‎Dec 11, 2023
08:45 AM
1 Upvote
WOW: that's the opposite of what I thought that choice meant! I kept making sure it was checked because I wanted to make sure it preserved the links to the images; obviously, Illustrator meant (as I would say it) "embed image files". It makes sense but I think my interpretation of those words made sense, too. Thank you.
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‎Sep 13, 2023
11:11 AM
Update: this has not happened 100% of the time but it does happen some times: using the text tool to edit the text, I get this popup when I click in the text box: Illustrator updated this morning (I always automatically update when a new version/update comes out) but it seems odd that it would consider v 27.9 "another version" and none of my other files are giving me this message and when I click okay, the extra space appears. I force it to use the original paragraph style and it immediately corrects. But it's weird: I know I have not seen this message every time it's happened—sometimes, all I have done is open the file and the extra space below is already there. Yes, it's only happening in one place even though that same paragraph style, "bullet", is used throughout my label. When I Show Hidden Characters, there's not another hard return there: something is overriding my style in that one place. I probably won't try those options immediately (clients are needy!) but those are both good suggestions so I will try give them both a shot.
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‎Sep 13, 2023
09:39 AM
Thank you Monika: I have not reset the preferences because these documents are the only ones affected—I assumed it was an issue with something in the first document I created but it's odd that it's really primarily 1 paragraph style that, as I said, is used all over the document but only screws up in one place consistently. I turn my computer off every night and this has been going on for weeks so rebooting is not a solution this time (not that it isn't often!). Here are screenshots of the offending style sheet windows: And the two screenshots of the text from the previous post. This is the before: This is after:
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‎Sep 13, 2023
07:56 AM
This has been going on for weeks and I can't find an answer and it's making me insane because I look like an idiot to my client. I have a series of documents (labels for pharmaceuticals with VERY long prescribing information). I used paragraph and character styles—as I always do—to make the work go faster. For some reason, one or two of the paragraphs—which are used in multiple places throughout the document—are adding a lot of space after the paragraph, as though I overwrote the style in the Paragraph tab (I did not). Because there are six of these labels with very minor changes to the text between them, I used the same flowing text and just edited where I needed. When I force reapply the style, it goes back correctly. But this happens every time I make the smallest edit to the file even if I'm not touching that text box (and was happening while I was working on the layout but, of course, I saw it every time then). It's not a huge problem to check and make sure it didn't happen... if I remember that I have to do that (these jobs drag out for weeks and I'm doing other work, of course). What is going on and how can I make it stop? I have attached screenshots of before and after I force apply the style. Thanks.
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‎Mar 17, 2020
03:52 PM
And then, just like Keyser Söze—pffft!—it was gone... I uninstalled and reinstalled Illustrator and, at first, that didn't work—still got the message and crash. Decided to "work around it". Didn't reboot. Didn't restart Illustrator. And then I opened up an art file again and when I saved, I got the message but it didn't crash. And then I didn't get the message. I have no idea what changed but it's working now. I'm going with gremlins...
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‎Mar 17, 2020
09:21 AM
Not only do I get this message but it's also crashing Illustrator so that I can't edit the files in the library (or at least this file but since I'm getting it when I try to make a new library item, I suspect it's everything). And I'm using this logo in a LOT of different places, rotated, resized—it's a waste of time to go through and change it EVERYWHERE i'm using it.
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‎Nov 08, 2016
01:31 PM
1 Upvote
Mine didn't say 2017 after I uninstalled it, just InDesign CC and it was moved down to the list Find Additional Apps (I'm sorry I didn't take a screenshot). I have actually reinstalled 2015 and 2017 (because I'd already converted some files before I realized I needed that plugin today) and both seem to be working fine. Hope it works for you, too.
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‎Nov 08, 2016
12:20 PM
1 Upvote
Never mind, I uninstalled and then InDesign moved down to the Find Additional Apps section; once it was there, the button said Try. I clicked on Try and it refreshed the window to get the Install button where I could choose the previous version. Thanks!
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‎Nov 08, 2016
12:09 PM
The picture in that screen shot is not what I see: I don't find an option to install older version of the software. Perhaps something changed in CC 2017? I don't have a Find Previous Versions with the Latest Versions and the one place I can choose it, InDesign is not one of the options. Here is what I'm seeing:
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‎Sep 30, 2016
06:34 AM
1 Upvote
I am having the exact same problem—1 comment or 100, there's a delay of 20-60 seconds (I just opened a file with 4 comments and it was closer to 1 minute). MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013) El Capitan 10.11.6 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Current CC subscription
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‎Jul 28, 2016
07:26 AM
I've had the same problem for at least 4 weeks (and I think it's been longer). I click on the Comments icon on the sidebar and then wait anywhere from 30-60 seconds for them to finally appear. I can do other things while I'm waiting (it doesn't freeze the computer) so I have a "work around" but it's ridiculous. I've been googling it (off and on) for weeks but I finally found this thread by just searching through the forum! I can't believe that you and I are the only ones experiencing this.
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‎Nov 09, 2015
03:03 PM
This is what worked for me: thanks!
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