Hi Laura,
I've been playing around a bit more, and I have to tell you this is about the strangest thing I've seen in quite some time.
You can cut the "table" from ID and paste it into Illustrator and it comes in as paths and type. The numbers are all one big group, and the letters are another, and I can't find a way to ungroup either one, but I can edit the individual numbers or letters, or select them and move them around. The black boxes are one large compound path, and all of the gridlines are tiny individual strokes. There are also a couple of clipping masks.
This looks A LOT like what I often see when opening a PDF in Illustrator that was created in another application, like InDesign, but that's probably because my settings in ID are to copy PDF to the clipboard. If I change those settings I can copy and paste inside ID, but not into Illustrator.
Although the pattern is the same between the key and the blank puzzle, I don't really think they are, in fact, the same table. This is based on the size and position of the numbers, and the fact that the numbers are in the table are Myriad Pro, but the type in the key is all Bookman Oldstyle.
I really think the key was created in Illustrator and then selected and pasted, but I have no way to confirm this, and you say you did it all, so you ought to know.
I don't know that any of that is useful information.
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