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‎Jan 22, 2025
08:51 AM
Hi, @julian_LV, is that folder empty? If so, there's no reason for the arrowhead. If it is empty, please try putting something into that folder and see if that solves your issue. If not, then yes, something is wrong.
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‎Jan 19, 2025
02:29 PM
1 Upvote
In addition to Nancy's link, here's a video I created that shows the process. https://youtu.be/g0PO-rnn0uE
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‎Jan 15, 2025
01:26 PM
Hi, @Vladraconis, as I said back in 2020, earlier in this thread
"If you really, really, really want to edit the content of a page to the degree that you want, you'll have to go to the original page creation program that made it. If you want to change a word here or there, you can do that with Acrobat."
In the time that has passed since I wrote that, not much has changed in editing PDF documents. I'm not a programmer, and I do not work for Adobe. I try to help people in these forums. When a document is converted into a PDF, each text block (paragraph) is unique to any other. So, when you have that gap between paragraphs (such as what you see on this page), bridging that gap in a PDF is a big issue. I do not know why, but that's always been an issue.
If you still have Microsoft 365, open your original document and edit it. If you do not have your original document, export your PDF into Word, open it in Word, make your changes, and then resave it as a new PDF. That's what I and everyone else who tries to help folks in these forums do.
In a perfect world, Acrobat would be a word processor, page layout application, spreadsheet creator, computer-assisted document creator, and everything else that can be turned into a PDF. Until that time, we all have to work with what we've got.
I'm sorry,
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‎Jan 15, 2025
10:15 AM
1 Upvote
Depending on the document and how it was scanned, probably not in Acrobat.
The BEST time to make adjustments in the scanned document is at the time of the scan. If you place the document in the scanner and click the "Scan" button, the scanner has no idea what it's doing. Also, depending on the model of the scanner and what the default provides, you are at the mercy of whoever set any defaults.
The safest way to get past this is to do the adjustments yourself at the time of the scan. Here is a blog I wrote for Adobe a number of years ago that covers most of the issues.
Best, and good luck!
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‎Jan 15, 2025
10:07 AM
Hi, @Haggi Hug, if you were able to access a server and/or a NAS, you were lucky. Bridge was never designed to work with either, and any success is hit or miss. From the get-go, Bridge was designed to work on local drives, period. That focus has not changed and is not likely to be in the future. Since I am not using either (server or NAS), I cannot address any change in exporting matching folders.
As far as controlling where files are delivered, if you're on a Mac, I can STRONGLY recommend Default Folder. I've been using (and depending) on this 3rd party software for almost 20 years, and find it vital for controlling the location of my files.
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‎Jan 14, 2025
02:19 PM
If you have a specific problem related to Acrobat, please let us help you.
For wifi issues, please contact your hardware companies.
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‎Jan 09, 2025
04:43 PM
Interesting. On my Mac I was able to drag the PDF directly into Word, resize it as I wanted, and never saw a pixel.
Well, glad it worked out for you.
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‎Jan 08, 2025
04:22 PM
Hi, @bruce_4536, when I dragged this into a Word document, I did not observe any of the issues you mentioned. This was after decreasing and increasing the size of the image.
However, I saw a large artboard around the image. This prevents any of the Word content from getting close to the image. To get rid of this you'll need Adobe Illustrator (You might be able to do the following in Autodesk, but I do not have a clue as to how to do that.
After opening this in Illustrator and trying to select the image, you'll see a blue line box a considerable distance from the drawing. You can see the top part of the box in the image below with the red arrow pointing at it. Right-click on that and select "Release Clipping Mask."
(continued below)
 Now, you can marquee around the entire drawing, and it will be selected. But to reduce the Artboard, you need to go back to the Object menu, drag down toward the bottom, and select Artboards —> Fit to Selected Art. Now, you can save the drawing back as a PDF, and then drag that into the Word document.
 Let me know if this solves the problem. If you do not have Illustrator, see if it's possible to do this in Autodesk.
Good luck.
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‎Jan 07, 2025
12:45 PM
I think you're right. I've never entered a query or request in all of the years I've been helping folks, so I've never seen that. What I've been told is that all feature requests should go to the User Voice. That decision was made way above my pay grade (and I do not get paid)!
I guess entering it in UserVoice as well can't hurt. Sorry.
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‎Jan 07, 2025
09:46 AM
OK, now I understand. When you stated the PathBar was black, I thought you were seeing something like this:
 And if so, that would be very serious! (LOL) I'm glad to see that it's something completely different.
OK, so you want the PathBar to "appear" like it can be edited. I am not a Windows user, and I have no clue how it appears on a Windows system. I'll take your word for that.
However, this is not the place for you to make requests and suggestions for how Bridge works or could work. These forums are for folks having issues with how things can be done or getting out of holes when things are not working right. I suggest you go over to <https://adobebridge.uservoice.com/>. There, you can make suggestions such as this: I recommend that you clearly spell out what you want and why it can help you and others. Be aware that there are hundreds of suggestions, and fewer will ever see the light of day. So, be very clear in your explanation.
Meanwhile, I suggest you pass on to your coworkers how to click on the PathBar to make edits. That will help you/them now. Good luck!
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‎Jan 07, 2025
09:31 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, @cedric.diggory, in a word, no, and a little bit of yes.
The easiest way for you to do this is not with a magic wand but with a checkbook and have someone else do it (and no, I have no suggestions for you to do this).
Here's the deal: There is no known way to turn handwritten notes into accurate text. With typewritten notes, that is much easier, but accuracy is not 100% due to the quality of the typewriter (which can vary). (Personal note: my mom typed out a bunch of family history. I wanted to capture this, so I scanned and OCRed it. But, due to her poor typing and the sad fact that the platin kept on slipping (causing the lines of text to slant), there were sections where it was easier and faster to retype. Unfortunately, just plan on retyping the handwritten sections.
Regarding storage in the clouds, that's easy: select a cloud service (such as DropBox) and store the contents up there.
The person doing this will have to do the translation from German into English (or English into German) as well as any conversion from metric into Imperial (or Imperial into metric). (Note: my wife does a lot of baking, and a number of cookbooks have been making those conversions as well. There are subtleties involved in this conversion to make things easier for the user.)
As far as indexing to find things. The first thing is to organize them: Baking is one section; dinner items are another, beef, pork, and chicken and subdivisions; stewing, roasting, and braising are more. Simply put, better organizing makes it much easier for most people to find things. Look at ANY cookbook and model the structure they have. There's a reason why cookbooks are all structured the same — it works.
If you bring all of your final results into an application such as InDesign, you can generate a Table of Contents and an Index. While not necessarily easy, it's much easier than creating a Table of Contents (only) in Acrobat.
I suggest that you break this up to make it a family process: After scanning and OCRing, convert the documents into MS Word so that they can easily be edited and corrected (this really needs to be done). Once processed, then they can be converted back into PDFs for posting. There does need to be one person doing the final assembly.
Sadly, this is not a "couple of clicks and it's done" project. Nonetheless, this will be a fabulous gift to your family and future generations.
A number of years ago, I wrote this blog on scanning for Adobe. It may give you some ideas and help.
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‎Jan 07, 2025
08:23 AM
Hi, @e_c3, In all the years since CS2 with Bridge, v. 1, I have never seen nor heard of the PathBar as showing up as a black bar. And, while it is possible to "Edit" a PathBar, I can't think of too many users who know the "bird seed trail" of their computers well enough to use that as a standard approach to accessing desired folders. There are, after all, so many easier ways to get to what one wants.
Just out of curiosity, here is what I think of when the subject of PathBars comes up. Can you please share a screenshot of yours? Also, please let us know what your OS is (and what release) and which version of Bridge you are using (and what release).
Thank you
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‎Jan 03, 2025
10:48 AM
Hi @henri_2025, Happy New Year. You do not mention how you scanned your document. Did you scan it with Acrobat, or did you scan it separately with your scanner's software?
Also, what is your OS, and what version of Acrobat are you using?
Sorry for all the questions, but they are necessary to provide an answer that helps you.
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‎Dec 31, 2024
09:22 AM
And I share that confirmation. This strange anomaly of coding remains. I sure hope whatever its purpose is worth the cost.
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‎Dec 30, 2024
09:47 AM
HI, @neydafcm, I can help you with the 2nd question, but since I'm on a Mac and do not know the PC system, you'll have to wait for someone else to help you on that.
To find the location of an image you are looking at, look at the Path Bar; it shows the breadcrumb trail of what you're looking at, such as this:
 If you do not see that, then you can turn it on from the Window Menu, as shown here:
 Good luck on your first question, sorry I cannot help you on that.
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‎Dec 29, 2024
01:13 PM
1 Upvote
Hi, @marina_5809, Apparently, at some point, you pressed Command/Control-u, but to turn it off, follow steps 1 – 4 below (or press Command/Control-u).
Please let us know if this solved your problem.
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‎Dec 29, 2024
08:44 AM
Hi, @kamille53, when I first wrote to help you, I stated:
"If you have Horizontal, the thumbnails go on and on to the right ONLY and never wrap. If you have Vertical chosen, they will wrap until the right edge, then to the next row, etc. "
Please select the Vertical option and tell me what happens.
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‎Dec 28, 2024
06:11 PM
Hi, @kamille53, What you're seeing here is what's always been here.
Can you please elaborate on what you're expecting to see; maybe I can show you where it is.
Also, on the chance that you meant to type "…able to display thumbnails IN rows and columns," that makes me think you may be looking for either of these?
Please let me know either way, thank you.
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‎Dec 28, 2024
03:16 PM
That has to do with how thumbnails are laid out
If you have Horizontal, the thumbnails go on and on to the right ONLY and never wrap. If you have Vertical chosen, they will wrap until the right edge, then to the next row, etc.
It can ONLY be one way or the other. And what do you mean by Auto-Layout? Not sure what you're referring to there. What would you expect to happen with that choice?
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‎Dec 28, 2024
09:46 AM
Yeah, I agree with Erik. I have occasionally taken a shot that "has issues," and a quick glance causes me to reject it. One of the things I've learned is to go back to my immediately rejected photos a day later and reconsider them. More often than not, they remain rejected. But, there is occasionally a photo or two that, upon reconsidering, are definitely keepers.
Besides, being able to recognize "less good" photos is part of the process of becoming a better photographer.
Nonetheless, if you really think that this would be valuable for you, this is the wrong place to suggest it. Take your request and post it on https://adobebridge.uservoice.com/
Also, be aware that Bridge is just a viewer with no "intelligence" built in. That is, there's no place for AI to function. Thus, it would be akin to asking an old cash register from the 1800s to provide a tax form. So, it's not likely to happen regardless of the merit.
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‎Dec 27, 2024
01:58 PM
Hi, @deepak2496, (sorry for the delay, but I was out back doing some gardening.)
There should be no need to download it again. I just did a search, and for reasons that boggle my mind, Adobe did not put that in with all of the other Photographic tools. I did find where they hid it when you all the "All Apps" that I have, it'll probably be similar.
Hopefully, what you see on the Photoshop apps is similar to what I see here. Click on the Apps tab (red circle), then click on the "All Apps" option (green oval). Finally, scroll down until you see Bridge (green round-cornered rectangle). Once you have that on your system, any updates will show in the Update options as well as any public Beta options.
Let me know if this works out for you.
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‎Dec 27, 2024
11:16 AM
Yes, select and download from the ACC
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‎Dec 27, 2024
09:25 AM
Hi, @pdaltonlaw, I do hear your pain.
From the beginning, Acrobat never has had a global correction. What I mean by that is if a word was misread multiple times, all the same way, there was nothing to click on to "repair all." Multiple requests for this have gone on dead ears. And, with all of the new AI features, none of that work seems to be aimed at auto-fixing the OCR process. Thus, simple things like hyphenated words are not joined. One of the potential risks of having AI fix Acrobat's OCR is to fix the original writing's grammar and spelling.
As far as fixing all of the previously OCRed documents, that would require an extensive amount of assisted work. As good as AI can be, it's still "stupid as "s#!t." A recent study showed that AI continued to be flummoxed by grade school word problems (train A leaves the station at …"). Meanwhile, as a user of Grammarly, I am always frustrated that it continues to want to fix my writing about the fact that I live in a green house, not a greenhouse. In addition, my word choices are often specific, and Grammarly always wants to rewrite my words into its "style." As an attorney, I'm sure you can appreciate the potential calamity if such "fixing" were left on its own with many legal documents..
Nonetheless, the biggest issue that I've seen screw up OCR is poor original content and/or poor-quality scanning. For the former, if you have a document that is multiple generations of Xeroxing a faxed document, you will never get a good quality OCR. Likewise, if you have a clean document and do not do a good-quality scan, you will also add to your problems.
I wrote a bunch of scanning tips for Adobe a number of years ago. Perhaps some of these might give you some ideas to help your scanning. If you have any further questions, please ask.
Good luck
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‎Dec 25, 2024
10:05 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, @Cheerful_days1078, unfortunately there is no way to do that currently. It may happen in the future, but since has been asked for for a long period of time, do not hold your breath.
Meanwhile, Happy Holidays
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‎Dec 22, 2024
10:02 AM
Hi, @mikef20898914 For reasons I do not know, "Comments" can be found using "Description." And yes, you do have to turn that on within Bridge. (Caveat: I am on a Mac, and I do not know if this shows up as Comments or Description on PCs).
Open up Bridge's Settings/Preferences and select the Metadata tab. Any option that is checked will show up in Bridge's "Get Info."
Scroll down until you see the IPTC (IIM legacy) section and check the box for Description.
Once checked, any content placed in the Explorer, Finder, PS, or Bridge will show up in the Metadata field.
Please let us know if this solves your problem. Thanks.
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‎Dec 22, 2024
09:31 AM
Hi, @Yael Plat just out of curiosity, which "solution" worked?
It's handy for us forum folks to know what's working (regrettably, not all suggestions work).
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‎Dec 21, 2024
08:18 AM
The one option you do have, which is not as convenient as running IP from Bridge, is running the script from PS itself.
It can be found in File (menu) -> Scripts -> Image Processor…
BTW, there is a new release of Bridge (15.0.2) that may solve some of the issues you have with the newer release, but it still has the other features that you do not like. It's still probably worthwhile for you to check out.
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‎Dec 19, 2024
02:33 PM
You are correct that it's a Canon L series, but it's a 100ml Macro lens. I stated that in my equipment list.
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‎Dec 18, 2024
02:32 PM
Sure, I use that as well. Here, I was testing how things work with the application, and this function leaped out in patheticness. I had to scan the image to verify if it was the photograph or the scan.
I try not to rely upon just one tool when there are so many available. Not all tools work best, and I'm sure you know that.
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‎Dec 18, 2024
09:24 AM
Morning: one last example of how scanning provides better capabilities than photography (outside of speed), and this will focus (no pun intended) on photographs.
When I mentioned that I had photographed slides, it was because I had just under 10,000 slides that I wanted to digitize. I knew from the onset that I'd be dead before I finished scanning all of them, and, as I said, not all were keepers. So I photographed them all, and occasionally go back and scan the actual keepers. All of the images were tethered to Lightroom Classic.
[For my process, you can see this:
Here is a shot I did of an old barn. (All images were "as scanned," and have no LRC adjustments.)
Because my camera was a bit "tipped," I went into Transform, and it did this:
 It's hard to see, but there is about a 2°–3° CW rotation.
I then scanned the image — noticed the colors and lighting were better. 
Then, I again performed a Transform.
I wish I could tell you why the Scanned version can be adjusted via Transform, but the Photographed version cannot. I do not know.
When removing grain in an image, again, the Photographed version can hardly be touched in Photoshop, but (most) scanning software already has grain removal as part of its repertoire. (Although Topaz's noise removal does a decent job at grain.)
One last thing: I LOVE my Canon 7Dm2, but I look at the weight of the mirrorless and scratch my chin — longingly.
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