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im trying to create a script that creates a txt file but i can't do that...
that is the function code:
var scriptFolderPath = File($.fileName).path; // the URI of the folder that contains the script file
var TimerFolderPath = scriptFolderPath + encodeURI("/ProjectTimers_sources"); // the URI of the folder for your script resources
StartButton.onClick = function(){
var JFile = new File(TimerFolderPath + encodeURI("/File.txt"));
var content="That is a text file";
alert("File created!");
and it doesn't creates any file...
Give this one a shot.
First you better check if you have permissions to Write Files and Access Network.
Next, you probably need to open fine before writing to it.
...var scriptFolderPath = File($.fileName).path; // the URI of the folder that contains the script file
var TimerFolderPath = scriptFolderPath + encodeURI("/ProjectTimers_sources"); // the URI of the folder for your script resources
StartButton.onClick = function() {
var JFile = new File(TimerFolderPath + encodeURI("/File.txt"));
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instead of
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didn't see that.
but, the file is not being created yet...
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Give this one a shot.
First you better check if you have permissions to Write Files and Access Network.
Next, you probably need to open fine before writing to it.
var scriptFolderPath = File($.fileName).path; // the URI of the folder that contains the script file
var TimerFolderPath = scriptFolderPath + encodeURI("/ProjectTimers_sources"); // the URI of the folder for your script resources
StartButton.onClick = function() {
var JFile = new File(TimerFolderPath + encodeURI("/File.txt"));
var content = "That is a text file";
if (!canWriteFiles()) return null;
writeFile(JFile, content);
// File.write(content);
alert("File created!");
function writeFile(fileObj, fileContent, encoding) {
encoding = encoding || "utf-8";
fileObj = (fileObj instanceof File) ? fileObj : new File(fileObj);
var parentFolder = fileObj.parent;
if (!parentFolder.exists && !parentFolder.create())
throw new Error("Cannot create file in path " + fileObj.fsName);
fileObj.encoding = encoding;"w");
return fileObj;
function canWriteFiles() {
if (isSecurityPrefSet()) return true;
alert( + " requires access to write files.\n" +
"Go to the \"General\" panel of the application preferences and make sure " +
"\"Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network\" is checked.");
return isSecurityPrefSet();
function isSecurityPrefSet() {
return app.preferences.getPrefAsLong(
"Main Pref Section",
) === 1;
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It is working!
i have another question.
i want to create an if statement that checks if the file already exists. how can i do that?
for example:
if(***the text file we have created exists***) {
bla bla
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if (File("pathToFile.extension").exists) {
// file exists
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Not working...
var p=app.project;
var projTLayersFound=[];
var projTextName = "this project";
//get project name:
var projName =, "");
var didNotFindOne = true;
if (File(TimerFolderPath + encodeURI("/" + projName + ".txt")).exist) {
} else {
StartButton.onClick = function() {
var TimerFile = new File(TimerFolderPath + encodeURI("/" + projName + ".txt"));
var content = "That is a text file";
if (!canWriteFiles()) return null;
writeFile(TimerFile, content);
// File.write(content);
alert("File created!");
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Apologies, I had a typo in code: it should have been File().exists and not File().exist
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Worked! thanks
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If I call the function
"Main Pref Section",
in Illustrator 2018 22.1, I get the error message "app.preferences.getPrefAsLong is not a function". Is this function deprecated?
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theodorm34189694 wrote
If I call the function
in Illustrator 2018 22.1 ....
You're responding to a topic in AFTER EFFECTS scripting. There's your clue.
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Thanks for the hint... I really need to brush up my reading skills