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Blend modes on shape layers and dynamic link to premiere

New Here ,
Nov 29, 2023 Nov 29, 2023

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I am creating a composition in AE that contains two separate shape layers of green rectangles: above one set with multiply blend mode with 100% opacity, underneath a normal one with 50% opacity. While I stay in AE I am able to see the effect of transparency of the two rectangles, but when I import the composition into premiere with dynamic link, the transparency is completely lost. I cannot export from AE and then import the file into premiere (even if I tried and still I am not able to see the transparency). I need to use dynamic link because I want to have the flexibility to make any change later on.

Someone with the same issue? I doubt this could be a bug, as I encountered the problem in many different versions of the softwares, the latter included. Maybe it's simply not possible to keep the effect between applications? It would be very strange, given that we are evolving so much with AI and lots of other advanced features. PS: both Pr and Ae are the same version.

Thank you for any possible reply.

Dynamic link , How to , Preview




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Community Expert ,
Nov 29, 2023 Nov 29, 2023

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Blend modes are layer based. There is no way to set the blend mode automatically for an entire comp used in Premiere Pro. You will have to set the blend mode on the AE Comp layer in the Premiere Sequence.


The blend mode in the AE Comp between layers should remain. 


If that does not solve your problem I suggest that you embed a screenshot of your comp with the modified properties of the layers showing (press 'uu'). Just drag it to the reply field on the forum instead of using the "Drag & drop here..." button so we can see it without downloading.




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New Here ,
Nov 29, 2023 Nov 29, 2023

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Besides taking the pictures, I registered a video, so maybe it's easier to understand. In my AE comp, I've got the two shape layers with the blend modes and opacity set. The transparency in AE works, as demonstrated when I put a picture beneath the two rectangles, but in premiere the transparency is not shown on the clip below the composition containing the two shape layers (composition imported with dynamic link). Am I setting something wrong or is it just not possible to keep the blend modes from AE to PR? Thank you for your support.

PR with comp and  picture beneath the layers NOT visible in AE.png

PR with comp and  picture beneath the layers visible in AE.png

Shape layers and activated pic beneath them.png

Shape layers and disabled pic beneath them.png

Shape layers setting.png





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