David Arbor
Valorous Hero
David Arbor
Valorous Hero
‎Jan 22, 2025
10:07 AM
Thanks for trying in 25.1 As @nishu_kush said, are you able to share the project file and media for testing on our end? Thanks again, - David, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Nov 11, 2024
05:43 AM
1 Upvote
Tthis happens with all software, and it always inconveniences someone; so I don't disagree that it's a pain for you, but just some context so you know why it does happen—as code bases get modernized and technology changes, older features that won't ever be updated again have to be modernized or made obsolete. You'd be surprised at how something that seems unrelated to everything else could wreak havoc when new technology is implemented. So even though the obsolete effects work fine today, old technology still has to be tested constantly; and more time spent testing or modernizing old features means less time testing or working on newer things that will benefit more users.
That link above lists a ton of transitions where the alternative is third-party. Yes, many of those transitions are cheesy, but when used right, they can still be effective, creative tools, so I agree that it's disappointing to see stuff you use removed.
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‎Nov 09, 2024
06:53 AM
You can make a copy of the project, and instead of choosing "Collect Files," you can choose "Reduce Project." Make sure your desired comp is selected in the Project panel before running this command, as it will delete everything in your project except the selected comp(s) and any related assets. Then you can collect the files if you need.
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‎Nov 05, 2024
06:47 AM
1 Upvote
This is totally normal, and as implied above, it sounds like you might have exported an MP4 or any other format that doesn't support an alpha (transparency) channel. From the File > Export menu, choose the option that says"
Video with Alpha via Adobe Media Encoder." This will queue your scene to Adobe Media Encoder and choose ProRes 4444 with Alpha as the preset. Export this file (which will be significantly bigger than a highly compressed MP4) and it will show up with a transparent BG in Premiere.
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‎Nov 05, 2024
06:42 AM
There's not enough information to help here. Please be very specific in describing what you're doing; what tools you're using to create your rig (if any); which exact version of AE you're running (not just the year number); and most importantly, please post screen shots or screen recordings showing the issue.
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‎Oct 31, 2024
06:44 AM
There isn't enough information here to really tell what's going on, but no, nothing changed about AME that would decrease your GPU usage. CPU and GPU usage is going to vary depending on which frames are being encoded at the exact moment. Have you tried exporting directly from After Effects or Premiere (wherever your source project is) to see if you get a similar experience as with AME? If you find the progress is stopping at roughly the same spot (maybe it's always 53%) then there's likely a problem in your timeline at that portion. Maybe you have some corrupted frames or cache files. When this happens to me in Premiere, often the answer is as simple as removing an effect and reapplying it or purging Media Cache. Without knowing more information it's hard to say, though.
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‎Oct 22, 2024
05:21 AM
The Creative Cloud app is typically full of updates letting you know when things are new, but if you never open it, then I guess you wouldn't see any of them. For your reference, Adobe MAX happens in the fall (it just ended last week) and the new major versions (in this case, 2025) of every app are released then. Otherwise, it's your typical monthly dot releases. So we can assume 2025.1 will come out next month or in December and the new icon you now have in your dock will open that version.
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‎Oct 21, 2024
12:48 PM
2024 and 2025 are separate versions, so despite the word "Update," it's technically more like an upgrade. In the past, I've noticed that the option to uninstall old versions is based on your previous choices, so some apps I need to have multiple versions installed and the box to uninstall old versions remained unchecked from one year to the next.
You can also go into the prefs of the Creative Cloud Desktop app and see what your settings are for each app. I have auto-update turned off entirely, but when you turn it on you get these options.
To your last point, because 2024 and 2025 are separate versions, you won't get an icon added to your Dock on macOS or your Taskbar on Windows—the same for most software.
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‎Oct 21, 2024
09:01 AM
I think you might have just found the problem. The latest version of Character Animator, is in fact, 25.0, and that would explain why you had the issue.
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‎Oct 21, 2024
06:33 AM
Overlord is a Battle Axe product, not an Adobe one, so you'll have better luck if you file a support ticket with them. That being said, Overlord 2 is getting regular updates, have you seen if there are any new updates in the Overlord app? You can also try reinstalling the extension from the Overlord app.
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‎Oct 21, 2024
06:31 AM
If you are running the same versions of both CH and AME, then you can try dragging a comp directly from CH's Project panel to AME.
It's also possible that Dynamic Link or another shared process is stuck and restarting your computer could fix the issue.
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‎Oct 21, 2024
06:29 AM
If you click Install and the Creative Cloud app hangs and doesn't actually start the download, there might be a stuck process. Try restarting your computer.
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‎Oct 11, 2024
12:32 PM
1 Upvote
If it's not a permissions issue, as Dan suggested, have you tried to update Bodymovin? There hasn't been a new version in quite some time, but maybe you're on an older version with a bug.
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‎Oct 04, 2024
07:48 PM
Happy to help. Maybe watch some Roto Brush 3 tutorials. You really want to freeze your propagation once you're done. If you're seeing funky results, then you'll need to adjust your matte and/or brushes. It's tricky to get right sometimes, but hopefully watching a few tutorials will show you different techniques you can apply to get it just right with your clip.
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‎Oct 04, 2024
06:52 PM
Thanks for the detailed answers! Those were a huge help.
I'd venture the issue is the Roto Brush, although these render times are still quite shocking.
First, are you using the latest model of Roto Brush? If you're just applying it in a new project, then you should be. If for some reason you're not, definitely use the latest one. It's better in every way, including performance.
Second, are you freezing your propagation after you're satisfied with your roto? I have a feeling that you might not be, and this could be the culprit. If you're not familiar with the workflow, go to section 9 here.
Lastly, you might have some settings cranked up so high that they're tanking performance. Refine Edge can definitely slow things down, and higher than necessary settings mixed with 4K clips can definitely be slooooow.
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‎Oct 04, 2024
07:33 AM
Something is very wrong if your render estimate is 30 hours. Can you please provide as much information as possible?
1) What exact version of AE and AME are you running? 2) Can you post screenshots of your timeline?
3) When you cache your timeline at full resolution, does that work or does it hang? If it does hang, does it always hang at the same spot? If so, this could indicate a problematic effect, corrupted piece of media, or something else that needs investigating.
4) Does this happen on all projects or just this one?
5) Have you tried exporting in an intermediate formate like ProRes instead of H.264?
6) What kind of assets are you working with in your timeline, all native AE assets, footage, high resolution photos?
7) Please provide your system specs
8) Are you exporting to the same drive that your project and media are one?
9) Have you updated your GPU drivers?
10) Have you restarted your computer then tried this again?
No matter how slow your machine may be, 30 hours to let something render indicates a huge problem. You can test all these things above in a couple minutes each—no need to let your render go for a long time.
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‎Sep 24, 2024
11:15 AM
It sounds like you need to learn about basic keyframe animation first. You can do this with two keyframes; the first is your starting point and the second is your ending point (off screen). You then set your keyframes to ease and pull your easing handle of the second keyframe so the movement accelerates more quickly. Adjusting keyframe easing in Premiere is not a great experience, which is why I recommended After Effects if you're going to be doing this a lot, but that has its own level of complexity.
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‎Sep 24, 2024
06:20 AM
This is as simple as keyframing the yPosition of your text and adjusting the easing so the movement starts out a little slower and quickly accelerates. If you're doing a lot of text then After Effects is probably the better place to do this, but you can definitely achieve this look in Premiere. https://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/using/adding-navigating-setting-keyframes.html
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‎Sep 24, 2024
06:17 AM
1 Upvote
There are lots of ways to simulate a hand-drawn look in AE. Roughen Edges is a great place to start: https://www.schoolofmotion.com/blog/tricks-for-creating-a-hand-drawn-look-in-after-effects
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‎Sep 10, 2024
06:42 AM
1 Upvote
The front view isn't using the same camera as your Active View. These views are meant for positioning and layout, not for final renders, and they don't support things like depth of field or perspective.. If you want your front view to match, then you need to switch it to the Active View so you have two instances of the same view.
Here's some info from the AE documentation: https://helpx.adobe.com/after-effects/using/modifying-using-views.html
The working 3D views include the custom and fixed orthographic views (Front, Left, Top, Back, Right, or Bottom). The orthographic views show layer positions in the composition but don't show perspective. The working 3D views are not associated with a camera layer. The working 3D views are useful for placing and previewing elements in a 3D scene. 3D layers appear in working 3D views – 2D layers don't appear in working 3D views.
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‎Sep 07, 2024
05:17 AM
It's probably a permissions-based thing, but people really shouldn't be manually installing CEP panels. Use the ZXP installer from aescripts and let it handle this process.
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‎Sep 06, 2024
05:44 AM
This is now possible (at least in the public beta) with the new Properties panel. I can't remember if the Properties panel is in the release version, but if it is, give it a whirl. I just resized and position four different clips by selecting and adjusting one value. Even better is that if your clips are different sizes and you scrub the slider, as opposed to enter a specific value, your clips will scale relative to their previous sizes.
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‎Sep 05, 2024
06:16 AM
I recently looked into this and couldn't find a way to specify the type of camera.
I'm not sure if your way is particularly unsafe, as `canSetExpression` returns a boolean value.
Alternatively, maybe you can use a try/catch to simply see if you can access the pointOfInterest property? If not, you can move on to the rest of your code.
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‎Aug 28, 2024
08:37 AM
1 Upvote
I'm not sure what's going on here. You shouldn't be renaming the ZIP to ZXP. You should have a .zxp file and that's what needs to be installed. What about my suggestion of using the aescripts manager app?
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‎Aug 28, 2024
05:53 AM
Is there a .zxp file inside the unzipped folder? None of the files in your screenshots are installers.
Also, since GeoLayers comes from aescripts, if you download the aescripts manager app, you can very easily install the tool from there. https://aescripts.com/learn/aescripts-aeplugins-manager-app/
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‎Aug 27, 2024
05:12 AM
This help article details whether you should check the box or not. If you're not basing these locations on any real property, then it sounds like you should check the box. Read section 2 here thoroughly to make sure how to apply the options to your specific situation.
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‎Aug 20, 2024
05:47 AM
Can you confirm how you disabled HDR for your test? Also, a clip from 2020 likely wasn't recorded in HDR, so you can't necessarily compare the two.
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‎Aug 19, 2024
06:25 AM
1 Upvote
It sounds like you might be working with HDR footage. In the Project panel, right-click on the footage, choose Interpret Footage > Main, then go to the Color tab. That will tell you what the "Media Color Space" is, then there are options to adjust it. If you want to stay working in HDR, then you have to enable Color Management for your composition. But there are different reasons to do each of these and it depends what you want, as well as the specs of your footage.
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‎Aug 19, 2024
06:18 AM
Agreed, it would be great if there was a native way to do this. There is, however, a third-party script that lets you do exactly this, and it's fantastic. It's called Nudge: https://elementsupply.co/products/scripts/nudge
It has a panel, but you can also add the functions to KBar with specified frame amounts. So I have one KBar button that, when using different modifier keys, I can shift my selection forward or back 12 frames or 24 frames, and then another option to open the panel if I need to specify a different number of frames.
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‎Aug 12, 2024
06:06 AM
Duik Angela is the latest major version of Duik, and yes, it definitely looks different. Bassel is the previous version and there's no need to learn it.
Check out this Getting Started video from @JakeInMotion and avoid watching any Duik Bassel tutorials so you don't get confused: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0RRBVnn2MA
Much of the function is the same between the two versions, but not everything. Plus, things have moved, been improved, and/or simplified.
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