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Blending Modes Glitched

Explorer ,
Oct 31, 2023 Oct 31, 2023

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Before anyone says it I already looked up every other thread on this and none of them helped me/applied to my case.


I was following a speedlines tutorial for a certain design but at the end I need to use the blending mode "Add" to rmove the black portions of the speedlines. Problem is Add does nothing. Most of the blending modes used to remove black do nothing except for Lighten (barely, I'll get on that later).


The next problem is that I have 2 different speed lines comps layered above each other for a panning animation but despite them both being set on Lighten, the comp above covers the one below. In fact, no matter what blending mode I set them to it's still the same result.

 pic 1.jpg



The weird thing about it is if I put a solid color layer (doesn't matter what color, I used black in this case) behind both layers, the Lighten blending mode works as intended and I can see both speed lines layers. Despite doing this, only the Lighten blending mode works in this scenario. Again, none of the other blending modes I try work. They display as if I'm on Normal blending mode, and don't remove black.

pic 2.jpg




How the layers look + their blending modes:


pic 3.jpg


Problem solved right? Just use a solid layer and keep it behind the layers? Nope. I'm putting these speedline layers on top of live action footage. So that trick with the solid won't work. Is my account just bugged? Every video I see on blending modes that came out in the past few years their AE works perfectly. I tried re-installing that didn't fix it, I downgraded and that didn't work either. Why are the blending modes so broken all of a sudden?







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