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Adobe seeking feedback about panels, palettes, workspaces, and other UI elements

Jun 02, 2011 Jun 02, 2011

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Several folks within Adobe are discussing the user interfaces for our various applications, and we'd like your feedback.

Do you use After Effects, Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Lightroom? Other Adobe applications?

If so, please post your comments on this forum thread comparing your experiences with the user interfaces of these applications.

Regarding the panels, palettes, workspaces, and overall UI paradigms in these applications: What do you like? What do you hate? Do you care that the applications are different in this regard? What differences do you even notice?






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replies 107 Replies 107
Engaged ,
Oct 30, 2011 Oct 30, 2011

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just poppig things in as I think about them

In Illustrator, If I release to Layers it wold be AMAZING if it kept the names. I alwys forget, name everything, then allthe names disappear.

And why does the text highlight disappear so often?

And have you fixed the spaces in layer names AI bug? Just stick an auto underscore in, don't make me keep renaming it from scratch





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Explorer ,
Nov 02, 2011 Nov 02, 2011

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Please sync the cursor position in nested timelines in PPro, similar to pre-comps in AFX. That'll be great!





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New Here ,
Jan 17, 2012 Jan 17, 2012

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- Overall the UI's feels way too slow - i'd love to have instant reaction to klicking & dragging, even in complex AE Comps with 100+ Layers. With "caps lock" pressed all interactions should be possible be in realtime.

- The controls for shape layers, layer styles and text propertys are currently hidden deep inside the layer propertys and it takes a lot of klicks to acces them. Also when unfolded, they take up a lot of precious room in the timeline, wich makes it hard to keep track of multiple layers. So we need either hotkeys for each of them, just like "p" for position, "m" for mask and so on (wich would make up for a lot of shortcuts you'll have to remember) or an all new attributes panel (think of an effect palette for layer attributes). As an alternative the layer attributes could reside inside the effect panel as well (might lead to confusions regarding the render order though).

- The window layout often gets messed up when resizing one panel. Would be nice if panels try to retain their ideal size when others are changed in height - or restore their former size as soon as possible.


- The interface feels very cluttered - especialy for former Freehand users. Instead of a bunch of single palettes i'd prefer fewer but context sensitive panels, that change according to the current tool you are using.

- The fact that Guide lines are affected by dragging a selection feels more like a bug than a feature.





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Enthusiast ,
Jan 18, 2012 Jan 18, 2012

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Is AE using AIR to render Script UI panels? I have a bunch of scripts palettes in my workspace. And I notice each palette is white with a thin AIR-like loading bar for each window when I launch AE (or switch workspaces). It would be nice if AE could load Script UI palettes more transparently (the correct interface color) and faster.





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New Here ,
Feb 01, 2012 Feb 01, 2012

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Two features on UI: AE compared to Premiere/ Edit in Mocha

Using the timeline, I wish I could hold an alternate key and reorder the layers (up and down) by dragging them on the timeline area. At the moment afaik this is just possible by dragging from the layer’s name.

The Premiere flexibility grabbing tracks is what I’m missing here.

Edit original/Send to Mocha

I’d like to be able to place on Mocha a trimmed layer with the ease of use of the “Edit original” command. Sending the trimmed layer to Mocha and be ready to track with a key shortcut would be a great timesaver.

Thank you.





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Mar 26, 2012 Mar 26, 2012

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This could not have come at a better time. I have been using the following Adobe products religiously since 1992 (some before they belonged to Adobe)

  • Photoshop 7.0 (I know, I know, what can I say but it's too expensive for me to up grade)
  • Premiere Pro (not so religious)
  • DreamWeaver, Flash, Fireworks, Authorware
  • PageMaker, Type Manager

In all this time, and with the exception of the Flash plugin problems a few years ago, nothing has truly bugged me until I began using dual monitors. On two occasions, one being today, I am stuck not being able to get to my preferences  panel because it's position on my screen is anyone's guess. Oh it's out there somewhere I can hear it laughing at me from the dark corners of my monitor. Ding! when I click here. Ding! when I click there. It's enough to drive a person to drink...err....more. To top it off, the option to save or not save palette locations is where? You guessed it, in the preferences panel. The ONLY other thing even more annoying is when I go to select an object on the canvas, and the layer selection jumps to a locked layer BELOW the one I'm clicking, and then DING! Photoshop informs me that I can not modify anything on a locked layer. A LOCKED LAYER, that PHOTOSHOP SELECTED, NOT I. Why photoshop would jump the selection to a locked layer in the first place is baffling enough, but to then tell me that I can't do that as though I'm the one who selected the locked layer, it is just plain rude.

FYI:  The "Reset Palette Locations" has no affect on the preference panel, nor on that other annoying little "Maximize Compatibility" prompt when saving which is ALSO off gallivanting somewhere in the ethers.

Thanks for asking,






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Participant ,
Nov 27, 2014 Nov 27, 2014

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Hi, I'm pretty new to adobe, so I'm pretty happy with most things overall, having said that, I would like it if Photoshop could have the same Font Window as Illustrator. We can layout the whole font and see each character in Illustrator, but not in Photoshop, doesn't seems to make allot of sense,I've even snoopped a bit, but not much for the script thinking I'd just add it as an additional menu in photoshop.

From a Technical Perspective the one item that bothers me very much is that you put everything regarding my use in the *roaming app Data* profile, even though I  did *NOT*  have a roaming profile setup.

See, windows has this issue with roaming profiles and app data, you can't just go in and 'clean it out" you end up having to start a new profile, and have to readjust many settings you would have already have set. The profiles just "grow and grow." Profiles cannot be placed on an external drive and work effectively since it is likely your hard drive, (solid state or 7200rpm) is likely faster than what ever you'd be running on an external drive.  Additionally, you do provide for Some settings (brushes, etc) to declare another directory.. this is a good feature, I'd be sunk without it

See, on a PC that app data is almost loaded into hi-mem, creating this monstrous drag on system resources when there's really no need for it.

If Minimal items could be kept in your primary libraries, then user libraries could be kept on an external drive(where I keep mine) especially with any/all tools, lighting, that kind of thing, there is no reason for it to be kept within profile data. .. I'm on my second year with adobe, I'm on my second profile, which currently is at 108 Gigs. (all app data) and I clean it, pack the drive, clean my registry religiously. From what I understand Mac Computers don't have this issue?    Yeap... almost Christmas...

So, To Recap: 1. Font Panel viewing and able to copy/paste full glyph panels, for all variations of glyphs.

2. Store user data, settings, anything you can that's not required to be in AppData somewhere else so this doesn't interfere with system settings and user profile efficiency. The difference is available resources at any given time could/maybe be reduced significantly with negligible loss of application speed, if any at all. A person probably wouldn't even notice it. ~ imho. I might think of more later. But I have to tell you I'm much more impressed with this product, your desire to help the client, than I've ever seen adobe. and it sure beats my first year and calling india..      Keep up the GREAT Work and GREAT Attitude!

(and where did lightroom Laura go?)





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Explorer ,
Mar 18, 2015 Mar 18, 2015

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I use Lightroom and Photoshop CC 2014.  First wish would be for: the ability to access my network drive from my laptop and keywork, edit, etc all my photos.  Is there anyone that wouldn't want that...???  A very close second would be for: Mappable keyboard... That would be so very amazingly truly awesome.  Let me pick the keys for Unpick, Pick, Reject, etc, etc, etc.  MUCH more usable.





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