‎Oct 07, 2019
01:13 PM
Very good to know! I use a color-critical monitor, made by NEC, and calibrate it every by-weekly. In respect to making the images more consistent, I found that manually changing individual file's "Assigned Profile" default setting from 'Working RGB: sRGB IEC61966-2.1' to just "Profile: 'Adobe RGB (1998)'" seemed to resolve the issue entirely, regardless on what non-Adobe app I compared each photo to. In other words, I DID NOT change anything in the official "Color Settings" menue but the "Assign Profile" icon. Sand Patch
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‎Oct 07, 2019
12:33 PM
Thank you! I adjusted the settings, and I was able to make my photos identical.
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‎Oct 07, 2019
11:07 AM
Hi all, When I look at my jpeg photos on my display they appear as they did when I took them, using my SLR camera, except in Photoshop CC. I've attached an example of this (Photoshop on Left and Window's 10's "Photos" on Right). Many of them have a slight difference (in saturation, I think), if not something similar. Does Adobe have a custom ICC profile of its own, etc.? If so, how do I revise it, so my photos portray themselves the way they do in non-Adobe applications? Any help would be much appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Oct 06, 2019
05:24 PM
A potential cliant of mine wants to have a raster-formatted logo of his retraced into a vector-formatted form - no big deal for me to achieve. What I'm not so familiar about is how I go upon saving it with the ability to open it, without the need to have a copy of Illustrator. He wants to be able to have the logo to be any size, primarily on the web and on print, without having any pixelation issues. Please tell me everything I need to know about fulfilling this request. Can it be done without having any negative space, when applied to third-party applications? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Aug 02, 2019
01:17 PM
Thanks for the honesty! Is my method the only practical technique, to keep one's work looking the way he/she originally wanted in the first place? This is an issue that is very prevalent when working with InDesign, if not more so - very frustrating. Sand Patch
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‎Aug 02, 2019
12:20 PM
Will Adobe ever discontinue any of their fonts introduced after the invention of Creative Cloud? Back when we were using Creative Suite, I would have to deliberately transform text into paths, using the "Create Outlines" tool, to permanently disable Adobe from discontinuing them as fonts, that may be needed at a later date. I am still having problems with fonts having become nothing more than dead links. Sand Patch
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‎Jun 10, 2019
03:53 PM
I could be wrong, but that image looks like it had been produced using an application, that had never been in a vector-formatted orientation. If I were you, I would use Vector Magic (non-Adobe product), an online program that transforms raster files to vector files automatically with some neat features. It has a monthly-fee, if you sign up for it online, or you can buy a license (about $360) for it, to work on two computers. One benefit it has is that you can save files as .AI files using it. Sand Patch
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‎Jun 10, 2019
03:27 PM
I just did so, and reinstalled it. The crazy thing is that, as far as I can tell, nothing other than an additional icon, showing a circular, moving arrow representing the downloading of the file is displayed on my monitor. If it did show the destination of the file, I would not be here right now. Sand Patch
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‎Jun 10, 2019
02:05 PM
Hi, I cannot find the file for the Puzzle Overlays extension on my Windows 10 computer, that I originally downloaded, having searched high and low in the Downloads folder. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Mar 19, 2019
11:44 AM
I reset the Preferences settings, and it seems to work great! Thanks for the help - All of you! Sand Patch
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‎Mar 19, 2019
11:12 AM
Hi, My Adobe CC account of Photoshop doesn't seem to be letting me "Duplicate" any background layer, for me to edit any files of mine. The option is greyed out. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? If so, does anyone know how to fix it? Any advice is much appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Feb 06, 2019
01:12 PM
How do I delete a folder that I originally published? Sand Patch [Moderator edited for clarity.]
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‎Jan 25, 2019
07:39 PM
Yes, I have lost some fonts. I don't have my other computer with me, so I can't think of all of them off the top of my head. One vital one to my workflow is "California - something." Thanks, Sand Patch
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‎Jan 25, 2019
04:53 PM
What is the benefit Adobe has by discontinuing some fonts? I have some files, created prior to CC, back in the Creative Suite days, that can't by opened [in CC], looking exactly like they did when I originally made them. Very frustrating! Sand Patch
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‎Jan 07, 2019
12:35 PM
Creating paths [colored shapes] involves the incorporation of creating anchor points. While using Illustrator CC 2019, I have found that my machine doesn't let me insert an anchor point in an arbitrary, random location(s), unlike Creative Suite, that lets my put them wherever I like. CC only lets me have them in a grid-like pattern of locations. I have checked the Properties menu, but am still yet to find the answer on how to adjust the software. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Matthew
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‎Oct 26, 2018
08:28 AM
Thank you! I expected to have answers similar to the two I received. Just to clarify the whole question, would both Illustrator and Photoshop have responses [similar] to InDesign? Matthew
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‎Oct 26, 2018
08:19 AM
Thank you! I expected to have answers similar to the two I received. Just to clarify the whole question, would both Illustrator and Photoshop have responses to InDesign? Matthew
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‎Oct 25, 2018
09:10 PM
I currently use InDesign CS4, Illustrator CS4 and Photoshop CS5 but not Creative Cloud. If I try to open, say an InDesign file, that was created in the Creative Cloud version of that application, using another computer, would I be able to view it at all, using some form of compatibility mode? I have a 64bit operating system. Or do I have to upgrade my software to Creative Cloud to be compatible? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Matthew
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‎Jun 14, 2018
05:19 PM
As a graphic artist, I am seriously thinking about creating a website, to showcase my Adobe artwork. When it comes to choosing the best host for a site, do other artists who already have their own, typically have it as a Shared Web configuration or a Virtual Private Server? If it's a VPS, what is the most common memory & storage amount 2GB, 4GB or 8GB? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Jun 13, 2018
02:00 PM
I had accidentally uninstalled Bridge software from my desktop computer. Now, I am trying to add it back on to it. To do so, I inserted the disk containing Photoshop CS5 and Bridge, just to find that Bridge was not included as one of the add-ons, but was originally. How can I regain my access to Bridge CS5, and put it back on to my machine? Any help is greatly appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎May 28, 2018
06:07 PM
Thanks for the insight! I'm using the CS4 version. Does it include the color panel feature? Many of my artworks contain literally over a thousand different colors. This issue only occurs in a very small minority of the colors I use. Sand Patch
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‎May 27, 2018
04:39 PM
Thank you, Ms. Gause, I think you are on to something here. I experimented with it some, using not just red but other colors, like blue, yellow, etc., finding that I had some interesting results. This is the first time I had chosen a color for the path. I then clicked "OK." I clicked on the Color Picker fill box the second time. Notice that the slider is now at the top, red-purple end of the spectrum. Going to the Color Picker for the third and last time, I then noticed that the circle had moved automatically to a state, that was not causing any exclamation point to be indicated. This seemed to be the same trend when working with other colors. As far as I can tell while using a NEC Color Critical monitor, the path did not change color at any point of time. Does that mean that it had been at the same place one the color spectrum slider all along, but just not indicating it? Sand Patch
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‎May 16, 2018
09:41 AM
Of course. Take this image for instance. Notice that it that the area has varies shades of red. Also notice that the Color Picker sider representing the color wheel begins with a shade of red (at the top) and ends with another shade of red (at the bottom). Originally, many of the paths in the area had colors selected somewhere in the reddish at bottom (in the red-orange vs. the red-purple area). They somehow the changed without my consent. I am using CS4, and this has been a long-lasting question for me, in many of my projects. Sand Patch
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‎May 14, 2018
01:47 PM
When it comes to the color Red on the color picker, I have found that, arbitrarily, the Paths that I make heavily red, having used a red shade of the red-orange vs. the red-purple side of the color spectrum and vice-versa come-up as being shown somewhere in the opposite, when the same path is selected to be revised. Have you ever found this as an issue before? It's like the application is not actually remembering the color CMYK/RGB codes but guessing them - very annoying. Any help would be appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Mar 25, 2018
09:22 PM
Is there a way to keep unneeded layers collapsed, in addition to locked? My artwork can exceed 100 layers/sub-layers and over 5000+ custom-made paths. If I close any give file, regardless of how many layers/paths they may have, more often then not, when I reopen them again, many of the layers may be completely opened with access to irrelevant paths. I have to scroll through the list and manually minimize all of the unneeded layers again and again... Any advice would be much appreciated. Sand Path
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