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Feb 04, 2025
05:52 PM
I completely concur with @creative explorer. There's much to be said about both PC and Mac applications that work with PDFs. However, when it comes to filling out forms, using the Adobe Acrobat Reader is a must. I always provide a link to the PDF reader in the forms I create. Unfortunately, you cannot MAKE people use Reader until they've had an issue.
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Feb 04, 2025
02:11 PM
Yes, it is late for you. I am in California; it is just after 2 PM for me. (I live close enough to the big fires that we had here to smell them and get lots of soot and ash, but nothing more. EVERYONE knows SOMEONE who lost a home. We are (gratefully) fine.)
This all sounds like a Bridge Permissions issue, but you say you have made the correct adjustments to your Mac's Settings. Since it's a MacBook Air, not a big iMac, perhaps the Apple Store can help you.
But PLEASE get back to us regarding the issue.
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Feb 04, 2025
01:29 PM
Hi, @johan_se, can you delete anything else from that external drive? Or is it only Folders from that Folder?
If it is, here's another thing to check on.
Actual Permissions on the Mac
There are times on the Mac, that it’s Permissions get screwed up. To fix this, you can either run some software or try this: Click on the folder that contains the images in the Finder and press Command-i. This will bring up a long window on the left side of the screen for "Get Info."
On the very bottom, you will see this section:
The first thing you need to do is to unlock the lock on the bottom right with your administrator's password.
Next you need to see if any of the "Privileges" are not set correctly. If you're not sure, go to a folder that is operating correctly and see what that's set for. If one of them is not correct, press on the dropdown menu of that Privilege and select the correct option. (Note: all of the above settings are correct.)
(Note, I'm just showing you what it should look like if you press on one of the options).
Lastly, if you find that there are a number of image folders that are all botched up, you can fix them all very quickly by using the gear icon in the very bottom by going to the folder that contains all of these other folders, fixing that main folder and then taking advantage of the dropdown shown below.
BUT BEWARE: this can be a very dangerous folder if you happen to do this to a folder with any applications or such things in that folder, you are likely to make those things inoperable. (don't ask me how I know). As long as you are working on folders of files, you should be good, but applications, plugins, etc. DON'T!!!!!
Hopefully, this will work; good luck.
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Feb 04, 2025
11:06 AM
Hi, @johan_se., Well, it's obvious that your command of English is far better than my command of whatever your native tongue is. So, I commend you.
Although you mentioned you tried it, the problems you are describing closely resemble the issues Erik pointed out regarding how to fix permission problems with Bridge. I understand that some of the screenshots may be slightly outdated due to changes in macOS, but these are minor and should help you identify any differences.
I just took a quick look, and it appears that things are now simpler when setting Permissions; I'll need to update my instructions (although I am still on Sonoma and have not upgraded to Sequia yet). It seems that the only thing you need to do is to type in Privacy in the search field and look underneath that to select Privacy & Security. Then, on the right side, scroll down until you see Files and Folders. Click on that and then click on Adobe Bridge. Click on that and be sure to check the "Removeable Volumes."
It seems that now, the user does not need to also allow Bridge to do anything with "Full Disk Access."
Please let us know if this helps. And thank you for letting me know I need to update my instructions.
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Feb 04, 2025
09:21 AM
@Erik Bloodaxe, thanks for pointing @johan_se to my Permissions process.
Johan, I am perplexed by your statement about "importing" a folder from the external drive). This may seem trivial, but it's important to understand what to expect out of Bridge. You cannot "import" files into Bridge; you can only "Open" or "Look" at a folder's content. One can import it into a database, but Bridge has no database like Lightroom Classic, which has to record all the files and what's been done with them.
The next thing you mention that makes me even more perplexed is that you state you "cannot delete it or replace it."
Can you please go into some detail about how you are trying to access a folder and where you see the folder you cannot delete?
I'll try and help if I can.
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Feb 03, 2025
12:39 PM
Hi, @Geir5FE9, the Essentials Workspace has never been removed. I never use it, but that's beside the point (I've always created my own Workspaces, which are easy to do). But even if you are in one of the other Workspaces, you can still organize files, names, and add other items.
Quick question: this should NOT make a difference; I'm just curious: what format are the maps in?
Nonetheless, I think you are new to Bridge and haven't really explored what it can do. Here is more information that might help.
The following is very out of date, but the essentials still hold:
And, if YouTube is more your style, here are several basic tutorials (they are up to date). The first one is mine, just focusing on moving files from one folder to another utilizing the multi-Content Panel options we now have (and didn't have when I wrote the above).
Here are some random others from a variety of sources:
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Feb 03, 2025
10:50 AM
I beg to differ. I strongly suggest that you invest in a 1TB drive. Space is not an issue that you can dodge here and there.
Simply, bite the bullet now or later, but you will have to bite the bullet.
Sorry and good luck
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Feb 03, 2025
10:47 AM
Hi, @Giovanni Stoto, my apology, I misunderstood your issue.
Basically, 1500 images is too much for one run in Bridge. I suggest splitting that up into thirds or maybe even more.
Again, sorry.
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Feb 03, 2025
10:06 AM
Hi, @Giovanni Stoto, this is because of a strange coding decision that was made several years ago where when you trash files on an external hard drive, the files are first transferred to your hard drive and then trashed from your hard drive. That's a LOT of electrons to move around.
Sadly, the only way around this is to locate the files on their hard drives by right-clicking on one of the files, selecting "Reveal in Finder/Explorer," and deleting them via Finder/Explorer. If the files are non-continuous, you can move them into a newly created folder on that external hard drive, go to that folder in Finder/Explorer, and delete the folder.
Sadly, I know they know about the issue, but I'm not at all sure why it's not fixed yet.
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Feb 03, 2025
10:00 AM
Hi, @nickw7coc. As a Mac user, I cannot begin to help you complete an application uninstall. However, if a small 1.7 GB item on your computer is necessary, that's only a small part of your problem. For Photoshop, for example, to run properly, you need a lot more free space than 1.7 GB.
Most people (and I'm not saying you're "most people") have too many images, songs, movies, etc. on their hard drive. These can be removed (and not lost) by moving them to an external hard drive (and a 2nd hard drive for backup purposes of the first hard drive is strongly recommended). If you're running out of space because of too many applications, consider getting a larger hard drive for your computer.
Good luck
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Feb 03, 2025
09:49 AM
I agree with Erik's confusion. He's on a PC, and I'm on a Mac. I also have no issue renaming files or folders.
Besides his questions, if you can provide a detailed explanation of what you're trying to rename and the process you are having issues with.
Based on your subject, are you trying to rename items within a Map? That's a job for Acrobat, not Bridge.
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Feb 02, 2025
12:27 PM
Hi, @Astonished_discoverer6354. Your files are somewhere on your computer, or you have inadvertently deleted them. There is nothing in Acrobat Reader's code that can possibly delete files.
Some questions to start with:
Do you keep all of these files in the same folder or are they distributed in various locations on your hard drive?
Do you have any backups?
Can you think of the name of (at least) one file to do a search with? (Maybe if you find one, you can find others?)
Have you looked in the computer's trash can?
For the record, what is your OS, and what is the release?
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Feb 02, 2025
09:15 AM
1 Upvote
Hmm, interestingly enough, that's how applying names to people seems to work in Face Detection in LRC.
But then again, how often does a feature (or keyboard shortcut) from one application show up in a different application, even when it's in the same family?
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Jan 30, 2025
02:21 PM
1 Upvote
Yes, I do understand. However, the Word documents have been generated by the Power Automate.
Can you surmise any relationship between documents that fail and those that do not fail?
Maybe 20-25 years ago, I had a PDF that would not print from Acrobat. I had no problem printing this document from Apple's Preview (Preview is Apple's PDF viewer). I contacted Adobe and told them about this bug. They responded that Acrobat did not create the PDF, so it was not their responsibility. The document was (apparently) created wrong (this gets back to the Microsoft PDF creator, Apple's PDF creator, and all of the other PDF creator software out there), and they do not have the time to fix mistakes that other PDF creator software companies make. My guess is that Power Automate is leaving and/or creating some code that is causing Acrobat to fail in PDF creation. If you sent me a document that fails, I would not know where to begin to look for such a built-in fail or know it if I were to see it. Please keep in mind that I've never even heard of Power Automate until now, so I may be completely wrong. At this point, I'm going to bow out and hope that someone with any knowledge or experience step in to see if they have any support to provide.
I'm sorry, good luck.
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Jan 30, 2025
02:08 PM
Whew, you're having a day, I'm sorry for you.
OK, let's see if there's an issue with an image or more: Create a new folder and move images out, say, one row at a time. Keep doing this until you've moved out all of the images that can be resorted. And see if there's anything of note in the remaining images. Can you open them? Can you move any of these without all of the images in this folder? Does putting every image into a new folder make a difference?
Oh, have you tried quitting and restarting Bridge?
Since there is no setting that could cause this, I'm looking for a glitch and/or bug.
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Jan 30, 2025
12:27 PM
OK, sorry I misunderstood your situation. Does anything like this happen to any regular (non-Power Automate generated) Word document?
Regardless, have you tried contacting Microsoft about this? It seems that there's something in their product that's causing the issue. Think of putting really bad gasoline in your car and having the car die on you. It's not the car that is the problem.
Confession: I've never heard of Power Automate and had to look it up. You might want to try using "Save as PDF" instead of "Save as Adobe PDF." The former is using its own (Microsoft's) PDF generation engine as opposed to using Adobe's PDF engine. [For the record, Apple has their own as well.] Back in the 80s & 90s, Microsoft was intentionally doing things like this all the time to make their competitors look bad.) Hopefully, I'm completely wrong and overly suspicious, and this is just a bug that you've found.
Keep letting me know what's happening, thanks!
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Jan 30, 2025
12:13 PM
Oh, IF that doesn't work, then please Reset Bridge's preferences.
Quit Bridge (if running). Just before clicking on Bridge in the Dock or double-clicking the application for the Mac, press Command-Option-Shift. For PCs, press Control-Alt-Shift. Then open Bridge BUT KEEP your fingers on those keys until you see a window pop up. From the window, choose “Reset Preferences," "Entire Thumbnail Cache,” and/or "Reset Standard Workspaces.” In your case, choose "Reset Preferences."
Please let me know if either solves your issues.
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Jan 30, 2025
12:11 PM
Hi, @hightor, did you try and purge the cache of the folder in question?
(Substitute your folder "knobs & circles.")
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Jan 30, 2025
10:43 AM
I do not mean to sound rude or anything here, but my first thought is that you not use Power Automate for PDF generation.
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Jan 30, 2025
10:28 AM
@hightor, Please let me know if you looked at the "Show Items From Subfolders" or not. If you did, what did you see?
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Jan 29, 2025
05:38 PM
Hi, @hightor, Can you please let us know what Workspace you are using?
Also, I'm not fully sure what you're talking about. In Bridge, the images lie within a grid system of columns and rows. It's never been possible to just drag an image to a convenient spot within the Contents Panel. The sort order, though, has always been available. So, if you're talking about moving an image ABCD to ABDC, yes you can just drag it — normally.
Let's look at a couple of possible things that could prevent that.
The first thing that pops into my head is that you have "Show Items From Subfolders" set to on. If this item is checked, select it again to uncheck it.
The one big thing to warn you about with this fix is that all the images you were looking at will not look that way after you do this. This is because if you have one folder with multiple images, you can only sort the images from one folder. If you have items in three folders, you want to set a custom order; you'll need to put them all into the same folder.
The 2nd thing is that you may need to purge the cache of your folder. You do this from the Tools menu.
Oh, one warning: Bridge will NOT know your new sort order if you inadvertently go to a different sort order. One way to get around this is to rename the newly sorted image so that you can then resort by name.
Good luck!
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Jan 29, 2025
05:25 PM
Can’t access my hard drive, Desktop, etc.
This is not the fault of Adobe or anyone; this is Apple making sure that applications that have not been given permission to access areas of your computer cannot access those areas of your computer.
This sounds like you've not given Bridge permission for Apple's protection. Simply, this is an Apple protection issue, not Adobe's issue. Please note that the images here are a bit dated from the latest OS, but the process is essentially the same.
Go into the System Preferences and select the Privacy & Security tab on the left. Note that there are two options on the right you'll need to deal with: "Files and Folders," and "Full Disk Access."
First, going into Files and Folders, note that in various years of different releases of Adobe Bridge, different needs are needed. I do not know why this is, but it's always better to check and make sure that just because you did it for one release, you may or may not need it for a subsequent release.
Lastly, go into the Full Disk Access option. If you do not see your application in the list, click on the "+" symbol at the very bottom of the window. This will bring up a standard Finder window. Navigate to your Applications Folder, find Adobe Bridge, and add it to the list (You will need to add your Administrator's password to do this.). Then you can "switch" it to the "ON" position.
This should solve your problem.
Please let us know if that works or not.
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Jan 28, 2025
01:08 PM
1 Upvote
Hi, @glenn_acawa,. Unnecessary, you can do that now.
Good luck!
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Jan 28, 2025
01:02 PM
1 Upvote
Hi, @groucho90, let me take a stab at explaining what you can do and what you cannot.
As mentioned by @D Fosse, the number of images in your folders makes a big difference in how much coffee you can drink before getting to work. Some here have folders with thousands of images and complain a lot about the speed of Bridge. I seldom have more than a hundred within any given folder, and I see nothing to complain about.
The biggest slowdown in Bridge is that it tries to provide an accurate image to you, not by displaying the embedded JPG image in any given file, but by applying any adjustments from the sidecar file and color corrections. Thus, any Preview you may observe will be more accurate than what one might see from an image viewer that relies upon the JPG. However, for many folks, the JPG is more than sufficient for their needs.
If that would be your preference, you can speed things up with any embedded view by selecting the approprite optins in the "Options for Preview Quality & Thumbnail Generation" shown below.
Otherwise, these are controlled by the Cache, which can be set in the Settings/Preferences under Cache.
I believe it's the size of the hard drive or the amount of free space available. On my computer, I can set it from 5 – 740 GB. Since I have a 1 TB drive, I only have about 350-ish GB free. For my purposes, 75 works well.
As far as the other settings, I do like any Previews I've made to be ready to go when I need them, and I let Bridge Compact the Cache (to keep it within my 75 GB max), but I also let it Purge any Cache older than a month. If I'm going into old image folders, I just accept that it will take a bit of time before its running fast. You can uncheck that if desired.
One other area to examine is Cache Management, here are the options:
Compact Cache Now: this is a pre-maintenance option. If you're running a bit out of space, you can compact the Cache NOW instead of purging the cache.
Purge 100% Previews in Cache: This, again, is a space saver.
Purge all local cache files: a "more brutal" approach to the option below.
There are times when Bridge starts acting stupid. I mean, it's really stupid. I've seen people complaining in these forums that ratings and labels are not sticking, renaming is not possible, and other operations cannot continue. However, once the cache for a given folder is purged, all works wonderfully. This can be done either by the ALL local cache purge or selected purges as can be done as shown below from the Tools menu:
My areas of expertise do not include knowing how or why the caches go kapow, but it does happen. The best way to get things back on track is to purge the cache for any folder with issues. Purging ALL caches also removes the "X" number of GB of stuff sitting on your computer.
Let me add at the end one gripe of mine with my simple solution: the bizarre arrangement of the various Panels in the "Essential" Workspace. After selecting a thumbnail, the last thing I expect to see is a small Preview. If I want to see the thumbnail's image, I want to see the image, not a larger thumbnail. So, I moved the Panels around; the results can be seen below; something for you to mull over if necessary.
I hope all this muttering gives you some thoughts to work with. Good luck!
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Jan 25, 2025
09:42 AM
Hi, @neale.smith.photo, I do not know if I'll have any concrete suggestions as #1) I've never had this problem, nor #2) I'm on a Mac. Nonetheless, I'm taking a couple of stabs here to see if I can parse out some ideas that might help.
Interestingly enough, when I first went to test this, I got the same message. When I clicked on PS, I saw the ACR was active. Since I have PS handle opening up ACR for images, after I closed ACR, the process worked fine. [Side note: my images are all DNG, and they require opening up in ACR prior to being opened in PS. However, when you place images into layers in PS from Bridge, that step is bypassed. Very curious — I didn't expect that.]
Now, experiment #1: speaking of having images going into ACR, as I mentioned, I have mine access ACR via PS. I tried having the access being done via Bridge, and it didn't make a difference. Since you are on a PC, please test this. I do not know if this will make a difference, but it's worth testing as it only takes a moment.]
If the box in the rectangle is checked, uncheck it or vice versa.
Next, please check if you have the scripts for your version of PS. For example, if you are using PS 2025 but only show PS 2024, that may cause this (but I'm not 100% sure, but worth looking into). This is what I show in my Startup Scripts. I have no idea why I show an undated PS, but I do.
Let me know what you find, good luck.
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Jan 24, 2025
10:11 AM
Hi, @rgbnites, yes, I have the V800 scanner myself. It's a great machine.
First, to answer your question (then editorializing): Yes, you can open a PDF into PS. Unfortunately, you can only open it up one page at a time. Once open, you can marquee an image on the page and do what you want to improve the image. After you are done, you can save it as a Photoshop PDF. The negative here is that the file sizes will be amazingly large. Fortunately, you can open this file in Acrobat and Compress this file. So, it's tedious, but it can be done. One major disadvantage here, though, is that the files will only be 8-bit, so the dynamic range of the files will be limited. If you want to open the highlights or dark regions, you will be limited. (See below on dynamic range.)
I only use the Epson software when I'm doing a scanning session to show its limitations; it's not my software of choice. Otherwise, I use Silverfast. It's not cheap, but if you do photography and also scan images, it's a "must upgrade. " Unfortunately, as you observed, the controls that used to be in Epson Scan have been dumbed down — people want the one-click wonders, which is not always possible with scanning. One of the big benefits of SilverFast is that it scans in 16-bit per color (48 total) to capture a much greater range than all other scanning software. Once you are done with the scan, it can save the file in either 48- or 24-bit (8-bits per channel (RGB)). For black & white images, you can scan in 16-bit, which can be saved in 16-bit or 8-bit.
For less expensive scanning software, there is VueScan, which is less expensive than SilverFast. I've tried it, and while it's better than Epson Scan, I am not a fan. The biggest failing is that you can change the "Lightness" of the scan, but you cannot selectively set just the highlights or dark regions like you can in Levels. I have not looked at it in years, so I do not know if they have updated to include this.
My one complaint with Silverfast is that it is not the easiest software to learn. They make it much harder to use than warrants. In addition, their manuals leave much to be considered. For example, they love acronyms for their controls. An example is AACO, which stands for Auto Adaptive Contrast Optimization. If you look this up, it will tell you (and I'm paraphrasing here), 'It allows you to set contrast optimization.' [And again, I used single quotes because I am paraphrasing.] But, in reality, once you start to use it, you can see what to do and where to do it, so it is much easier than one might think on first opening.
Good luck with whatever approach you use.
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Jan 24, 2025
09:39 AM
Hi, @paul_2174, if you downloaded these files from a bank, the bank directly or indirectly secured the files.
Let's say the bank owed you $10. If the files were not protected, someone could change that to $10,000. Just to verify, I downloaded a document from my credit card company, and it was locked. I also downloaded a file from my bank, and it was locked.
If you want to make changes to your file, I suppose you could print it out, scan it, and OCR the file. Not sure how far you can get with that if you contest the contents, but you could edit the file.
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Jan 24, 2025
09:19 AM
Hi, @Yael Plat, no problem. I also get so bogged down with all of the things going on in my life that I get overwhelmed and find it hard to keep up. I think the formal name for this is "life."
Glad it's solved.
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Jan 23, 2025
05:06 PM
Hi, @Abel Enrique27614215v607, you do not say HOW you are trying to create a new folder, but there are two easy ways to do this.
1) if you right-click on an empty space in the Content Panel, the first option is to create a new folder in the current folder.
2) Another way to create a new folder is to click on the New Folder icon in the top right of the Bridge window. This will create a new folder in the current folder in the Content Panel.
In both places, when the new folder is created, the folder's name is ready to change at that moment. If you click to the side and cannot change the name, click on the name, wait a moment, and when it changes to active, you can rename it. If you have a bunch of folders or images to rename, click, hold a moment, rename, then press the tab key, and the next image will have the image or folder's name ready to rename.
Good luck!
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Jan 22, 2025
05:43 PM
Hi, @PercyGarris, the solution is for you and anyone accessing this document to recommend that they use Acrobat Pro or Acrobat (free) Reader and not Word or Preview.
The reason for this is fairly straightforward. Acrobat is one of the very few applications that strictly adhere to the Acrobat ISO standards. Not all do.
Now, one thing you might try is when you create your PDF from Pages are you creating the PDF by clicking on the PDF link in the Print dialog (red arrow), or selecting "Save as PDF…" in the dropdown, or the bottom option: "Save as Adobe PDF." Note: the "Save as Adobe PDF" is only available to you if you have Acrobat Pro, not Adobe/Acrobat Reader.
The first two options create a PDF from Apple's (or Windows) PDF generation code. The results from this will be different than the code from Save as Adobe PDF as that means the processing is done by Acrobat, not Apple or Windows or…. If anything might solve this and remove the problem, that's it.
Please let us know if this solves your problem.
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