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Bezier Interpolation distorts vertical position.

Explorer ,
Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2024

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Good Morning.

The title to this question may not do much justification, so please walk with me closely. Thank you very much.


I'm trying to get a text to move vertically(upward), from one point to another. Let's take for example, on a Y-axis, I want to move a text from point 0, to point 3, and then back at point 2.


Works well with Linear Keyframes; the moment I change the interpolation to Bezier, it moves from 0, to 3, to 3.5, and then back to 2.

Screenshot (760)_LI.jpg

It's Bezier, so the movement becomes distorted and unpleasant. The only remedy I am aware of, is to use the Vertex tool to make adjustments.

Screenshot (761).png

 Do I always have to make this vertex adjustment everytime, or is there something about using Bezier on position Keyframes that I'm ignorant on, because I have neither experienced this with scalling, nor rotation Keyframes.


Thank you. 



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