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My issue is that we need to make sure frame n-1 is finished rendering before we can render frame n because there are cases where frame n will need the data of frame n-1.
Is it true that when rendering at frame n - 1, we will save the opaque_optionsP of frame n-1 and call AEGP_ComputeIfNeededAndCheckout after rendering to cache. Counting frame n will call AEGP_ComputeIfNeededAndCheckout with opaque_optionsP of frame 1 to check if rendering has finished. Am I understanding that right?
Below is my code in PF_Cmd_SMART_RENDER:
A_long* preFrame = nullptr; // This variable will be saved globally
AEFX_SuiteScoper<AEGP_ComputeCacheSuite1> computeCacheSuite1{ in_data, kAEGPComputeCacheSuite, kAEGPComputeCacheSuiteVersion1 };
AEGP_CCCheckoutReceiptP receiptForPreviousFrame = nullptr;
in_dataP = in_data;
if (in_data->current_time > 0)
if (secondpreFrame == nullptr)
secondpreFrame = preFrame;
ERR(computeCacheSuite1->AEGP_ComputeIfNeededAndCheckout(computeClassIdP, preFrame, false, &receiptForPreviousFrame));
ERR(computeCacheSuite1->AEGP_ComputeIfNeededAndCheckout(computeClassIdP, preFrame, true, &receiptForPreviousFrame));
spdlog::info("A_Err_NOT_IN_CACHE_OR_COMPUTE_PENDING 1");
//render frame
AEGP_CCCheckoutReceiptP receiptForCurrentFrame = nullptr;
ERR(computeCacheSuite1->AEGP_ComputeIfNeededAndCheckout(computeClassIdP, &in_data->current_time, false, &receiptForCurrentFrame));
if (err != PF_Err_NONE) {
spdlog::info("save AEGP_ClassUnregister fails");
ERR(computeCacheSuite1->AEGP_ComputeIfNeededAndCheckout(computeClassIdP, &in_data->current_time, true, &receiptForCurrentFrame));
preFrame = &in_data->current_time;
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in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here,
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.
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