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The question says it all! I'm creating render slaves, and I have .aom files that I've exported from my licensed version of AE that I'd like to be usable for the render slaves without engaging the UI, as they are ae_render_only_node.txt clients.
Where should I put the templates so that they are discoverable by After Effects CC 2017 (latest)?
The command line I'm using would look like this:
aerender.exe -project "[project path]" -comp "[Compname]" -OMtemplate "***path to aom file??***" -output "[output path]\[#####].png" -s [startFrame] -e [endFrame]
The .aom file would be the exported custom template I made within AE.
Any suggestions?
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You can always just re-make your custom output modules. I figure I could re-make all of mine in about ten minutes, and I have about 20.
How many minutes have you already wasted asking how to import the old ones?
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Hi Dave,
I'm new to these forums, and I see lots of snarky comments. Hopefully you can see that your comment was extremely snarky based on more context:
I'm automating the creation of massive render pools in the cloud. These pools come and go in +-10 minutes with anywhere from 5-50 nodes per pool; therefore it's just not possible for anyone to go to each of these VMs and add my out module settings to hundreds of VMs that will be gone in < 1 hours time.
Does anybody else have something useful to add?
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maybe this can help: Where are output module presets physically stored?
let us know what you find.
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Hi UngerTime,
Sorry for this issue. Did you ever find a solution? Please let us know if our experts’ advice helped you or if you still need help.
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Hi Kevin-Monahan,
No, I did not find a solution. I would love to be able to solve this!! I need to extract templates from my licensed machine, and re-use them on render nodes!
Does anyone have any info to help?
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