Mr. Neil. Here is the Screen-Shot, It looks like Color Management is Grayed-out. Shooting with my Canon C-200, I use Canon Log2 and Log3. Most of the time, working In Lumetric Color Panel and working with Curves, and watching my Lumetric Scopes carefully, I can get away from using any LUTS, Or Logs. Sometimes I use Magic Bullet, and Film Convert Nitrate, on my Adjustment layer, and I get very good results. Also, Instead of shooting Log2, and Log3. My favorite Gamma Setting Is Wide DR. I noticed many times I get a better result when shooting Wide DR than shooting Log. I have noticed some LUTS work well with some Clips, and some don't look good at all with other Clips. That is why I like to adjust my Lumetric Panel Manually, having a good White Balance, and watch the Lumetric Scope, using the Waveform (LUMA), Parade (RGB), and Vectorscope (YUV).
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