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Can I install the After Effects plugin called "Detail----Upscale" and install it in Premiere Pro?

Advocate ,
Dec 17, 2020 Dec 17, 2020

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Hi, I know it sounds like a dumb question, but I'm running out of options.


I love the AE plugin:  Detail-Preserving Upscale  because it has a great Noise Reduction tool that is very sensitive and precise. 


My work flow problem:

Original clips are all 4:3, DV. (old school 24p)

In PPro, I have upscaled all the clips (1800+ of them) and re positioned every single clip so they would look nice in their new 16:9 widescreen, letterboxed frame home.

That's all great and dandy.  Looks actually pretty decent, but can be much better.  PPro's upscale isn't as clean as AE's Upscale.


Now, I've been seduced by AE's plugin  "Detail Preserver Upscale".  


I can't start from scratch and take the original clips and lower the frame size back to 4:3, reset all the positions and import them all into AE, and upscale using the AE Upscale,  then go thru each one and re position, it's a huge mess and just can't stomach re doing all the clips, plus I dont' think AE was designed to process thousands of clips. 


Even if I exported the PPro timelines to video, import that in AE, many clips need special positioning, and if I blanket upscale the whole clip, I have to dissect it in PPro, singling out each new section, cutting it out, and re positioning it... on and on it's a mess I can't do.


I tried also importing the clips and or importing the project and my position settings don't work when the upscale resizes the clip in AE. It's real messy.  When I lower the frame to 4:3, the position settings don't work because the position settings were made when the clip was already upscaled in PPro.


If you followed all that....  here is where I'm at now:


I'd love to keep my workflow in PPro and use AE for rare clips.... but I'd like to apply that AE plugin to all my PPro clips and clean them up. 


The footage is old school DV and I tried using "Neat Video" but the lowest setting of "1" makes my footage look like a fuzzy grape. I think Neat Video is for HD clips only ?


I can't find a plugin cleaner similar to AE's Upscale.  


Is there a noise reduction tool that will work great in PPro?  

Or, and upscale and noise reduction tool???  Something with that bicubic adjustment that fills in the image nicely. 


I really like AE's tool....  I wish AE had a plugin for "AE" that would go into PPro.


btw, "Median" in PPro, doesn't work at all for my DV clips, I think because the clips have already been upscaled in PPro. 


Any thoughts on my sad world of editing 😞 

Thank you!



I posted this in AE section, eventhough both programs are of issue.

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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Advocate , Dec 17, 2020 Dec 17, 2020

Sorry, I'm now hooked on Neat Video.  It's working great!!  Really reduces grain and noise.


I hope this info helps somebody out there.


Neat Video when used correctly is a great GREAT tool!



Advocate ,
Dec 17, 2020 Dec 17, 2020

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Reader's Digest Version:

Do you know how to remove grain and noise in a DV clip that has already been upscaled?








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Advocate ,
Dec 17, 2020 Dec 17, 2020

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Sorry, I'm now hooked on Neat Video.  It's working great!!  Really reduces grain and noise.


I hope this info helps somebody out there.


Neat Video when used correctly is a great GREAT tool!





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