‎Feb 12, 2020
08:24 AM
1 Upvote
Doesn't modifying the frame rate also then change the playback speed? That's been my experience with that feature.
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‎Feb 12, 2020
07:33 AM
What is the source of the clips? If they were shot at a high frame rate (for slow-motion replay), that could be a factor. Another issue is that many newer phones (and screen recording apps) record video with Variable Frame Rate which can be a problem when editing. Check the properties of the source clips and see what the frame rates are. If they are non-standard rates, could be VFR and in that case, one can use the free Handbrake app to convert to a Constant Frame Rate of 29.97 prior to editing in Premiere.
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‎Feb 11, 2020
11:14 AM
Per Neil, please actually grab the image from video, and not a screen shot of interface. Use this "camera" button to get full-size video frame as a still image format
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‎Feb 10, 2020
10:29 AM
The most basic way could be to simply choose an HD clip as a Source in Media Encoder, and Export as 4K. The same could be done in Premiere, exporting HD sequence as 4K.
However, converting HD to 4K doesn't make it look any better - you can't add resolution (detail) that did not exist to start with. Meaning, you might send the HD source to a 4K display, and then send the 4K converted video to same 4K display for comparison, and the "4K" source isn't going to look any sharper, so nothing gained.
Perhaps if you share the intended purpose/workflow behind your question, we can provide different solutions.
A similar question I see a lot is "convert SD to HD". Same result - one can play a nice quality DVD in a set-top DVD player (with HD-upscaling via HDMI cable) to an HD display and get a great-looking image. The results would likely not be any better if the DVD was upconverted to Blu-ray. The source is the source.
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‎Feb 03, 2020
11:53 AM
If any clips are from phones, they could be Variable Frame Rate, which is known to cause editing issues. Best to convert such footage prior to editing, like using the free Handbrake application. Import phone clip, set export settings to 29.97, Constant and then export and use that new clip with standard frame rate to edit in Premiere. You can check clip properties in Premiere - if you see any with like 28 or 30.xx frame rates, likely Variable then.
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‎Feb 03, 2020
11:45 AM
Your SEQUENCE is set to (odd) 1900x1080, while OUTPUT is set to (correct) 1920x1080. I'd definitely go to Sequence Settings and change that 1900 to 1920 and see if that helps with the export
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‎Jan 31, 2020
08:51 AM
1 Upvote
You have 7000 pixels in the source and only 1080 in output. Unless you are really zooming in tight on a small area, that's a lot of extra unecessary overhead for the system to process. Hop over to Photoshop and downsize the source images some and see if that helps. Maybe cut the size in half at least.
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‎Jan 30, 2020
11:08 AM
But what are the dimensions (in pixels) of the still images you are working with? If they are very high-resolution like 10,000 x 12,000 pixels or whatever, that can REALLY mess with things
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‎Jan 30, 2020
11:05 AM
Not really contained within one video clip. You could export in two passes, muting video tracks as needed to get desired output in each of the two exports (video only and titles only). For titles, you could export in a format that includes an "alpha channel" so that the background of titles is transparent, so whoever edits next will superimpose your title clip over your video clip and can then work on creating new titles. Note that your titles would not be saved in an "text" format that could be run through a translation program, rather a person will need to read original on screen and type in their translation.
And if this video will be re-edited, re-titled, then you'll want to use a high-quality intermediate codec for export so the quality holds up. Meaning not H.264, but ProRes or DNxHD for instance. Both of which would support alpha channel for the title clip.
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‎Jan 30, 2020
10:57 AM
1 Upvote
Averdahl is correct. To put it simply, H.264 compression encodes pixels in groups or matrixes, for instance maybe 8x8 pixels at a time. ODD numbers just don't work out, sorry. Not sure why your client would need such an oddball size, perhaps they can or should change the specification of what they want.
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‎Jan 30, 2020
10:52 AM
1 Upvote
Variable Frame Rate is an abomination. Its purpose is to decrease file sizes and it works for that. But VFR is not good for editing. Say you record a scene with TWO such iPhones and you are going to do a 2-camera edit with those clips. The two clips are not marching to the same beat, as the frames from one clip are out of time to the other!! That's a problem...
I've been editing NLE for 25 years or more, and this sudden thing of clips having random varying frame rates...makes no sense. It's hard enough mixing mismatched clips, like 29.97 and 23.976, when the frame rates are at least constant. Now let them just go all willy-nilly over time. Yikes.
As for mkv, yes that is a very efficient codec but the only place I've really seen it widely used is for downloading bootlegged movies. It's a DELIVERY codec, not an intermediate for editing use. Convert to .mp4 and it will work fine in Premiere
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‎Jan 30, 2020
10:42 AM
Also for YouTube, I will typically just choose H.264 as output format, and then select a YouTube preset and it always works fine.
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‎Jan 30, 2020
10:41 AM
Help us to help you - what are the Sequence Settings and Export Settings being used? If you can please post a screen shot of Export Settings, that is very helpful in finding issues.
Please note that many phones now record video using Variable Frame Rate, which can cause headaches with editing. You can usually tell VFR footage because if you look at clip properties in Premiere, the frame rate may be different than the standard 29.97 so if' it's 28-something or 30.xx then maybe that's it. Most folks like to use the free Handbrake application to convert VFR footage to Constant Frame Rate prior to editing. You open the Variable rate clip in Handbrake, then export being sure to manually select CONSTANT and 29.97 first.
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‎Jan 30, 2020
10:35 AM
1 Upvote
It's very important to follow this import procedure, if not doing so already.
1) Copy ENTIRE contents of each SD card to a unique folder on hard drive. Keep all file structure/folders intact as found on the card media, do not alter. Each card gets its own folder on hard drive.
2) Always use Media Browser in Premiere for imports rather than File > Import
If you do these two things, you should not have issues with clips being confused.
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‎Dec 26, 2019
07:14 AM
There should be no need to upload/download the clip, just convert to constant frame rate in Handbrake, then edit in Premiere, as stated earlier.
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‎Dec 09, 2019
09:52 AM
How big are the photos? Today's cameras (even phones) take HUGE photos with lots of "megapixels". If you are say working in an HD sequence at 1920x1080, but have stills that are 10,000 x 8,000 that puts a lot of extra demands on the system. Try to resize photos close to video size BEFORE editing, unless you need to do some animated zooming/cropping then make them maybe 2x video size.
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‎Dec 05, 2019
12:48 PM
Right-click each phone clip (or Mac-equivalent) in Project Bin and select Properties, and that should show the frame rate. If is it anything odd like 30.01 or 26.8 or whatever and not 29.97, then probably variable frame rate and probably causing trouble.
In the Handbrake converter, you IMPORT the phone clip, ADD TO QUEUE, and set up for H.264 with CONSTANT frame rate of 29.97 and then start the export which create a copy of original file, but with constant frame rate, ready to edit in Premiere.
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‎Dec 05, 2019
10:34 AM
I'm with Neil on the phone footage and forget to post that! Many if not most newer phones now record using Variable Frame Rate, and that can wreak havoc on the editing. If the source clips are not a constant frame rate of say 29.97, then they need to be converted to such before editing. The free Handbrake software works well.
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‎Dec 05, 2019
10:13 AM
How full is the destination drive? Something is dreadfully wrong here!
Can you export to an external drive, like a USB 3.0 model perhaps? Is ALL your media/project/export on same hard drive?
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‎Dec 04, 2019
01:42 PM
Ann, interlaced HD is always Upper Field First, confused by your comment...
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‎Dec 04, 2019
12:24 PM
As when exporting with ANY codec, make sure to verify that the specs of the source/sequence match the export settings, meaning frame size, frame rate, pixel aspect, fields. So as an example, look that SOURCE and OUTPUT specs match, as you may have to manually make adjustments before exporting
1920x1080 29.97
1.0 PAR
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‎Dec 04, 2019
06:47 AM
You can download and install the free Lagarith codec, which will then be available under the AVI options. This is a mathermatically lossless codec with great quality that I used a lot in the past before Adobe started offering usable options like DNxHD and ProRes.
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‎Nov 21, 2019
09:49 AM
Perhaps your URL watermark is precisely what triggered the issue?
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‎Nov 20, 2019
02:25 PM
Well there's the issue...both the sequence and the export are set at 23.976, make them 29.97
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‎Nov 20, 2019
01:57 PM
Assuming you mean 59.94 clips in 29.97 sequence? How are you slowing the clips? Could either import 60p clip into 30p timeline and apply 50% speed, or import clip and in Project Bin, choose Modify > Interpret and manually set frames to 29.97
If Sequence is 29.97 and export is 29.97, should be very smooth unless Premiere is broken
Maybe share screen shot of Export Settings please for us to look over?
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‎Nov 19, 2019
07:51 AM
Please share a screen shot of the Export Settings window to make sure it is not something simple that was overlooked
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‎Nov 14, 2019
08:46 AM
Never used Frame Hold in my life. Click the CAMERA icon under Program window to grab current frame. There is a checkbox to Add to Current Project, so grabbed image is readily available and you don't need to find/import. Just one click to grab the frame then drag to timeline and make whatever length you need, works great
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‎Nov 14, 2019
07:16 AM
1 Upvote
Just read your post again and renders seem to be the issue, please show the Render Preview settings
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‎Nov 14, 2019
07:15 AM
1 Upvote
Please post a screen grab of the Export Setting panel, most likely a pixel aspect ratio mismatch
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‎Nov 14, 2019
07:14 AM
What do you have for drives on the computer? And the Canon footage, is that HD, 4K? The more detail you can provide on the workflow the better
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