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Hi, Adobe Premiere Pro Team.
We are a video production studio and use your products daily for 10 hours a day. Please add the :ukraine: Ukrainian language to the Captions tab of Premiere Pro 2023. Because now we do all the titles and subtitles manually.
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Hi there, Why doesn't Premiere Pro have Ukrainian subtitles. I notice the previous question on this hasn't been responded to.
Can you respond to mine?
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I also wonder why there are no Ukrainian subtitles.
Even if you take into account that both languages are Cyrillic. If you choose the language "Russian", they work very incorrectly in Ukrainian
Let me remind you that there are Russian ones, despite the lack of a license for this country.
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Hey there,
ran into the same problem. Adding Ukrainian language would help me a lot since I'm working on projects with Ukraine on a daily basis.
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Hey there, we really need a Ukrainian language pack for Adobe Premiere to improve workflow, the monthly subscription warrants as much, n'est ce pas?
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Hey! I'm absolutely sure there's no problem to add Ukrainian language so do this for your ukrainian audience.
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Hello! I will also be grateful if you add this possibility.
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Please add the Ukrainian language to the Captions tab of Premiere Pro 2023.
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that's crazy they don't have Ukrainian. i used VN editor before and could make Ukrainian captions without any problem. now i switched to Adobe Premiere and i'm literally shocked that Ukrianian is missing. that's a language spoken by at least 45 million people. very dissapointing.
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Please add Ukrainian! Most of Russian speakers steal Adobe products on torrents while Ukrainians pay for the license. It's the second spoken Slavic Language. Please, take into account making updates.
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It would be great not to add Ukrainian captions manually. I work a lot with Ukrainian audio, so it cost me hours to do so. Would be much more pleasure to use full Adobe software instead of looking for alternatives.
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Please! it is very necessary.
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Please! Pay attention for it!
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Please add the Ukrainian language to the Captions tab of Premiere Pro!
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Please add the Ukrainian language to the Captions tab of Premiere Pro 2023.
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Many people working in ukranian right now, making films and documentaries, must be quite easy for adobe to add Ukranian as a language pack. Very much apreciated
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Dear Adobe team, is there anyone in the compagny who can say wether Ukrainien is on the way or wishfull thinking? We are considering our workflow and edeting software for a large project. Would be great to hear from someone from Adobe.
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Add ukrainian please
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Please add Ukrainian
It will be very helpfull
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It's already August 2024, and not only has the Ukrainian language not been added, but no one from the company has responded. It is a pity. This makes Premier Pro lose out to its competitors.
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Add support for the Ukrainian language to the subtitles. It is very necessary! Adobe.
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Add support for the Ukrainian language to the subtitles. It is very necessary!
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Yes, that's great. BUT.
1. I pay for an add-on and would like to have the same features as other users
2. I would buy this plugin, but ONCE, not for a subscription. For a subscription there are 100 and 1 service where you can make titles