Jeff Bellune
Jeff Bellune
‎Aug 04, 2022
09:53 PM
1 Upvote
The only comment I'd make is that the GOP numbers for NTSC DVD should be N=3 and M= (whatever gives a new I-frame every half second).
At 30 fps, that's M=15 and and 24 fps that's 12. You discovered that Encore really likes that rule, and it won't accept without transcoding any mpeg2 video that violates that rule.
EDIT: I lied. I have to make another comment. 😄
Don't ever let Encore transcode anything except menu bg video. I'm not a fan of the MainConcept MPEG encoder that Pr has used forever (are they still using it? I don't know). On Windows, the TMPGEnc encoder is excellent and not hideously expensive; on Mac I use Compressor. 50 bucks.
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‎Aug 03, 2022
05:47 AM
I assume your Pr sequence is busy with lots of stuff going on around the Ae comps? And that things have been moved around a bit?
Since the DL export when run "live" has not dip to black problem, and the export using the rendered and replaced clips does, it's likely there's a cache problem. I recommend saving and closing your Pr project, quitting Pr completely, and restarting it from a shortcut. When you get tot the welcome screen and before opening any projects, delete *all* your media cache files. Close Pr and relaunch to see if the local version exports more like the linked version.
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‎Aug 01, 2022
07:45 PM
Meantime, load a clip into MediaInfo from the Sony that worked, and then a clip from the Mavic that doesn't. Compare and contrast to see if there are any clues.
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‎Aug 01, 2022
07:42 PM
Export a comp or two from inside Ae and view them in a media player and then in the source monitor in Pr after importing them. Is anything seen that could relate to the dip to black?
Download the Ae stuff and other images from Google drive and put them on your SSD. Your dynamic link export performance should improve dramatically.
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‎Jul 28, 2022
06:58 AM
1 Upvote
Premiere Pro guy here, but still a long-time user of Lr (classic and cloud).
I've got some DNG images taken with the Lr Mobile camera that I'm trying to get into Apple Photos as RAW files. The images were taken with various iPhone models, starting with the iPhone X. When snapped, I usually preferred the hdr-dng version to the regular dng version, so I deleted most of the regular dng's.
When I export now from Lr (either macOS 12.5 or iOS 15.5), the few regular DNG files I have export and add to Apple Photos perfectly. The hdr-dng files end up a blown-out white & magenta mess.
For reference, here are 2 screenshots of what the regular dng's look like in Camera Raw 14.4 and Apple Photos.
Camera Raw
Apple Photos
Now here is what happens with the hdr-dng's:
Camera Raw
Apple Photos (and in Preview on Mac, and in RAW Power, and in Pixelmator Pro, and so on): 
If I export as a DNG from Camera Raw, I get the same result as exporting from Lr.
I'd be grateful for any help or insight, even if that help starts with, "Hey Stupid!" 😀
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‎Jul 25, 2022
07:29 PM
1 Upvote
Are you using MXF files? They are particularly troublesome in Pr when doing speed changes.
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‎Jul 25, 2022
07:16 PM
You can force the order that Pr renders effects by nesting sequences. For example, if you need to scale a masked clip, nest the clip and its mask in a sequence, then scale the nested sequence. That workflow may help you work out some of the problems you're describing.
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‎Jul 20, 2022
02:02 PM
1 Upvote
My steps for clearing the media cache were to help with the crash when creating a new project; they won't help with the display initializaton error.
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‎Jul 19, 2022
11:26 AM
1 Upvote
If you can get to the welcome screen, try this:
Launch Pr from a shortcut (Dock, Launchpad, Desktop) while holding down the Shift+Opt keys. Opt resets prefs and Shift clears plugin cache.
Keep the keys pressed until the main program window appears.
Before trying to open any project or starting a new one, go to Preferences>Media Cache and delete *all* your media cache files.
Now try opening a project or starting a new one.
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‎Jul 19, 2022
11:24 AM
1 Upvote
Indeed. You'll need lots of bits for that!
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‎Jul 18, 2022
04:58 AM
Logic dictates that if proper color management is being used, and all the settings are correct, the original footage should not look the same in both 709 and 2100.
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‎Jul 18, 2022
04:55 AM
Please post a screenshot of all your export settings.
You didn't say what format and codec you used to export. I'm assuming H.264 in an MP4 file?
You've gotten almost a 10% reduction in file size so far. If file size is your biggest concern, then you may be able to reduce it further by lowering the bit rate a little more and selecting VBR 2-pass.
Be aware that encoders can't work magic. If there are fine details and fast motion (it seems your video has both!), then it needs lots of bits to encode good quality video. The video content may prohibit small file sizes.
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‎Jul 16, 2022
03:59 PM
Thanks for posting your solution. Was it the full disk access permissions that fixed it for you?
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‎Jul 16, 2022
01:27 PM
The only way Time Machine should erase anything on your system is if you restore something. If all you did was back up using TM, then nothing should have changed on your system at all. Time Machine will delete old backups if there's not enough space on your selected backup disk, but it won't delete data or apps.
What do your TM preferences look like? What disk did you choose to backup to?
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‎Jul 16, 2022
09:05 AM
You don't need max bit depth for video that is destined for streaming online. Max render quality is really only useful when scaling video from one frame size to another. For example, exporting a 4K sequence to HD frame size.
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‎Jul 16, 2022
08:59 AM
1 Upvote
Try unchecking or mismatching the linearized color setting, and turning off Max Bit Depth in Pr. Experiment a bit. Also try switching from hardware acceleration to software rendering in Pr.
Quick thought: since switching color spaces in Pr makes the colors match, are you 100% sure the source footage in Pr was shot in 709? Might be worth checking.
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‎Jul 15, 2022
05:42 AM
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‎Jul 15, 2022
05:36 AM
A couple of questions about your projects.
Is this the only project that behaves this way? For any project that has this issue, were they originally started in 22 or were they started in an earlier version (21, 19, etc.)?
See if you can re-create the issue in a brand-new, blank 22.5 project. If a new project functions properly, try importing your troublesome project into a new, blank project.
I'd also try making the linked Ae comps offline, then re-linking them in the new versions.
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‎Jul 14, 2022
02:45 PM
If you're not using any of the plugins then they shouldn't affect the export of this project.
Another thought occurred to me: If you are using hardware acceleration, try changing to software rendering only. Do that for both Pr and the AME.
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‎Jul 14, 2022
02:37 PM
What you are describing is odd, and I'm not sure I completely understand. Please post a screenshot of what you see when you do the Reveal in Explorer operation and you can see the footage files. Then post a screenshot of what you see when you try to navigate to that location outside of Pr and you can't see the footage files.
It may help to copy the path to the footage files when you can see them.
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‎Jul 14, 2022
07:49 AM
Premiere Pro User Voice
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‎Jul 14, 2022
07:47 AM
@josemariaabreusantos wrote:
I urge the Premiere Pro development team to take a look at this issue and fix it as soon as possible, as there is a massive need from countless people who rely on it every day to be able to deliver to premiere users.
Premiere Pro User Voice
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‎Jul 14, 2022
07:35 AM
Have you tried scaling your display using System Prefs>Displays>Display settings?
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‎Jul 14, 2022
07:30 AM
Try right-clicking one of the bin clips and select Reveal in Explorer. That may get you to the right place,
Alternatively, you can make one of the bin clips offline and then try to relink it. Pr will tell you where it thinks the file should be.
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‎Jul 14, 2022
07:25 AM
I recommend starting Pr from a shortcut (Start Menu, Desktop, Taskbar) and then once you are at the welcome screen, go to preferences>media cache and delete all your cache files. With the version changes that the project has gone through there may be stuff lingering around that is affecting the frame rate processing.
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‎Jul 14, 2022
07:13 AM
So if I understand correctly, you can export the nested sequence (the sub sequence) that contains the linked Ae comp to ProRes from Pr without issue. You just can't export the parent sequence to any codec from Pr or the AME until you replace the nested sequence with the previously exported file. Is this correct?
This shouldn't make any difference, but have you tried exporting the parent sequence from Pr with Ae open? With Ae closed?
Are you using any non-Adobe plugins for either Ae or Pr?
Is the Ae comp or either of the Pr sequences weighed down with heavy effects?
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‎Jul 13, 2022
06:29 PM
This is a silly question, but your screenshot above shows the Image Sequence check box unchecked. Does anything change if you ensure this box is checked?
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‎Jul 13, 2022
06:26 PM
Can you play back or render the sequence without issue?
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‎Jul 13, 2022
06:24 PM
FAQ: What information should I provide when asking... - Adobe Support Community - 3929027
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‎Jul 13, 2022
06:23 PM
If your scratch disk has dropped offline, or if permissions on it have changed, Resolve won't work either. That'll be true on Windows or Mac.
For more in-depth troubleshooting, we'll need more info.
FAQ: What information should I provide when asking... - Adobe Support Community - 3929027
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