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Slow as molasses today... Posting is even slower than a snail.
Was looking for an earlier thread but was sooo slow to find that i just started a new one... sorry about that.
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My favourite picture...
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9 PM EST. Slow then a snail. yup
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Just trying out iCab Browser. at 10:07PM EST definitely fast tonight.
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13:40 GMT
Really slow not loading... pages not loading. Site unavailable messages, etc. Wonder if some 'upgrade' is taking place and they didn't inform us... Or maybe it's a downgrade... most likely an upgrade downgrade... anyway... Tried logging in first about 5 hours ago... 08:00GMT... just got in and still crawling...
This Jive driven forum shure ain't jivin' in one sense of the word but more than jivin' in other senses of the word!
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Sorry, I spent the money given to me to pay the server bill on beer. I was thirsty. It won't happen again.
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dec9 wrote:
Sorry, I spent the money given to me to pay the server bill on beer. I was thirsty. It won't happen again.
Wish i has some points left
But seriously, anyone else face the same problem? I know JJ did...
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If Jhabrix is not actually Jay with another account (or perhaps just a bugged name... sigh), I swear I'll use the word "rules" and the name of the company that made this forum software in the same sentence!
And yes, it's rather slow now.
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And by the time I wrote this message, this was a thread with 55 replies, but ending with post #56!!! Surely deleted posts cannot produce this discrepancy. Perhaps undeleted ones can?
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It's probably just yet another JiveBug© I think Claudio, there is all kinds of problems like that. I'm so used to stuff like that now I don't even notice it. That's actually one of the less noticable and unharmful ones (and also new to me: +1 Jive bug !)
Even the 1, 2, 3 page links in the forum listing sometimes completely breaks. It's pathetic.
Obey the forum thought police. Violators will be locked, deleted and banned.
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I am from the future. Do not complain, as the forum will go off-line on Sept 03, and not be back up until the morning of Sept 04.
Just be happy that you have, what you have.
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the_wine_snob wrote:
I am from the future. Do not complain, as the forum will go off-line on Sept 03, and not be back up until the morning of Sept 04.
Time-shift servers
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Yes. Now, if only Jay had seen my post yesterday...
Want the winner of the 2010 Superbowl?
PS - since it was locked, when I first saw it, welcome to the Adobe fora!
PPS - if your interests are Photoshop (where your post got moved to), or video production, there is a good "Community" at Muvipix. It is not Adobe-centric, per se, though many of the Adobe products for the above operations are featured. It's muli-level in that anyone can post/read, and with a subscription, much Functional Content, like stock video footage, etc. is available. There are many sub-fora, some Adobe, and some other suppliers. It's all about helping folk get the most from either still image manipulation, or video production. The "Water Cooler," is equal to the Lounges here, but without the association with particular programs.
Message was edited by: the_wine_snob Added PPS
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the_wine_snob wrote:
Yes. Now, if only Jay had seen my post yesterday...
Want the winner of the 2010 Superbowl?
Mmmm JVD? CW? Oh! You said Superbowl. Sorry, i thought there was an extra vowel in there
PS - since it was locked, when I first saw it, welcome to the Adobe fora!
Thanks! now better say something about the forum before this post gets deleted or this thread gets locked.
The forums were so slow yesterday that they were non-existent.
Unless, they went so fast that they left us behind. That's probably what hapened. If we're lucky we might catch up with in the future.
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As for slowdown, the fora did go down completely 09/03 - 09/04 morning AZT. During the mid-day, it was flying, based on past experiences. Now, it seems to be slowing down again. Hope that this is not a harbinger of more to come.
Still, the forum is up now, so all is not bad.
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I'm going to keep bumping this thread till the slowness gets fixed!
At the time of writing this the forums are not slow – they are unusable!
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Normally, my download times are between 8 and 14 seconds (as compared to the well less than a second in the old forums), and today I am getting times in the high end of this range, so I see nothing "unusual". Some 12 hours ago, however, times were about 50% longer for a while.
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It took 8 seconds for the reply box to appear.
It took 13-14 seconds for the main forum list to appear when I click on the "Forum Comments" link in the breadcrumb trail.
This really slow on my fast computer, I can only imagine what it's like on my "slow" one ...
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This morning from email notification link to complete open of this thread was 12 seconds on a PowerPC PowerBook 17" getting connection through a Belkin WEP extended 802.11N Wireless Router; using OSX4.11.
It took 7 seconds to go to the Reply edit box when clicking Reply. I use a 1MB DSL Up/download line.
Is that slow.
Now this is vastly better than this week's 18 hour shutdown
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It has now reduced to 12-15 seconds for a page to load. Before it was 30 seconds or more. This is useless for browsing the forums and posting answers.
At the same times the BBC website, which is much more complex, showed averages of 2 seconds.
This is just to give an idea.
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I agree. Other sites are like lightning, but not here. I know it's not my system, or the other sites would be slow too.
This has been an ongoing issue. I wonder when they will correct it?
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Hopper, the blame is most definitely not in your system. Shortly after the change from the fair forums, several users, myself and Ramón included, posted reults of measured comparisons between the loading times in the old and the new forums, without any change in any of our systems. These included quite different equipment and connection modes, and showed without any doubt increases of at least ten times, attributable exclusively to the improved forums. I will not repeat those figures now, for fear of been censored once more for reposting already published information.
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Will somebody *PLEASE* feed the gerbil?
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...and now the responsiveness is pretty darned good
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For now it is faster. Until the caffeine IV runs out.