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I have started animating using Adobe After Effects CC 2015 and I have some issues regarding layers.
I am aware that I can trim them using option and the bracket keys, however, what I wanted to do was to split the layer so that it has a gap in between.
For instance, layer 1 is visible from 0:00 to 1:00, but what I wanted was to make it appear again at 2:00, leaving a blank section in the middle, from 1:00 to 2:00.
The only way I found to do this was to duplicate the layer then adjusting, yet it requires a huge amount of layers.
Is there any way of making it in the same layer?
1 Correct answer
Hey there,
To answer your question, there isn't a way to split your clip while keeping them on the same layer. Here's what we have available!
- CTRL + SHIFT + D to split the layer into two. Delete the layer you don't want!
- Hold SHIFT while dragging the edge of the layer to snap it to your playhead.
- ALT + [ to trim the head of the clip, or set an In point. ALT + ] will trim the tail by setting an Out point.
Hope this helps!
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Set in and out points using keyboard shortcuts Alt/Option + [ or ] for in and out.
Split layer at the CTI by pressing Ctrl/Cmnd + Shift + d
Type keyboard shortcuts in the Search Help field to locate many other useful shortcuts and techniques that any AE user should know.
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Thank you!
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No problem!

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its command + shift + D on mac
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mcnoronha wrote:
Is there any way of making it in the same layer?
No. You can do it in Premiere though. The stuff you're talking about sounds an awful lot like video editing. AE is not a video editing program. That kind of thing is much faster and easier in Premiere.
As Rick says, you can press CTRL/CMD+Shift+D to split a layer. You can then either trim the layer or move it to be a second further ahead, but it will be on a new layer. Alternatively, you could use hold keyframes on opacity to keep it on the same layer.
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Szalam wrote
mcnoronha wrote:
Is there any way of making it in the same layer?
No. You can do it in Premiere though. The stuff you're talking about sounds an awful lot like video editing. AE is not a video editing program. That kind of thing is much faster and easier in Premiere.
As Rick says, you can press CTRL/CMD+Shift+D to split a layer. You can then either trim the layer or move it to be a second further ahead, but it will be on a new layer. Alternatively, you could use hold keyframes on opacity to keep it on the same layer.
what about that if I press Alt+[ to cut the layer of text for example in after effect , it is working , could you explain please?
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Hey there,
To answer your question, there isn't a way to split your clip while keeping them on the same layer. Here's what we have available!
- CTRL + SHIFT + D to split the layer into two. Delete the layer you don't want!
- Hold SHIFT while dragging the edge of the layer to snap it to your playhead.
- ALT + [ to trim the head of the clip, or set an In point. ALT + ] will trim the tail by setting an Out point.
Hope this helps!
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