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I hope this problem has a relatively simple answer.
I am creating an animated infographic and I had orginally set the composition to be 30s long.
Near completion of the animation I realised that it needed to be longer so I went to the composition settings and extended the duration to 90s.
However, after the extension the video still plays as normal until the 30s when everything just disappears and the composition reverts to its background colour.
How do I get everything to remain in place from 30s to the complete 90s?
do this:
select All layers - Ctrl/Cmd + A
now manually drag the layers by the edge to the end of your duration
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when you extend the duration, you have to actually extend the layers too... make sure the layers are all the way stretched to the end of the duration.
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How do I do this for shapes and Text as well? There is no Open Layer option for me to find.
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do this:
select All layers - Ctrl/Cmd + A
now manually drag the layers by the edge to the end of your duration
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Fantastic. Thank you very much!
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Success! now that we have solved this crisis, make sure you indulge yourself in some tutorials because this was basic stuff: After Effects tutorials
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Hi. Yes I have done the basic stuff already as you described but the image still disappears. Original duration 20 sec's then extended it to 25 sec's. Image there right up to 20 sec's then disappears for the remainder of the timeline(5secs).
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Can we see a screenshot of your timeline?
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Hi Szalam,
As you can see the image is in place right up to 20 sec's.
Then after 20 sec's it starts to break up and disappear. Timeline extended to 25 sec's.
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Hooray. All good. Finally worked it all out. When you're just starting out in after effects, things can get a little bit messy. Hugh learning curve, but that's what it all about, learning and having fun.
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Glad you got it sorted!
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could you please explain how you fixed this? I am trying to fix the same issue
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Wow his selfish arse came here looking for help and when he figured it out he kept it to himself and didn't help anyone else. What a selfish act!
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I love how you found the solution and just decided not to share it with us, good stuff.
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I have had a simlar issue. I've extended every composition from 0:01:00:00 to 0:04:00:00 and have gone through and confirmed that every 1. individual image, 2. the base composition for the photo, 3. Each camera, position, wiggle and solid 4. the composition 'frames' I created for the images, have all been extended via their comp settings, and extended via the actual duration slider.
Even so, the images disappear after the 0:01:00:00 mark, despite being visible along the whole length of the 0:01:00:00 timeline. Any assistance would be fab!
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@David192023 @larryj56783524 I finally figured out the solution and hope this helps you guys out. I guess the solution above didn't work for you because are using a pre comp (Say Frame1) inside a main comp. You would have extended the comp setting of Frame1 to match the main comp and also extended the layer duration as suggested above of Frame1 to the entire main comp duration but you wouldn't have extended the individual layer duration in Frame 1 to the entire Frame1 duration. And @David192023 this might be what you already tried above but I felt a bit of ambiguity.So I thought I would type again.
This worked for me so I hope it helps you as well.