‎Feb 05, 2021
01:06 PM
PS: The white space should be eliminated.
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‎Feb 05, 2021
01:03 PM
Sure! And thank you for the warm welcome. My goal is to get all of the flags, which I have selected (in the Channels window), and put them on the image that is one of the layers, with all of the negative space [off white color]. How should I go about doing that? Thanks, Sand Patch
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‎Feb 05, 2021
12:01 PM
I am generally familiar with Photoshop's abilities but no expert. I have created selections of object within a file (defined on the Channels window). However I am still not sure on how to take the original content within those selections, duplicate them and make them layers of their own. Any insight is much appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Feb 01, 2021
11:10 AM
All of that having said, is there anything else I can do, besides eventually replacing my monitor, to improve the output's results? Sand Patch
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‎Jan 31, 2021
04:09 PM
To answer your first question, I always click "OK," unless otherwise. To assign a profile, should I navigate to Edit > Assign Profile or Convert to Profile? If neither, where should I go? In the Assign Profile window, the setting has been set to "Don't Color Manage this Document". Obviously, that is consistant with what my Status Bar has been telling me. If that is indeed the correct window, should I revise it to the Working RGB: sRGB... setting, which does not have any other choices nor does it seem to change the appearance of the image in anyway. Or, should I check the "Profile" setting, with the dropdown menu sat at the sRGB... setting? The Profile one include a wide array of Epson profiles. To give you an idea of idea of how I use my color-critical monitor I primarily use it for Illustrator vector files and use it for photography as a second resort. I got it about six years ago, and overall have been incredibly happy with it, when it comes to viewing images on display vs. the printouts, using my Epson 3880 printer. In terms of calibrating, I try to do that every two weeks. I have read that it is very common that people recycle their color-critical monitors every 2-3 years, but I have never found any need to do so myself. Once I asked an expert photographer, who has had two of them for as long as I have had mine, and what his take was on the scenario. His response was that he still thrilled with his original monitors. So I'm not quite sure about what to think of the idea of the need to replace them so often. I brought this issue to you because of the unusual with my trying to print such a dark print, not having been as high quality as my other prints (taking into account that they had been quite a bit light in tone overall). Also, I have read that the Epson 3880 has a tendency of making prints noticably darker prints by other artists, despite the fact that it is a nine-color printer with four shades of black ink is contains. Sand Patch
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‎Jan 31, 2021
11:59 AM
I thank all of you for taking the effort in helping me with my monitor/printer issue. This is hugely informative to me. Please bare with me and my total illiteracy on the aspects of color management. Okay, let me start trying to get myself out of this mess. First, let me start of on C.pfaffenbichler's recommendation. When I made the Status Bar Document Profile, it changed the text to say, "Untagged RGB (8bpc). Then I changed the Working Space to Adobe1998, however after I had closed the Color Setting window and opened it up again the RGB had defaulted to sRGB IEC61966-2.1. Is that to be expected? Also, will I end-up needing to go into my SpectraViewII software for any reason? Sand Patch
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‎Jan 27, 2021
09:46 AM
Thank you for responding. First, I'm a little bit confused on how you say I save the jpeg file without embedding the profile. Are you referring to the screenshots, or my actual file? Second, I seemed to be using the Adobe RGB 1998 setting. And third, here is a screenshot of the current color settings. It looks like the RGB was set to the color critical monitor I'm using.
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‎Jan 26, 2021
09:18 PM
Hello, I am having a terrible time working with a dark-colored photo. The photo looks great when Photoshop, but when printing or saving it as ANY non-PS form, the lighter colors look significantly more saturated and the darker colors look quite a bit darker and muddy. My current workflow is a NEC color-critical monitor as well as an Epson 3880 printer. The lighter photo was taken using my phone and the darker one was a jpeg-formed copy of the the native PS file. The one taken with my phone (lighter one) is much more accurate to my PS version. Any advice would be much appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Nov 09, 2020
07:45 PM
What happened to the ability to manually italicize text in the Character window? Sand Patch
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‎Oct 06, 2020
12:01 AM
Is there a way to make PS's layering system behave more like Illustrator's, where you create each shape like a path, and every shape automatically stands alone in the layers window? Or do you need to first make a new layer, and, then, create the desired shape all manually everytime? *** I'm fairly new to Photoshop, unlike Illustrator, where I have produced files that have exceeded over one-hundred layers and six-thousand paths.*** Any insight would be greatly appeciated. Sand Patch
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‎Sep 29, 2020
11:30 AM
Thanks you much! I can't tell you how much easier it is to work with Photoshop now. Sand Patch
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‎Sep 29, 2020
11:06 AM
After having worked with Illustrator for many years and, then, exploring Photoshop, I find myself feeling like Photoshop is somewhat counterintuitive, in terms of workflow. Spacifically, the need to manually select layers, etc. from the Layers panal, rather than directly selecting this or that quality where it actually is on the artwork to modify my selection adds a lot of wasted time and effort. Is there anyway to make it more similar to Illustrator, where you can actually select the desired quality you want to edit directly on the artwork? If there is, I would really like to know, and how to change my current setup to it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Sep 19, 2020
10:32 AM
‎Sep 18, 2020
10:44 PM
PS When I say, "tracing over multiple areas," I am creating MULTIPLE PATHS.
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‎Sep 18, 2020
10:29 PM
If I am tracing over multiple areas of a jpeg file with very simalar colors, the eye dropper tool often produces one identical color. This brings me with the following question: Does the eye dropper tool have a database of its own, with a reduced number of colors separated from the viewable color pallette? And if yes, how many increments, both the X axis and the Y axis, does the color pallette contain on any given one on the color slider? If this is the case, are the specified in a linear, exponential or any other form (in size/dimensions)? Any insight would be much appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Sep 18, 2020
01:57 PM
1 Upvote
For what you are trying to achieve, I would strongly recommend that you look into an online website, called Vector Magic (, a non-Adobe app. It is an application that transforms jpeg images into vector-formatted illustrations, including Illustrator CC. It can be either a monthly-subscription for $9.95 per month or you can obtain a licence for $295.00, that can work for two machines. From experience, I have found that it works especially well with heavy amount of high-contrasts. The other observation I would offer is that, if you choose to save your file as an .AI configuration, when opened in Illustrator, the colors of the paths can many times be lesser in saturation than other file formats. To compensate for that, you can take the original file, and upload it in Photoshop, where you can up the saturation, prior to when you put it into Vector Magic. Sand Patch
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‎Sep 17, 2020
11:43 AM
Whenever I am tracing a jpeg image and using the eye dropper tool to create the paths' fills, to mimick the original color, very often the tool produces a somewhat less-saturated color. So I then have to manually go to the color pallette on my own to revise it to my desired hue. Quite time-consuming. If I am tracing two areas of a jpeg file with very simalar colors, the eye dropper tool often produces one identical color. This brings me with the following question: Does the eye dropper tool have a database of its own, with a reduced number of colors within the viewable color pallette? And if yes, how many increments, both the X axis and the Y axis, does the color pallette contain on any given one on the color slider? Any insight would be much appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Jul 21, 2020
10:59 AM
How on earth do you save an Illustrator file to a PDF format? I used to be able to do it through the Export command, and selecting PDF in its file configuration dropdown menu. But now, as for as I can tell, it has been changed. Sand Patch
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‎May 18, 2020
09:09 PM
Hi, When I printed my AI image not all of the visilble paths were present on the print. The missing paths are located above a path that had been manipulated, using the effects tool, directly below the printing window (the brown wooden ties). As far as I can tell, these paths are the only ones missing on the print. Any help would be much appreciated. Sand Patch . The thumbnail image on the output window does not contain the missing paths either.
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‎Apr 22, 2020
08:29 AM
Thanks so much! It seems to cure everything. Sand Patch
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‎Apr 22, 2020
07:10 AM
It's a little bit hard to visually explain because it would be require me to have two cursers at once, to fully illustrate. But it's clearly an update because when I opened the application, it had a different default illustration while it was booting and also that I received a "thumbs up" from another community member. Anyway, if you look at the selected path, it includes two tiny, unknown red/white circles within it. The "jumpyness" part of it is almost like the Brush Tool in Photoshop, where you see the brush throughout the time but the paint itself is delated by a second, while it follows the tool. In this case, you would have the Pen tool, etc. instead of the Brush and the tiny "X" intermittedly following the Pen, instead of the paint.
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‎Apr 21, 2020
07:46 PM
1 Upvote
When I use the Selection Tool, Direct Selection Tool or the Pen Tool, the tool is followed by a jumpy, tiny "X." In addition, one or more small circular-shaped object is placed near the shape I'm creating. Where exactly in the Preferences, etc. do I need to go to get rid of these new features? Sand Patch
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‎Feb 29, 2020
08:23 PM
How do I simply mask a photograph, and defringe the remaining selection? I have tried duplicating the image, selecting the desired area, turning off the Background layer, adding a vector mask, making the unwanted area becomes white, then, going to Layer > Matting > Defringe. Once the window comes up, I tell it to defringe 1 pixel. I click okay, and nothing changes (as far as I can tell). Any help would be much appreciated. Sand Patch
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‎Jan 10, 2020
05:29 PM
Thanks a lot! I will definately incorporate this technique into my artistic process. Sand Patch
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‎Jan 10, 2020
05:10 PM
Is there a way to pick a random color from the color-palette, and automatically see what its complement would be? I am creating a landscape image, with foliage, man-made objects, etc., and it would be of great benefit to be able to see examples of those objects' shadows' colors may portray them selves appearing like. Sand Patch
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‎Oct 07, 2019
01:42 PM
So, do I need to completely dismiss what my camera is showing me, and abide what I anticipate Photoshop's version is going to look like, when I take the photos? Sand Patch
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