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Camera Tracker / To track land boundaries

New Here ,
Apr 07, 2018 Apr 07, 2018

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I like to have a line drawn around the boundary of the land. The boundaries are cornered with 4 track solid boxes. I like to know how to reshape the track solid box in the middle of the property to each of the cornered 4 track solid boxes. Once reshaped to the 4 track solid's I would like to reshape it again to show lines to each of the corners and not have a solid box overlaying the land.

Boundary Footage - YouTube

I recently put up a similar post and got this far. Really would appreciate some help and advice.








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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Apr 07, 2018 Apr 07, 2018

It looks like you have a big solid in the middle of the field and small solids at each corner. You don't really need the other solids but they do help verify that you have a decent camera track.

The first thing I would do is to add Effecs>Generate>Grid to the solid and make the solid big enough to cover the entire area you want to use to draw boundaries. This is just for reference so you can just scale up the solid and rotate it probably in Z to line it up with the field. If the track is good the




Community Expert ,
Apr 07, 2018 Apr 07, 2018

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It looks like you have a big solid in the middle of the field and small solids at each corner. You don't really need the other solids but they do help verify that you have a decent camera track.

The first thing I would do is to add Effecs>Generate>Grid to the solid and make the solid big enough to cover the entire area you want to use to draw boundaries. This is just for reference so you can just scale up the solid and rotate it probably in Z to line it up with the field. If the track is good then the next thing you should do is add a shape layer to the timeline using the pen tool. Set the stroke to about 20 pixels and the fill to none. Just draw a simple shape with 4 corners. It does not matter what the shape is now, you are going to edit it later.

The next step is to make the shape layer 3D, hold down the Shift key and then parent it to the big solid in the middle of the field. The shape layer should perfectly line up with the rectangle. Now all you have to do is edit the original path or simply draw a new path.

I explained this all before. Because of the angle of the camera, you may need to create two different paths. The one closest to the camera may need a thinner line.

This took me about 5 minutes and it shows you everything you need to have in the comp. As you can see I have turned off the grid on the solid I placed at the origin and ground plane.






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New Here ,
Apr 07, 2018 Apr 07, 2018

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Thank you Mr. Gerard. I appreciate you taking the time to provide this detail information.





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