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2019 Illustrator files EVEN SLOWER?

Engaged ,
Nov 09, 2018 Nov 09, 2018

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Has anyone else noticed projects using.ai files have slowed down again with this release?

Where possible convert to Shapes so you can effectively work.

Something has changed.

projects that worked fine before this update are now slow. New projects are now slow.

Not asking for help, just a flag in case there is a known reason for it.

These are just simpl shapes.

ten circles on layers in illustrator caches 100 times slower than when converted to shape layers.

I did have a map built with dots that scaled in with a displacement comp, but it no longer renders.

Let's see if this improves, or just change workflows away from illustrator where possible.

sketch to AE conversion is not reliable yet though...

I was hoping for an update to the vector processing, as it would be good if bitmaps in .ai files rendered correctly without aving to turn on high quality in interprete footage, which always crashes renders anyway.

(It is a shame to still have to rebuild assets and seperate bitmaps and vectors when so much work gets done with large emebedded bitmaps in Illustrator)






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