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After Effects - Motion Blur Bug

New Here ,
Nov 11, 2020 Nov 11, 2020

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Unsure what exactly is happening with how this is being exported but some nested comps are being blurred after the movement has completed. 


What should be the correct order to blur / raster comps to ensure that these artefacts don't show up when rendering in AME. I am rastering and turning motion blur on every element from the bottom (most nested vectors) all the way up. 


Is this a bug that AE / AME has or is this something to do with the way I am precomping my work. 

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Community Expert ,
Nov 11, 2020 Nov 11, 2020

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The cropped screenshot showing the motion blur problem does not tell us anything at all about your problem. Uploaded screenshots are also a real pain to look at. Please embed them using the toolbar in the future.


I would check the Shutter Angle and Shutter Phase in the Advanced Tab of the Composition Settings. You can visually see how they are set in the timeline if you zoom in to the frame level and observe the highlighted area in the timeline. This is standard:

Screenshot_2020-11-11 07.10.54_BTEGw9.png

You can foul up the settings and end up with your problem if you get the shutter out of phase and have the angle too wide. I don't know how fast the layers are moving but it looks like your shutter angle is wider than 180º and I am guessing that the phase extends the shutter coverage beyond the end of the current frame.






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