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Hello everyone Thank you for the reading. I'm really fascinated by this video and would like to create something like that. Here is my question. Does anyone know what the effects are that have been used? I am grateful for any answer and look forward to your help See you.
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There's a bunch of little things in here. I see what looks like a wiggle on the whole scene. Looks like there's multiple instances of various assets and text separated out on z space. There optics compensation and chromatic aboration. Everything appears to be an expression tied to the audios amplitude that's controlling the intensity of all these different things.
Really you just keep adding effects and tie them into the track until you have a giant mess.
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It's interesting. A high percentage of the times someone comes and asks about how an effect was done it's for stuff very similar to this.
Like some beat driving an effect or effects for 3.5 minutes.
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The specific feature Matt (foughtthelaw) is alluding to is the Keyframe Assistant, Convert Audio to Keyframes. You'll find it in the menu Animation>Keyframe Assistant > Convert Audio to Keyframes. A more full-fledged, 3rd party solution is SoundKeys from Trapcode/RedGiant which allows you to define sections of the audio spectrum with which to draw out keyframe values. SoundKeys also allows a user to set how values falloff from high to low values and you can also set min/max values for the created keyframes. AE's built-in Convert Audio to Keyframes only provides for a linear falloff.
Mathias of mamoworld has a few very nifty solutions for working with audio, in AE (and PPro) - How to make things in After Effects react to the audio? | mamoworld
AE's online manual - Assorted animation tools in After Effects