I read a lot of discussions about this subject, and tried a lot of 'work arounds', I checked ALL the parameters that could 'influence' my result, but I'm still very disappointed how I can get a decent MS Powerpoint-file out of AE! Not even to mention, a simple export-to-ppt is NOT available, but I have to take several steps and work-arounds to get my presentation from AE towards this worldwide used Office Standard !!
I tried it via export to pdf, then opening files via Adobe Acrobat and use the 'convert to ppt' etc etc, still the fonts are messed up or - in the best case - are suddenly some kind of grouped together, so I can't do any edits anymore to the content, etc etc ...
I lost serval hours of this trial & error-quest, but I'm lost ...
I'm using Canva Pro for years now - but I have to make the change to AE in my professional job - and I did NEVER faced these issues there. It's really that easy in Canva; save as ppt-file ... no hassle, no friction, no issues ...
Take a look at Canva, Adobe! Maybe you can learn from it ... 😉