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Bucket tool in Ae

Community Beginner ,
May 05, 2019 May 05, 2019

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Hello, you know the old bucket tool you used in "paint" to change the colour of a line or background, i want to use it in Adobe After Effects, i made an animation and i want to draw it faster. The one in "Effects and Presets" it's wierd. Thanks




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Community Expert ,
May 05, 2019 May 05, 2019

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Double click on any color swatch in AE's timeline or effects control panel to get a color picker or click the eyedropper tool next to any color swatch in the timeline or effects control panel to sample a color from anywhere on the screen. Nothing to it.

If you need to change the timing of an animated property then select the animated layer, press the U key to reveal the keyframes for the animated property and move them around in the timeline by simply selecting and dragging left or right in the timeline. If you want to proportionally change the speed of a property that has more than one keyframe select them all, press Alt/Option and then click and drag on the last keyframe.

If that's not what you want to do then we need a better explanation of your problem.

This is really basic stuff that is very well covered in the User Guide. You should be very familiar with that document. Please Start Here: Basic AE

There are millions of combinations of keystrokes and property options in After Effects. If you don't study the User Guide you are wasting your time.




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Community Beginner ,
May 05, 2019 May 05, 2019

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I mean this, with 1 click i filled the space i wanted.




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Guide ,
May 05, 2019 May 05, 2019

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That one in Effects and presets is not weird it is just how it works in After Effects. You have to rememeber that AE is not a Photoshop so it can work diferently (but in that case C9olor Bucket works similar - you add it to a layer, chose a colour/space that you need to fill and voila) . So for something like live footage - color bucket from Effects and Presets is what you get. If you work with Solids and masks - you can just change color of a solid, if you wiork with shapes - you can change color in shape fil/stroke settings so everything depends on what is your workflow and what you need to achieve.
So first as Rick mentioned it would be bestr for you to learn some AE basics, and also give us bit more info about your composition/animation settings and what you need to achieve and what do you mean that Paint Bucket from Effects works weird?




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Community Beginner ,
May 05, 2019 May 05, 2019

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It works just 1 time , lf i select another part of the body to get colored the other one remove, there is an example. And i use a solid
And how i make it work just per/1 frame ?

Update: I find somehow, how to color more parts of the body but they are constant, not just 1 frame, how i make them 1 frame?




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Community Expert ,
May 05, 2019 May 05, 2019

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Make sure you are in the Paint workspace, make sure you can see the entire Paint Panel, the options are single frame, custom, write on, and continuous.

To get more info on using the paint tools please type Paint in the search help field at the top right corner of AE and consult the user guide. The tasks you are asking about and a lot more info are in the User Guide.




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Guide ,
May 05, 2019 May 05, 2019

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And you also mixing two different thiongs:
- Paint tool - that you apply on a layer in a layer panel and it works as a path - as Rick said you can set to paint on 1 frame, all frames or chose on how many frames you will paint on (+ write on but now it is not so important)


and Paint Bucket plugin - that works on a pixel level (closer to how Paint bucket from MS Paint works) so you have to chose what color you wish to paint on (based on pixel color), chose color tolerancy and bunch of other parameters and chose fill color

But those are two different tools designed to do two different things.




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Community Beginner ,
May 09, 2019 May 09, 2019

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I did not solve it, can you tell me what program could i use to draw over a video to make a animation?




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