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When I open a AE project the program freezes and says "doesn`t respond". Any solution?
Sorry, I didn't get back sooner, but I did resolve my problem. I ended up doing a quick reinstall/fix of my windows as it seems some of my profile folders were all screwy, so after I did this and re-Install after effects, it all worked out. So thanks, all who helped me.
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We need a lot more information in order to help you.
What OS, what version of AE, what system specs, etc.
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Yeah, this could definitely be a ton of things. First question however from me is, is it related to one particular project or does it affect all of them?
And not to get ahead of things but if it IS just centered on one project then I'd look in the folder it creates where you were saving them for autosaves and see if an earlier saved version might open.
That would at least narrow it down to a problem with a specific project version.
However, forget all of this if it locks up on every project and provide the info that Szalam asked for for further diagnosis.
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I am having the same problem with both premiere & after effects. I would launch them and it would go just a little bite the FREEZE!, no errors, no NOTHING!. So I just backward both to the first update for 2017, and at this point, I am having no problems.
So I suggest go backward's and see what happens!.
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The first thing to do when you encounter an unexpected problem on launch is to reboot, then engage the caps lock key and try and open AE, then open a project. if you get failures then it's time to start checking to make sure that no other apps are running. Be wary of virus scanners and network settings. If all else fails you can try deleting the preferences files.
I hope this helps.
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OK, so I thought that going backward's with the software updates would help, but that didn't work with AE, but it did seem to work with Pr. As for Ae it still froze on me this morning, so I had to reboot my system. Rebooting the system always helps and I am able to launch Ae, but having to re~Boot every time just to get into your program is ridiculous and a waste of time. I do remember that back a few months ago I never had these problems.
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Well I guess I was wrong, so I did find this Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool, and it seems to have taken care of the problem at this time, but time will tell!.
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Hi håvardh,
Are you still facing this problem? If not, let us know how you solved it. If so, please let us know so we can assist you further.
You might also check the responses here, as well. One customer solved their issue by running the Adobe Cleaner tool. You might try it.
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Sorry, I didn't get back sooner, but I did resolve my problem. I ended up doing a quick reinstall/fix of my windows as it seems some of my profile folders were all screwy, so after I did this and re-Install after effects, it all worked out. So thanks, all who helped me.
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Hello, I am having a similar problem.
All of a sudden, when I attempt to open my AE project the software freezes and can not open the particular project.
The issue seems to only pertain to this project, which is not exceptionally large. I am working off a 2017 macbook pro 3.1GHz with the most updated version of AE CC.
I tried rebooting my comp but have not tried to reinstall the software- I'll give that a shot.
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Hi all,
I had this problem too and found a fix for my case, so thought I'd share if the above solutions aren't working for people. I tried restarting my comp and reinstalling AE and it didn't work.
So, since I had a Premiere Pro file dynamically linked to the AE file, I opened the linked file in Premiere Pro first, then opened the AE file and it worked great.
Good luck!
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OMG! That worked! I'm going to do a cart wheel thanks to you!
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I was started working on the project which I got shared from a team member, suddenly it freezes out. Before that, it was working fine. As well after the incident happens, I'm experiencing with only some of the team projects. Not sure if it affected any preferences.
I'm using Macbook Pro 2019 version 32GB RAM, with Catalina OS.
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Edit: I have removed some preferences files and re-installed the AE with all plugins several times, but the issues still exist.
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Ok, this issue has been dogging me for a month now. It appears to only happen with one particular project in After Effects. I was able to work on and finish the project. Then, some revisions were requested and it would not open. I tried to get it to open from Premiere and the linked file, but nothing.
So I had to start over and rebuild the same project from the same template. I'm about 50% done and now the project is freezing again. I did the Adobe Cleaner process and nothing.
But, I'm now getting this pop-up window: GPU Sniffer.exe-Application error. The application was unable to start correctly (0x000012d.) Click ok to close the application.
I'm using the most updated version of AE and Premiere and my computer is top-of the line and the IT guy recently did a clean up and maitenance.
Please! Help! This is maddening.
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I should also mention, that when I do try to open this AE project, if I have google chrome on with my e-mail and/or Twitter, it will freeze up as well. Somehow this process is affecting whatever I have on the internet. Also, sometimes my sceens go black for a few seconds.
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Update: Well, now it's opening all of a sudden.
Will see. Guess I will try not to close this project until I'm completely done.
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LATEST UPDATE: Everything was back on track. I could even open up the original AE project. But then it wouldn't let me copy and paste files from Premiere.
So I opened up the new project I'd been working on. It opened just fine. I did about 5-minutes of work and t his started popping up:
"after effects: out of memory. (12288k requested)"
Yes, I've purged the media cache numerous times. The message continued to pop up and would not stop. So I had to shut it all down and reboot. And now back to square one: neither AE project will open, they both freeze and get stuck before reaching 100%.
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So I read on another post that since I had a linked file from Premiere, to open that Premiere File. I did so and now the AE project opens up. Is this a thing where both programs need to be open if they are linked?
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I am having the same issues with AE version 18.4.1. I was working on a heavily animated 63,372 KB project, tried to import the ae file into Primere, it froze so I shut them both down and now cannot open the AE project at all. It freezes after getting to about 50% on any computer I try to open it with (3),
I have an AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-core processor, 32 GB of RAM, Windows 10 Pro. I've made sure all my drivers are up-to-date, I've cleared the cache, I've restarted my computer, I've uninstalled and reinstalled AE, I've dedicated 28 GB of RAM to AE, I've tried opening older versions from auto-save.... nothing has worked.
I know people say just wait, but that's not ideal when you have deadlines... sos.
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One thing that you could try to do when a project won't open (stalls on opening) which has worked for me many times is to create a new project and drag your old project file into new project (or "import" AEP file from file menu)
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That worked for me 100%. You rock. Thanks.