata in the file.
- - - - - - - - If that doesn’t help - Here is some troubleshooting advice: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/basic-trouble-shooting-steps.html
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer, colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right' See my free articles on colour management Help others by clicking "Correct Answer" if the question is answered. Found the answer elsewhere? Share it here. "Upvote" is for useful posts
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Feb 05, 2025
08:23 AM
@joannec86097201 Please do come back here in a while and let us know what Mac you decided on and how it's performing for your particular application. Such g=feedback is super useful to prop;le on the same quest as you.
I hope this helps
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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Feb 05, 2025
08:21 AM
@Conrad_C "I linked to Art’s Mac mini M4/M4 Pro video."
SO useful, thanks for sharing
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Feb 05, 2025
08:05 AM
@Sreejith. A "click on settings - select colour management off" option and save. Then you will get white background colour "
sorry, but that's pretty poor advice, disabling colour management is a recipe for disaster down the line.
have you tried the solution I posted above? "Display profile issues on Windows"?
perhaps disable HDR: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/what-is-hdr-in-windows-f5fbf5cb-149d-4a0d-8be1-9ed78c68d3b4
I hope this helps
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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Feb 05, 2025
07:53 AM
@sbar69 Consider this please, it’s a Mac thing I tripped over myself originally:
Epson / Mac: Add printer, AirPrint issue,
here are some notes about Apple’s built in Gimp Print / Gutenprint based printer driver.
Best avoided. It can print quite differently from the manufacturer's own driver software.
Does the print driver look different? some options have changed?
Are media names the same as previous drivers you've used, e.g.. is 'Premium Luster Photo Paper' mentioned or are the media types just simplified names like matte or gloss?
You'll be aware, I'm sure, that the selected media name in the driver must match the selection made when printing ICC profiling patches, (so the ICC profile and media type selection are linked) . BUT is the media name selected previously actually there in the list?
IF the media names listed differ (and have been simplified) then you are perhaps inadvertently using Apple’s default Gimp/ Gutenprint driver rather than Epson’s own. It's not just a matter of installing Epson driver software, you have to select it too. I do know it's very important to use Epson's own driver software. I tripped over this myself on a client site, the driver looked different and I put it down to an OSX update imposed style - took a while to work that one out.
Here's an example of what I'd expect to see in an Epson driver for media name options:
Can you access print settings in an application other than Photoshop, try Preview?
If not, a thorough purge may be in order, perhaps install drivers (downloaded from Epson) again:
1. Delete all instances of Epson printers from
System Settings (or System Preferences depending on Mac OS version) / Printers & Scanners -or- System Preferences>Print & Fax, whichever you have.
2. Then go to /Library/Printers and trash the whole Epson folder.
3. Delete the Epson LFP Remote Panel (IF you are using that utility).
4. Then go to Epson online and download the printer drivers yourself.
Do not let the Mac install the printer driver for you.
There’s one more tripwire - in System Settings (or System Preferences depending on Mac OS version) / Printers - - - , when adding the connected printer
[i.e. click the padlock, enter your password and click the “+” button]
watch out for the “Use" selection - I recommend you do not select "Airprint" there under "use", but, rather, manually set "use” to the printer name, which will then call on the manufacturer’s own software rather than the default Apple driver (that’s based on Gimp Print / Gutenprint, which misses out some printing options such as specific manufacturers media names).
I hope this helps
neil barstow, colourmanagement net - adobe forum volunteer - co-author: 'getting colour right'
google me "neil barstow colourmanagement" for lots of free articles on colour management
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Feb 05, 2025
07:49 AM
@Cedarstrip For both Mac and Win - take a look at the following article and check if that helps: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/printing-color-management-photoshop1.html
You may like to re-install the printer drivers to check if that makes a difference?
Here is some general Adobe [Mac and Win] info on printing problems, https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/troubleshoot-printing-problems.html
Simple reset for Photoshop printing: hold the space bar when you open the print window. It resets the print dialogs - deleting possibly corrupt print metadata in the file.
- - - - - - - - If that doesn’t help - Here is some troubleshooting advice: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/basic-trouble-shooting-steps.html
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer, colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right' See my free articles on colour management Help others by clicking "Correct Answer" if the question is answered. Found the answer elsewhere? Share it here. "Upvote" is for useful posts
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Feb 05, 2025
07:41 AM
@danielg5981 Thanks for the feedback - great that you now have grasped the situation and know how to go forward. Some very informative help there from @D Fosse .
Apologies for my multiple replies but I wanted it to be clear which point I was answering each time.
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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Feb 05, 2025
07:38 AM
@danielg5981 "Okay, I read the "Work with color profiles", and I think I get it. Disply P3 is the correct profile for my monitor, that is why it is the default in the ACR workflow."
Display P3 MAY be the correct Display profile IF it’s a certain display type (Apple XDR).
Ideally you would be calibrating the screen, but if it is an XDR type, then Apple have done a pretty good job already.
MAYBE Display P3 is right for the XDR display, I think it is, but I don't have one to test.
FYI, for, say a standard Macbook, Apple System Settings / Displays under Color Profile Apple generally place a profile called Apple LCD, THAT would generally be the default name.
An XDR screen changes the Apple System Settings / Displays option to "current profile". Do you see Display P3 there?
I'm pleased that your work is looking OK on your screen now, but its vital to be sure that its appearance is transportable to other screens .
There is no need to use Display P3 as your file colourspace, depending on destination, converting to (or setting Camara raw to) Adobe RGB would likely be more transportable.
For Internet use you could then convert a copy to sRGB
I hope this helps
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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Feb 05, 2025
07:20 AM
@danielg5981 "I did now also try changing the monitor profile in Photoshop"
never do that, Photoshop picks up the Monitor profile from the system. The Monitor Profile indication in Photoshop is largely meant to be purely informative only.
I hope this helps
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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Feb 05, 2025
07:18 AM
@danielg5981 as @D Fosse writes: "What you see in Apple Photos is not the raw data. It's the jpeg embedded in the file by the camera."
that is a vital thing to be aware of.
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Feb 05, 2025
07:16 AM
@D Fosse @danielg5981 "First of all, I'd keep Apple Photos out of the equation. Copy the raw files directly to disk, and open in ACR from there."
I totally agree, why bring another application into the process.
I hope this helps
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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Feb 05, 2025
07:14 AM
@SSL-ADT IF your image looks OK to your eye - ideally on a calibrated and profiled screen - as an Adobe RGB image, then that's good. BUT if you are planning to save for use on Facebook you'd very likely be best served by making a copy, archiving the original and converting the copy to sRGB before saving (and embed the profile during save).
An sRGB file has the most chance of surviving out there online.
Beware Hex codes, (you mentioned f3f3f3 & ffffff)
Perhaps you are already aware that, like RGB pixel values, Hex values alone are not an unequivocal* way of defining colour.
That is, until the Hex code (or triplet of RGB numbers) is/are associated with an ICC document profile e.g. sRGB IEC61966-2.1, Adobe RGB (1998). The ICC profile makes the numbers unequivocal.
Hex codes are simply RGB numbers expressed in ‘Hexadecimal’. So, rather than RGB 0 to 255 you have 00 to FF.
*(incidentally, L*a*b* values do provide an unequivocal colour definition)
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Feb 05, 2025
04:05 AM
@SPfoto sorry it didn't help as it takes some time I know.
I hope this helps
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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Feb 05, 2025
03:55 AM
@Steffen Dyhrberg Please share the solution here - if Epson give you a fix
You could also try this:"
On your Mac, choose Apple menu System Preferences, then click Printers & Scanners Press and hold the Control key as you click in the list at the left, then choose “Reset printing system” from the menu that appears. After you reset the printing system, the list of printers in Printers & Scanners preferences is empty. Reinstall the print driver, only from the manufacturer, not Apple.
Also (for both Mac and Win) take a look at the following article and check if that helps: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/printing-color-management-photoshop1.html
You may like to re-install the printer drivers to check if that makes a difference?
Here is some general Adobe [Mac and Win] info on printing problems, https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/troubleshoot-printing-problems.html
Simple reset for Photoshop printing: hold the space bar when you open the print window. It resets the print dialogs - deleting possibly corrupt print metadata in the file.
- - - - - - - - If that doesn’t help - Here is some troubleshooting advice: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/basic-trouble-shooting-steps.html
I hope this helps
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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Jan 31, 2025
11:23 AM
@Steffen Dyhrberg See below from macOS Ventura Epson driver, click on 'print layout settings for more info on scaling'
I hope this helps
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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Jan 31, 2025
11:16 AM
@davescm "On most printers, selecting 'Borderless' printing results results in a slight scaling up of the image. That is to prevent white edges showing if the paper is slightly misaligned. I don't know about their Mac drivers but on Epson's Windows drivers, when choosing borderless there is an Expansion"
Yes, same on Macs and I don't think it's an option either, on many printers slight expansion just happens in the background.
For many the only way to get bleed prints is to print on oversize media and crop.
@Steffen Dyhrberg I suspect 'scale' is not at 100% in the printer settings, please post dialog boxes (not fullscreen images) inline in a reply so we can check.
as this is mac, are you definitely using the Epson driver not the default Guternptint mac OS driver? can you see actual Epson full paper names (like 'Premium Semigloss Photo Paper') in the driver, not just matte / gloss etc.
I hope this helps
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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Jan 31, 2025
11:10 AM
@Chris3000 good luck then, I hope it continues to work for you
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer
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Jan 31, 2025
11:09 AM
@GearTech In "Print settings" be sure to disable 'scale to fit' and make sure print is set to '100%' in the print settings dialogue (accessed via the Photoshop Print dialogue) .
As others have asked, please post screenshots of all the dialog boxes (just the dialog boxes, not the entire screen) that you see when printing - set them inline in the text using the image tool above the reply text window. Maybe we'll be able to see where you're going wrong.
It's true that an entire A4 cannot fit on an A4 sheet of paper because the printer imposes margins
- unless you select edge to edge and sadly that opens a whole can of worms of auto-upscaling.
Plus most printers need a trailing edge to grip so cannot print end to end whatever the settings chosen
I hope this helps
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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Jan 31, 2025
10:59 AM
@Chris3000 I think you need a printed reference as well as the onscreen image.
I guess you're aware that the modern way (for many years) to set up a display properly is to calibrate and profile it using a hardware sensor. I seriously doubt you'd be able to use your eye to balance black, white, and color and get anywhere near a p[properly calibrated display. More here
However if you want a reference please check out the test image, instruction manual and certified proof kit that can be purchased here
I hope this helps
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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Jan 31, 2025
10:46 AM
Perhaps try a thorough reset of Photoshop preferences? it has helped a lot of users with all sorts of issues.
(read this entire post before acting please)
Resetting restores Photoshop's internal preferences, which are saved when Photoshop closes.
If they become corrupt then various issues can occur.
Here’s some info on how to do that:
Manually removing preferences files is the most complete method for restoring Photoshop to its default state:
Manually removing preferences files is the most complete method for restoring Photoshop to its default state. This method ensures all preferences and any user presets which may be causing a problem are not loaded.
Quit Photoshop.
Navigate to Photoshop's Preferences folder. macOS: Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings Windows: Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings Note: The user Library folder is hidden by default on macOS. To access files in the hidden user Library folder, see How to access hidden user library files.
Drag the entire Adobe Photoshop [Version] Settings folder to the desktop or somewhere safe for a back-up of your settings
Open Photoshop. New preferences files will be created in their original location.
Note re macOS: The user Library folder is hidden by default.
To access files in the hidden user Library folder, see here for how to access hidden user library files.
Unexpected behaviour may indicate damaged preferences. Restoring preferences to their default settings is a good idea when trying to troubleshoot unexpected behaviours in Photoshop. check out the video
Learn how to access and modify Photoshop preferences and customise per your frequent workflows
And here’s an earlier forum discussion as an aid to understanding
You may want to backup your settings and custom presets, brushes & actions before restoring Photoshop's preferences.
Here is general info about that: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/preferences.html#BackupPhotoshoppreferences
Before you reset your preferences
in case of future issues, I suggest you make a copy as Adobe may need one to check problematic references.
Quit Photoshop. Go to Photoshop's Preferences folder
Preferences file locations: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/preference-file-names-locations-photoshop.html\
[on MacOS see: Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings Note for those on macOS: - be aware that the user Library folder is hidden by default on macOS.
In the Finder, open the “Go” menu whilst holding down the Option (Alt) key.
Library will now appear in the list - below the current user's “home” directory. ]
Now you can drag the entire Adobe Photoshop [Version] Settings folder to the desktop or somewhere safe as a back-up of your settings.
Note for those on macOS:
Preference preservation is affected by macOS permissions,
you’ll need to allow Photoshop ‘Full Disk Access’ in your Mac OS Preferences/Security and Privacy
If that doesn't fix the issue:
Go to Preferences > Performance... and uncheck Multithreaded Compositing - and restart Photoshop.
Still hanging?
Go to Preferences > Performance... click Advanced Settings... and uncheck "GPU Compositing" - then restart Photoshop.
Do you still have problems?
It may even be time to reinstall Photoshop.
It’s recommended that you use the Adobe CC cleaner tool to remove all traces first.
(See above about preserving preferences though! It’s worth preserving them unless they are corrupted.)
Uninstall Photoshop BUT make sure to choose the option “Yes, remove app preference”.
Once that process finishes, start the installation process and look into the “Advanced Options”. Uncheck “Import previous settings and preferences” and choose to “Remove old versions”.
I hope this helps
neil barstow, colourmanagement net - adobe forum volunteer - co-author: 'getting colour right'
google me "neil barstow colourmanagement" for lots of free articles on colour management
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Jan 26, 2025
05:52 AM
@Enlightened_play5CFB "I first want to try to find the best PMS and their "best possible" CMYK equivalent as a basis to go from. That at least was my plan, but I have some doubts about this being the best method. And I hope to still find a "better" PMS to CMYK translation tool."
If you have chosen from physical swatches, you COULD measure the PMS swatch that you like [as L*a*b* colour] then convert that value to the CORRECT CMYK press colourspace in Photoshop.
So you already have the tool to do the job I think.
I hope this helps
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management online
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