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i'm trying to duplicate a layer along a path.
i managed to do successfully - by using a mask path.
but mask path is only 2d...
now i want to do it in 3d - best way to describe it would be like auto-orienting a layer along a 3d path - just instead of movement i need duplication to occurs.
there's a cool plugin that took this functionality to the extreme: BAO Mask 3D Warper Extrude using a Light Path Tutorial - YouTube
there's also "trapcode TAO" that do it, but it's limited to its own kind of shapes.
what would be the general steps to do it?
i already figured out that i would have to read a path from a position property which allows for 3d.
any help would be more than greatly appreciated!
1 Correct answer
Sadly, the API offers no tools for rendering 3D transformations. (for 2D
there's transform_world())
you'll have to come up with your own 3D transform algorithm and render the
image instances along the path.
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Sadly, the API offers no tools for rendering 3D transformations. (for 2D
there's transform_world())
you'll have to come up with your own 3D transform algorithm and render the
image instances along the path.
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thanks for your sad-quick reply...
any recommendation on the best way to do it?
it it reasonable to say that i should calculate the transformation myself and then
use the current transform_world to "fake" 3d look. (using scale, rotate, etc..)
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imho, it would look ok. but if you ever compare it to real 3D... you'd go
"aw, that's a whole different level"...
look into the "Artie" sample project. there are some macros there for
getting the XY coordinates of a texture using a 4X4 matrix. if you don't
care for antialiasing, then that code could be used for a quick setup of a
3D transform function. perhaps you could use that for a "prof of concept"
before diving in...
On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 12:57 AM liors17841744 <>
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You could also take a deeeep breath and jump into OpenGL... That's what Trapcode's Tao and most of Bao plugins use.
It's a real nightmare in the beginning, then you see a lot of possibilities and can have a lot of fun. And then it's a nightmare again 😉
You can start with the GLator sample plugin, and have a look at the related threads on this forum.
ps: glad you like Mask 3D Warper !
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leroy that was an amazing advice, saved me tons of time.
i also really like the BOA Boa plugin
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Glad it helped!