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after effect 22.3 crash on mac os 14 sonoma

New Here ,
May 14, 2024 May 14, 2024

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Log file created: Wed May 15 07:31:36 2024
Ticks = 0 <270020> <AppVers> <5> App Version = 22.3x107 release
Ticks = 0 <270020> <AppDirs> <5> App Dir = /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2022/Adobe After Effects 2022.app/Contents
Ticks = 0 <270020> <AppDirs> <5> Executable Dir = /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2022/Adobe After Effects 2022.app/Contents/MacOS
Ticks = 0 <270020> <AppDirs> <5> Resources Dir = /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2022/Adobe After Effects 2022.app/Contents/Resources
Ticks = 0 <270020> <AppDirs> <5> Package Dir = /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2022
Ticks = 0 <270020> <AppDirs> <5> Plugin Dir = /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2022/Plug-Ins
Ticks = 0 <270020> <AppDirs> <5> Required Dir = /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2022/Adobe After Effects 2022.app/Contents/Required
Ticks = 99 <270020> <ALOG> <5> Egg Mac Startup
Ticks = 119 <270020> <ALOG> <5> U Birth U Birth
Ticks = 119 <270020> <ALOG> <5> U CPU Data LogicalCores:0, PhysicalCores:0, MMX:0, SSE:0 SSE2:0, SSE3:0, SSSE(MNI):0, SSE4_1:0, SSE4_2:0
Ticks = 119 <270020> <ALOG> <5> U Birth U Hog Birth
Ticks = 138 <270020> <NGL> <5> InitializeProfileUpdates returned mErrorCode = NglStatusCode:401 Workflow Required
Ticks = 139 <270020> <NGL> <5> GetAMTData returned mErrorCode = NglStatusCode:401 Workflow Required
Ticks = 206 <270020> <ALOG> <5> FILE Birth FILE Birth
Ticks = 206 <270020> <ALOG> <5> M Birth M Birth
Ticks = 206 <270020> <ALOG> <5> RND Birth RND Birth
Ticks = 329 <270020> <ALOG> <5> PREF Birth PREF Birth
Ticks = 331 <270020> <ALOG> <5> VAL Birth VAL Birth
Ticks = 331 <270020> <ALOG> <5> MC Birth MC Birth
Ticks = 332 <270020> <ALOG> <5> aelib InitIterator AXE8 v:4.0.1 Loaded
Ticks = 383 <270020> <ALOG> <5> EGG IEggApp Splash screen shown
Ticks = 479 <270020> <ALOG> <5> EGG Startup Caught exception, report as Err_Generic and aborting launch
Ticks = 479 <270020> <ALOG> <5> EGG IEggApp Done.
Ticks = 480 <270020> <ALOG> <5> EGG Constructor IEggApp failed, about to go away
Ticks = 524 <270020> <ALOG> <5> MC Death MC Death
Ticks = 524 <270020> <ALOG> <5> VAL Death VAL Death
Ticks = 524 <270020> <ALOG> <5> PREF Death PREF Death
Ticks = 525 <270020> <ALOG> <5> RND Death RND Death
Ticks = 525 <270020> <ALOG> <5> M Death M Death
Ticks = 525 <270020> <ALOG> <5> FILE Death FILE Death
Ticks = 525 <270020> <ALOG> <5> U U_Sev_FATAL After Effects 无法继续: 应用程序启动期间出现意外故障
Ticks = 525 <270020> <ALOG> <5> ReportError StackCrawl EggMain(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, unsigned short const*, bool, unsigned short const*)
EggMain(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, unsigned short const*, bool, unsigned short const*)
??? <6778339651657662464>

Ticks = 2388 <270020> <ALOG> <5> U U_SetMemoryInUseAdjustment setting adjustment from 0 to 0
Ticks = 2389 <270020> <ALOG> <5> U Death U Death
Log file closed: Wed May 15 07:31:38 2024








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Adobe Employee ,
May 30, 2024 May 30, 2024

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Can you install the latest version of After Effects and see if the issue persists?

Let us know. I am moving this thread from Bugs to Discussions for now.








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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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