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Still trying to solve this difficulty; gaining no replies; it appears I can Post, but cannot Reply –– Calling all Moderators !
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At a post, I hit Reply.
Type my comment.
Hit Post.
My reply does not show as a new reply. Did a Refresh, Sign Out, etc. Nor does it appear in 'My follows', though other new Replies do show there.
What am I overlooking?
I happily report the [unbelievable] news of a Correct Answer. (All in a week's work, as the saying goes.)
Here was the key:
But I wonder: You can post all these things here. Maybe your problems has to do with a part of your content???
That got me plugging in here, test after test (as seen in the following endless litany of test Replies from me). I'd been reluctant to 'dirty' this discussion by doing so. But, oh, the value of a workbench. And here's what it came down to – believe it o
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I don't follow you, at all. What do you mean by, "Yes".
What are you suggesting? [FWIW, incognito mode yields same result.]
This seems not a fully uncommon occurence, as others have posted on similar roadblock. I can Reply to this post, here, but cannot Reply to Joel, Wanting a script to Activate, then Play, an RMA on another page.
Constructive guidance is heartily welcomed.
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Have you already tried to reply using the blue reply button?
Have you tried replying via in another browser?
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Testing, testing, . . .
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Yes, and Yes.
1) I normally use the gray Reply button seen beneath 'latest reply'. This opens a window in which to type. Beneath that window is a blue Post button.
Type my comment. Hit Post. Buttons gray-out. Browser progress bar indicates an ~1 second load time. I see my reply posted to the community.
In replying to Joel, when I hit Post, buttons gray-out, progress bar transits in a tiny fraction of a second, no error messages indicated. I do not see my reply posted to the community.
You metion "the blue reply button". I see a blue Reply button beneath the first post in a subject. Is there any difference between that one, and the gray Reply button beneath 'latest reply'?
In any event, either button works for my replies to this thread. Both buttons fail, for the thread of interest.
2) I have tried three browsers. This would seem immaterial, since my attempts failing at that post, are with the same browser as my attempts succeeding at this post.
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Attached, find a screen recording made just now, documenting a.) Failure of Reply at the post of interest, and b.) Success of Reply in my immediate-above 'Testing, testing' reply message.
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Why thank you. That is informatively helpful. I was unaware of the distinction.
Now if I can just get a Reply up there, I'm set.
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I seem to remember there's a restriction with nested replies where after a certain number of nests they no longer appear. But I can't remember exactly the details. I'll see if I can find the details.
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Okay I found this thread, that says that at depth 3, only 10 replies are displayed. I feel like that was increased to 25 but I can't find the relevant thread.
In any case, possibly you are hitting this restriction with your replies to replies?
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Thank you for investigating.
But I remain puzzled. The Original Post Wanting a script to Activate, then Play, an RMA on another page.
1) So, as to counting Depths and Replies, is it not the case that, currently represented there, the count is a Depth of 1, with 4 Replies ?
2) As to your question, am I correct in discerning that my 'replies to replies' is equal to zero ?
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It doesn't look like you'd be hitting that restriction in the post you list (although with posts with many levels of nesting, it's not easy to tell how nested something is, in my opinion). It was just a thought.
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Oh and I can see one reply to a reply. If you use any button except the one directly under the original post, it's a reply to a reply and gets a shaded background.
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Yes, thanks. [Chuckle...], I'm starting to get the hang of it.
(As for counting so-called 'nesting', you got dat right.)
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Hi @Brian_Raila
What does that mean in concrete terms?
Can you answer now in the other thread?
Or is that not yet possible?
I just see your "fake/test answer" there ...
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Tried just now.
Same behavior.
Buttons to Gray, browser progress bar does momentary transit. No change to Forum page.
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Please try to post the content here in this thread. If that fails - use the code-button [</>] and try to post your content as "code" here in this thread. If that fails - attach a TXT file with your content.
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Option 1 [regular old Reply] failed.
Here goes attempt as 'Code'; Lanauge HTML/XML:
Hey – good idea! Here 'tis. First, as a plain ole, simple Reply, verbatim following next three em dashes:
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The following reply was submitted on 3-23-21; delayed by Forum troubleshooting.
Nice to hear from you Joel!
Don’t worry about my feelings regarding your answer. It’s rather what I fully expected, but had hoped to dodge with the caveat about my awareness of software evolution. There’s no shortage of folks who echo your recommendation. Problem is, none have been able to identify an equivalent alternative. But all that’s a bit of an aside, summarized below. As for the topic of this post, I know you know your stuff, Joel. I’m all ears.
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On the bigger picture, I’ve a considerable understanding of both the limits to, and the benefits of, my methodology. I wish not a nit-picky endorsement, nor condemnation, of any given approach. I’m seeking a solution for a known requirement.
I have no need for operation via mobile and/or browser-based Adobe viewers. And in the Web realm, I would sacrifice attachments, predictable formatting, magnification, and commenting for collaborative revision, never mind logic-managed operation of media. *
As for ‘rethinking my solution’, I’ve been rethinking expression by temporal media for more than 50 years.
Logic-managed temporal media became practical for me, with the videodisc formats of the 1970s. I began Web development in ’94, with colleagues from Vermeer’s FrontPage. I was delighted when Netscape supported images in the same window as HTML text, rather than in a separate region. I have tracked ColdFusion, InDesign, HTML5, in5, and so on. All of the above represent hundreds of iterations of embedded multimedia support. In the present day, nearly all the requirement seems met only by the 27-year development of each Flash, and the PDF.
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* I have worked with time-sharing, host-client systems [e.g. Web browsers], since 1973, and so am keenly aware of the benefits of, but also the intrinsic ephemeral transiency of, computer networks. **
In the current era of software expression, have a look at my Play Your Part - As Seen on TV. The only troubling deficiency is initialization of the file. It is necessary to first, step manually, through all the pages, to prepare each RMA for any potential triggering. Once stepped that way, everything works as required,
Even Bob Levine finds the document impressive. As for an alternative solution, he pointed only to in5, for insuring ‘content that is pixel-perfect’ [not –– we need note – dimensionally-perfect], and thus assuring spatial registration [but! –– devoid of temporal registration].
I heartily advocate networks for such as addressing a public-health crisis, distribution and exchange of fixed, unchanging data [e.g. daily bank statement], and presentation of singular user-managed temporal expression [e.g. Netflix, Youtube, ABC Sports]. But for management of multiple temporal expressions [e.g. school students, as separate Zoom participants, together reciting The Pledge of Allegiance], networks are intrinsically flawed.
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** To wit, here’s a well-intended illustration, of some amusement.
Two days ago, I was looking into PDF slide controls having naught to do with media presentation, and came across one of Thom Parker’s posts.
There, Thom mentions refers the reader to one of your posts.
Recognizing your name, I eagerly went to see what you had to say.
I was taken to a page titled “Adobe Log: Page not found”, at this link.
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As stated, I’m not quibbling endorsement, nor condemnation. I seek to patch a method which, given that patch, will work flawlessly in achieving the requirement. When I find one superior, on it I shall pounce.
Tried to extract
Hey – good idea! Here 'tis. First, as a plain ole, simple Reply, verbatim following next three em dashes:
– – –
The following reply was submitted on 3-23-21; delayed by Forum troubleshooting.
Nice to hear from you Joel!
Don’t worry about my feelings regarding your answer. It’s rather what I fully expected, but had hoped to dodge with the caveat about my awareness of software evolution. There’s no shortage of folks who echo your recommendation. Problem is, none have been able to identify an equivalent alternative. But all that’s a bit of an aside, summarized below. As for the topic of this post, I know you know your stuff, Joel. I’m all ears.
– – –
On the bigger picture, I’ve a considerable understanding of both the limits to, and the benefits of, my methodology. I wish not a nit-picky endorsement, nor condemnation, of any given approach. I’m seeking a solution for a known requirement.
I have no need for operation via mobile and/or browser-based Adobe viewers. And in the Web realm, I would sacrifice attachments, predictable formatting, magnification, and commenting for collaborative revision, never mind logic-managed operation of media. *
As for ‘rethinking my solution’, I’ve been rethinking expression by temporal media for more than 50 years.
Logic-managed temporal media became practical for me, with the videodisc formats of the 1970s. I began Web development in ’94, with colleagues from Vermeer’s FrontPage. I was delighted when Netscape supported images in the same window as HTML text, rather than in a separate region. I have tracked ColdFusion, InDesign, HTML5, in5, and so on. All of the above represent hundreds of iterations of embedded multimedia support. In the present day, nearly all the requirement seems met only by the 27-year development of each Flash, and the PDF.
– – –
* I have worked with time-sharing, host-client systems [e.g. Web browsers], since 1973, and so am keenly aware of the benefits of, but also the intrinsic ephemeral transiency of, computer networks. **
In the current era of software expression, have a look at my Play Your Part - As Seen on TV. The only troubling deficiency is initialization of the file. It is necessary to first, step manually, through all the pages, to prepare each RMA for any potential triggering. Once stepped that way, everything works as required,
Even Bob Levine finds the document impressive. As for an alternative solution, he pointed only to in5, for insuring ‘content that is pixel-perfect’ [not –– we need note – dimensionally-perfect], and thus assuring spatial registration [but! –– devoid of temporal registration].
I heartily advocate networks for such as addressing a public-health crisis, distribution and exchange of fixed, unchanging data [e.g. daily bank statement], and presentation of singular user-managed temporal expression [e.g. Netflix, Youtube, ABC Sports]. But for management of multiple temporal expressions [e.g. school students, as separate Zoom participants, together reciting The Pledge of Allegiance], networks are intrinsically flawed.
– – –
** To wit, here’s a well-intended illustration, of some amusement.
Two days ago, I was looking into PDF slide controls having naught to do with media presentation, and came across one of Thom Parker’s posts.
There, Thom mentions refers the reader to one of your posts.
Recognizing your name, I eagerly went to see what you had to say.
I was taken to a page titled “Adobe Log: Page not found”, at this link.
– – –
As stated, I’m not quibbling endorsement, nor condemnation. I seek to patch a method which, given that patch, will work flawlessly in achieving the requirement. When I find one superior, on it I shall pounce.
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Well, that worked.
Its greatest deficiency is absence of essential embedded links, but also formatting, etc.
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I have extracted the text - without problems.
If another (better than me english speaking) member for example @Amebr could give the ok for content - I could replace your "fake text" in the other thread with this.
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No. A full and proper solution is necessary.
It is completely inadequate to simply convey 'plain text' in this Forum. Were that adequate, I'd have done so in the first place.
There are compelling reasons why Posts are supposed to support, and users are reliant on:
Formatted text
Web links Amebr
Inserted photos, such as .
Inserted video, etc.
My post, the one being discussed here, relies on all of the above, some mentioned in my previous reply.
If you did not discern such, it is not, at all, the failure of your abilities and skills. It is a failure due to the inherent limitations of plain text.
I would be most appreciative if @Amebr or anyone else could investigate this matter for a productive solution.
Vielen dank.
– BR
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No. A full and proper solution is necessary …
…or anyone else could investigate this matter for a productive solution …
By @Brian_Raila
That only can be done by Adobe staff members.
Note: This is a User-to-User-Forum. @Amebr and me are users like you. I can do some moderation. But that's all. Please wait for an answer in the other Thread where I mentioned an Adobe staff member.
But I wonder: You can post all these things here. Maybe your problems has to do with a part of your content???
And one thing:
Do you have permission from me to post my picture? No you have not.
I'll replace it with your own.
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Please accept my sincere apology, pixxxelschubser. I did not wish, in the least, to offend you.
I was making a point about 'plain text' limitations, and simply grabbed the nearest [literally] image at hand. I regret that I didn't simply find a neutral image of some sort, instead.
I continue to find your posts helpful, in sorting this out. I hope Silvia_CC might have an approach, and hope she's following here.
As for my content, that's worth consideration. The text went through. There are several links there.
I have an idea. I shall test each non-plain-text component here, one at a time. By the process of elimination, something should be identified as "not allowable".
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Testing potential nanny-bot words:
Another thought is there is mention of a link, which maybe caused the block?
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well, two words I figured might cause a problem with the nannybot were fine. (Although that nanny-bot blocks some terms that have pretty niche slang meanings that I'm not aware of.)
And the example link you posted (to the forums) wouldn't cause a problem. Links to other websites, maybe, depending.