(also posted in beta forum, sorry if double but hoping to maximize attention and priority)
We've noticed a critical bug in Essential Graphics. The text is not updating outside of the EG comps when it's changed in the source. It updates the color but not the font size or type or other aspects. This problem wasn't present in v23 but seems to be in 24.x all the way up to this beta.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create comp with text layer with any formatting.
- Promote 'source text' in Essential Graphics of that comp.
- Make another comp and put that setup comp in it.
- Change the EG text to something else or link it to a new source text of a text layer.
- Change the font type and size inside the setup comp.
- The updates are not reflected outside in the other comp.
This has been a workflow breaking issue for us. Project made in 23 are completely broken and are only fixable by going to every place where the text has been adjusted and re-read from primary comp then apply the adjustment again. This is a no go for projects where such things are referenced over 100 times.
For new projects it's equally breaking workflow because we cannot iterrate such a design setup while already having promoted EG properties altered anywhere else in the project.
I hope this can be adressed with a high priority hot-fix before anything else.
Thank you!