‎Jul 20, 2022
12:27 PM
Hi, I seem to have end-up having multiple, unneeded Artboards in one file. How do I remove the ones without the artwork? Matthew
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‎Jul 17, 2022
09:05 PM
Hi, How do you change the rulers' color? I assume it would be somewhere in the Preferences Settings section. If it is, however, I sure can't find it. Matthew
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‎Jul 14, 2022
10:05 AM
I got it figured out; I was in the wrong user account! The account I was in was the one I had created, so that I could have access to the Adobe Community, that does not have a plan intertwined to it. When I changed the email address and put in the correct one, as it should. Thanks for your help! Matthew
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‎Jul 13, 2022
02:51 PM
How do I enable fonts that contain the "Available with CC" text beside them, instead of "Activate font"? Sand Patch
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‎Apr 26, 2022
12:49 PM
Thanks a lot, Ben! My artistic process has attracted a lot of attention, which is largely why I feel like learning how to create a more custom website would pay itself off in spades - in the long term. Taking into your input, do you think adding me (my body) physically somewhere within the images - possibly taking the initial photo - could help improve your disconnection? Matthew
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‎Apr 26, 2022
06:06 AM
Yes, Osgood; it would be most likely the very similar to the final Homepage. I already have a portfolio site, hosted by Weebly, that I increasingly dislike. I encourage you to visit it, All of my work was done using .AI. Creating a from-scrach website is a multi-year endeaver task for me that I have already spent huge time investments on it, that greatfully have learned invaluable facts, that I would not know otherwise. Anyway, I think my idea of showing how can I transform photos into renditions has an enormous potential to it. I now need to think of how to show those qualities in a more efficant, unifide form. Nancy's note about of how thinking in a FUNCTION-OVER-FORM outllook is so vital is something I cannot agree with enough (Thank you, Nancy!). Any additional comments/questions are highly welcomed! Matthew
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‎Apr 25, 2022
05:39 PM
All great questions and recommendations. To be up front about it, I would prefer to learn to code over having everything magically appear, because I can see that fully understanding it would pay itself off - in the long run. Am I correct in thinking that including my hand adds a whole new element of sophistication? What about omitting it? To answer Nancy's question of seeing it on smaller devices, that is something I've given a lot of thought about. I think that I have quite a few options here that I have not fully put on paper (as of now). Matthew
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‎Apr 25, 2022
04:30 PM
Hello, I could use some help on creating the title page of my portfolio site. DW is fairly new to me. As you can see on my PS draft, I want to have the nav on the left side of the screen, with the an illustration on the right. I assume that I would be using the Inline-block decloration quite a bit. Is that correct? The biggest question I have is how to go about including my arm/hand, since it covers the nav area, as well as the image. I really have no idea on how to go about that. Any advice would be much appreciated. Matthew
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‎Nov 05, 2021
02:09 PM
1 Upvote
I think I've figured it out - FINALLY! This is worth knowing. Okay. If you look very closely at Image #5, within the red rectangle, you will find that there is a faint, but crisp, color change of white. That is the result of Gaussian Blur effect, from a path I made as part of the pen's cap. When I turned it off, with the jpeg still present, activated the gradient mesh, and used the color Eyedropper tool to get a color, I successfully revised the color of the specified area of the gradient message, shown it Image #7. However, shown in Image #6, despite the Eyedropper tool being over a white-bacground, the same selected area turned a default grey. Why? Because the tool was within the gradient mesh. I found that the color of the off-white, with the jpeg image and the Gaussian Blur present, worked the way it should, as long as it was OUTSIDE of the gradient mesh. Thanks for your help! Sand Patch
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‎Nov 05, 2021
12:48 PM
I rebooted the computer in its entirety again, and it made no difference. The jpeg image had been aquired from I don't know if that could have any impact, or not. Sand Patch
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‎Nov 05, 2021
12:35 PM
I rebooted the computer this morning, and the .AI file continues to have the same behavior. Never have I read/heard anything abount using the shift key being required, to load an Eyedropper tool to get similiar color. I just hit the "I" key, move the curser over to my desired color, click on it and it has been loaded for filling paths. The only firewall software that I have turned on I know of is my Microsoft Essentials. Typically, I have a browser running, while I am using .AI. I only use Edge because Chrome is less secure. I'll try rebooting the computer again but I doubt that it will make any difference. Sand Patch
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‎Nov 05, 2021
10:29 AM
>Do you press the shift key while picking up colors from photos? No. I tried that uppon your recommendation, but it made no noticable difference. The only thing I have needed to do to get a similar color in the past is just to click on the Eyedropper tool (I). Sand Patch
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‎Nov 04, 2021
09:21 PM
Hello, I am encountering some extremely unusual behavior from Illustrator, that I have never seen before. I've tried completely closing the app, without any improvement. Basically, it is how the Eyedropper tool response to one area of the artboard vs. another, in effort to alter a Gradient Mesh clipping path, to resemble the prototype's appearance. The Eyedropper tool extracts accurate colors in some areas and incorrectly goes to a shade of black, or the selected fill color automatically, when extracting other areas. The selected color within the gradient mesh points corresponds with where I clicked the Eyedropper tool on the artboard in each image. Any advice would be much appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Oct 23, 2021
12:09 PM
Thanks so much! Sand Patch
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‎Oct 23, 2021
10:06 AM
How do I navigate to the Colorize option? Sand Patch
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‎Oct 22, 2021
11:23 PM
Is there a method of which you can take a color image, comprising various colors, and transform it into a range of values of one specified color? It would be similar to adding a fill color layer over a color image and lowering the opacity. However, all of the colors would have been neutralized to be values of the of the desired color, prior, not the original colors. Sand Patch
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‎Jul 02, 2021
12:39 PM
Thanks so much! Sand Patch
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‎Jun 29, 2021
07:30 PM
Hello, I am in the process of the output prining for a file with masking. The photo I am working with was orignally bright off-white, enough for me to be eliminated, without notice. So I masked out the visible objects, with the intention of getting rid of the ski around them, in this case. However, when I started prepping to send the file to my Epson 3880 Styles printer, the preview is showing what I think is the UNmasked image because you can clearly see two different colors at the border - the quality I tried to eliminate by doing the masking. I looked at the layers, and the seem to be all correct. I even tested the mask by adding a visible layer underneath it, and it works like it is supposed to. Is there any way for me to get rid of the off-white areas? Any help would be much appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Jun 06, 2021
11:57 AM
Here is a shot of the final project to my satisfaction, without doing flipping. Next, here is the image when it has been flipped Horizontally. Finally, here it is in a vertical form. What makes this even more perplexing to me is that the horizontal and vertical flip commands seem to react the exact opposite of what they are supposed to. Sand Patch
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‎Jun 05, 2021
09:30 PM
I did not do anything, like grouping, etc., to the layers, other than locking the ones that I didn't want affected. But, when I selected the "Transition to white copy" layer, and had done the recommended steps, the entire file was flipped as a result.
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‎Jun 05, 2021
03:41 PM
That is exactly what I had done before. However, despite my having selected the desired Layer, that caused the entire file to be affected. Sand Patch
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‎Jun 05, 2021
01:30 PM
Hi All,
Is there a way to "Flip" an indivual layer (to its mirror image), without affecting any other layers in a file?
Sand Patch
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‎May 25, 2021
01:03 PM
I'll try using the "little bell" feature. Thanks for listening, and responding to my concerds. A years ago this was not any issue at all, with prompt responses from fellow members, etc. But, as soon as one tries to cut corners on costs, there can be downsides, and this is one of them. Sand Patch
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‎May 25, 2021
11:47 AM
Can you please visually show me where the symbol of the "ellipse" is located, or should be located? There should be an icon, titled "edit." I fully understand that YOU, personally, are not responsible for my hardships. The fact that I need to practically babysit my post now (including this one), if I want to get an answer, is really pathedic. As for my third issue, I am not entirely firewalled from the Adobe Community site from my email. I got one this morning, asking me if I had received an answer for a previous inquiry. Appearently, about 15 different individuals had tried to assist me on my challenge. But, I had not received an email from a single one of them, eventhough my settings, as you can see for yourself, SHOULD have done so. Sand Patch
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‎May 25, 2021
10:30 AM
I am currently having issues with using Adobe Community. First off, if I try to create a post using a 22" monitor, I cannot use its full potential because it will not let me scroll up and down, when I want to upload an image. Instead, it only clips the window, eliminating my ability to click on the upload icon, etc. because I cannot even see it. I have to use my bigger monitor that can let me see all of the required content. Second, when I make a post I don't have the benefit of editing it anymore. If this is deliborate, how does it enhance artists' experience working with your products? And third, if I make a post, it requires me to be signed-in to view what its status is, when it comes to whether, or not I have received any responses, instead of automatically going to my email. Attached is my current settings. None of these issues used to be present when I needed help, but now it is nothing but a nightmare. Sand Patch
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‎May 17, 2021
07:21 PM
Hi, I have a traced an illustration which I want to alter the perspective of. As you can see, I have first revised it using the Envelope Mesh tool. It is divided it into two vertical columns and one row. I want to 'break' the two columns', center anchor points so that each would follow the flat plain the dark teal line would dictate (at top of image). Essentially, if achieved correctly, the two semi-straight lines, above and below the B&O text would be perfectly straight, following the dark teal line at the top. I tried using the Convert to Anchor Point tool to break the needed anchor points, but it won't respond, unlike when I am not using the Envelope Mesh tool. Any help would be much appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Feb 22, 2021
04:39 PM
1 Upvote
Why does Adobe permit having fonts, with no guarantee will be available indefinately? So much of my original work is lost forever. Luckily, I now know that I can use the Create Outlines option, to keep my work intact for years to come. Fairhope
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