Control Layer Copying effect from other project
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I have a template for text animation, I wanted to repeat this muliple time over video so I exported this as AE project and imported it multiple time in my Main project. Challange is anytime I made change to one Control layer, it apply those changes to other Control layer also. I have checked and each Control layer is independent in project panel ( although they are copy of same project)
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That's most likey because of expressions being in use. Expressions have a project wide scope and usual work with match names, which are all the same in your case ("Adjustment Layer 1" and "Null 1"). The expressions are taking the first match and doesn't take care about the project structure.
However, your approach is not correct, anyways and will lead to issues like this. Just import the template once. Then take a look at it's structure and edit it with duplicated compositons as you need.
The script "True Comp Duplicator" will come in handy here ( With it you can duplicate the main comp and it will duplicate all precomps and updates the expressions as well.
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Thanks so much, you are correct- there are expressions in use here. Basically I have project Title 4 here, I imported it again and renamed it Title 4-New, what I noticed is if I make any changes to control layer in my duplicate project ( Title 4 New) it doesn't change anything, but when I make changes to Control layer in Original project ( Title 4) it changes for both projects.
So instead of importing it multiple times, I should use script to duplicate it? I was under the impression that if I import it multiple times each project would behave independently but I am definitely missing something here.
Thanks so much for taking time to help!! Much Appreciated!!
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If you want nested comps to be unique you can't duplicate them in the timeline, you have to duplicate the comp in the Project panel and replace it in the new comp. Importing the same AEP multiple times does not give you unique copies unless you are very careful when you open the copies. A better workflow is to duplicate the original comps in the project panel and then make sure you duplicate and replace any nested comps that you need to individually control.
There is a script available that will automate the process at called True Comp Duplicator. I use it all the time
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Thank you so much Rick, Good to know that importing same comp multiple times doesn't create multiple time. Thanks for the script as well,