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Hide a null object without hiding its layer controls

Explorer ,
Feb 29, 2020 Feb 29, 2020

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Hello everyone,

I keep asking myself the following question: how to hide a null object without hiding its layer controls?

More precisely, let's say I have this Comp1 with a text, that I want to move thanks to a null.

When I create this null, it will automatically appear in the composition, but it won't be visible -- only its controls will, which is fine.


Capture d’écran 2020-02-29 à 15.23.04.png


Now let's say I create another composition: Comp2.

In this comp I have this other text that I also want to move with a null.

But instead of creating another null, I'd simply like to grab the previously-created one in the layer panel (Null 1), and put it in Comp2.

But when I do that, here's what happens.


Capture d’écran 2020-02-29 à 15.23.58.png


The null actually appears with a fill, almost as if it was a solid or a shape.

Of course I can hide this null, but then its controls are not visible anymore.


So do you know how can I get the exact same result as in Comp1, without creating a new null?


The only solution I've found so far is to copy the null from Comp1, and paste it into Comp2.

But obviously that means that it comes with all its keyframes, which isn't really handy.


Thanks a lot!

How to






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Enthusiast ,
Feb 29, 2020 Feb 29, 2020

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Hi. Why do you not want to create a new null - especially since you don't want the keyframes from the original?





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