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Gradient ramp/time displacement on a type reveal is picking up unexpected artifacts?

Community Beginner ,
Jun 07, 2023 Jun 07, 2023

Hello all!

I am following this tutorial written by Dope Tutorials. I put my own spin on it though because I wanted a three-word reveal versus what is show in the tutorial.

Here's a frame of from the main composition called Base. This is working as intended:

Screen Shot 2023-06-07 at 4.15.01 PM.pngexpand image









To describe the finished result: each word emerges from the center of the word before it. It's all working great!

But then I reach the below issue. I made a new composition called Effects (following the above tutorial) and I added a (1) gradient ramp, (2) time displacement, (3) curves, and (4) gaussian blur in a composition called Effects. For some reason, the gradient is picking up "word loops" that have already finished. See here:

Screen Shot 2023-06-07 at 4.16.45 PM.pngexpand image

The black you see is a word that should have finished and does not have any more space on the timeline. It's a single black line highlighting the word "Excellence".

I've tried moving the gradient's colors, changing the colors, changing the background color, making sure there are no overlaps in the Base composition and… I can't figure it out! I don't know how to make the wavy reveal in the Effects composition as seamless as in the original tutorial.

Any help would be appreciated —

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