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Hi there,
Does anyone know if there is a preset available which can help do this effect?
Or does anyone know how to do it - if it's not too tricky!
Thanks 🙂
I don't know of an existing preset, but an expression to move your 3D text layer to the comp center based on the layer's in-point and enabling Depth of field in a 2 Node camera with a wide aperture would do the trick. Something like this for Text Layer Position.
cam = thisComp.activeCamera;
strtPos = cam.position;
endPos = cam.pointOfInterest;
t = time-inPoint;
tMin = 0;
tMax = framesToTime(15); // 15 frame move
strtMov = easeIn(t, tMin, tMax, strtPos, endPos);
slide = t + tMax + thisComp.frame
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Moved question to After Effects forum.
Cannot be done in Premiere.
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I don't know of an existing preset, but an expression to move your 3D text layer to the comp center based on the layer's in-point and enabling Depth of field in a 2 Node camera with a wide aperture would do the trick. Something like this for Text Layer Position.
cam = thisComp.activeCamera;
strtPos = cam.position;
endPos = cam.pointOfInterest;
t = time-inPoint;
tMin = 0;
tMax = framesToTime(15); // 15 frame move
strtMov = easeIn(t, tMin, tMax, strtPos, endPos);
slide = t + tMax + thisComp.frameDuration;
drift = endPos + [0, 0, slide * 50];
rst = framesToTime(80);//Drift and Rest
xitPos = - strtPos[2] * 5;
xitTime = framesToTime(25);
xit = easeOut(t, tMax + rst, tMax + rst + xitTime, endPos, endPos + [0,0, xitPos])
if (t < tMax){
p = strtMov;
else if (t >= tMax + rst){
p = xit;
else if (t > tMax + rst){
p = tMax + [0, 0, xit];
else if (t => tMax && t < tMax + rst){
p = drift;
The expression could be cleaned up, and you can add more timing if you like. The idea is that it moves in from right behind the camera to the Point of Interest in 15 frames (tMax), then it drifts for 80 frames (rst) on the Z axis away from the camera (drift), then after the 80 frames it moves back in Z on the five times the starting position farther away (xitPos) in 25 frames (xitTime).
I then adjusted the comp camera's aperture and turned on the Depth of field. The motion is a quick move in and snaps to focus, then drifts away, then snaps back to the point of interest, then moves away. You can just offset the in-points of the layers to get something like this:
Add some sliders to control the timing and save an animation preset, and you will have your preset. You could even throw in a rotation animation and opacity.
I hope this helps. I've included an AE 23 project file for you to fiddle with. Change some of the values, start duplicating layers, and adjust the timing. Try fiddling with the camera position.
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Thanks for taking the time to reply Rick - this is exactly what I was looking for! 🙂
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The after effects file you provided is brilliant! What a hero!!!