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Audition WITHIN after effects?

New Here ,
Jan 17, 2024 Jan 17, 2024

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Hello there, 


I was wondering if this already excists as a plug-in or if Adobe could make this happen in the future. 

The way audio editting from after effects towards audition works right now, for me is really annoying. For example, when I import a after effects file, all the audio files in the comp are combined to 1 layer. But I want them to be seperate, always, so I can have full controll over the cuts. 


Is there a way, or could there be a way in the future that we could have like a audition timeline, whithin compositions inside after effects it self, that we could edit audio, and animate at the same time? So it's more like premiere I suppose, but for me it's way easier to work with. 

The audio layers should be sepearte from the video layers so to speak. But we are able to fix all little things we want to fix within after effects.


What do you think about this potential solution? Or does such things already excist? 




Audio , Dynamic link , How to , Import and export , User interface or workspaces






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Community Expert ,
Jan 17, 2024 Jan 17, 2024

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After Effects is not a video editing app, so asking for a full set of audio editing tools is not very practical. Pros use AE to create shots that are edited into a movie using an NLE like Premiere Pro. That's how big movies are made. The effects, the sound, and the animations are all components that are created as pieces and then cut, mixed, and polished in an editing studio or video editing app like Premiere Pro.


You can edit a single audio track at a time using Adobe Audition using the Edit menu in After Effects. You can add additional audio tracks when you are in Audition, then export the mixed audio. It might be a reasonable request to have the ability to add more than one track from AE at a time.


The problem with requesting similar functionality that you get from Premiere Pro or the Edit in Audition feature in Premiere Pro is that the Previews in Premiere Pro are almost always in real-time, while complex AE comps can take several seconds or even several minutes a frame to render. It's more efficient for Effects, animation, and compositing apps to create shots and then do the final edit, including final color correction and audio, in a video editing app or facility like Skywalker Sound, as they do with major motion pictures. I had the opportunity to have a film I edited mixed there, and the tools and time required for the final mix and final edit were amazing. 





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