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I work with the latest version of AE (18.0.1.) and now am trying to paint some simple dots on a solid (after double clicking on it), but the size of the brush won't change when I open the brush window. On the screenshot you can see the window, it seems to be dead, doesn't react on clicking on it. Does anybody know the problem and has a solution? Probably it is something completely obvious, but I jaust cannot see it š
Thanks and cheers!
Solved! I just made some random changing of the workspace from "Standard" to "Original" and then back and then the brushesWOKE UP! I don't really know the magic behind it, but it did help!
Thanks for responding, it was great to see, that I'm not left alone with this great, but sometimes opaque software!
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The problem is probably that you don't have the brush tool selected.
In order to use the paint tool you need to 1) create a layer 2) open the layer in the layer panel 3) have the brush tool selected (not necessarily in that order)
And the tool needs to be selected in order for the paint tool panel to "wake up"
You should always upload shots of your entire interface because issues may be and often are dependent on other factors.
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Thanks for a quick response!
The brush was activated, the layer (a solid) was made and the layer panel was open, too. I've already made some dots with the 9 px brush, but couldn't change the size. And now I'm beginning to go slightly nuts, because I don't see, what is wrong š Also since I've been working with the software for a while now and also already have been panting with different brush sizes. You're right, the screenshot should've been of the entire interface. I've uploaded another one. Many thanks!
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Solved! I just made some random changing of the workspace from "Standard" to "Original" and then back and then the brushesWOKE UP! I don't really know the magic behind it, but it did help!
Thanks for responding, it was great to see, that I'm not left alone with this great, but sometimes opaque software!
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awesome. all part of the enigmatic "creative cloud experience" š
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Your answer just saved my butt - thanks so much!
Gotta love hiccups like this.
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Nearly 2025 and this still is the solution. Thank you!
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Same problem here. Brush is stuck on default size 13 100%soft
Need to get hard etc
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Yes, can only work in Standard Workspace. Brush sizes and hardness disabled in Custom Workspace.
thanks for solve!
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Just adding up that it's ridiculous that in late 2024 this bug is still here. I can't work with the brush in custom workspaces.
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I just ran into this issue with the clone tool. I closed the brushes panel and opened it again and I was able to change the brush size. This should be such a simple fix since it's clearly UI based. Adobe needs to address this, but in the meantime try just closing and opening the brush panel. (Ctrl+9)