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Hi, im trying to duplicate a composition in after effects and make it independent from the original but it seems to be imposible.. im working on CS5.
Can somebody help me PLEASE??
As Andrew said, select a comp in the Project Panel, not in the timeline, and press Ctrl/Cmnd + D. You'll get a new comp with a number or copy added to the name. This comp is completely independent of the original one but it contains all of the same footage.
If the comp you duplicated contains other comps nested in the timeline then these nested comps must also be duplicated and their duplicates used to replace the original nested compositions in the duplicate comp. The script referred to makes t
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I copied all the layers/rows of the original comp I wanted to duplicate, then selected (composition>new), and pasted the components into it. Then I dragged the new comp back into my timeline from the Project and this stopped linking the two comps together. Hope that helps!
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@Ciara Tobin Tried that. Didn't work. I'll give the script mentioned above a shot.
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I have the same problem - duplicating the composition in the project panel does not help if you have a composition with too many adjustments - cuts, keyframes, effects etc., that you have to add to the new composition.
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This is a pefect solution for that!
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No, it is not - as it is a paid plugin. AND you have to duplicate in the panel, which does not duplicate adjustments.
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here is a script I created to do this - just select the comp you want to duplicate in your project panel and run this script file - if you don't know how to make a jsx from this just open TextEdit on a Mac (not sure what it is on Windows) and paste this > in the top bar click Format and select Make Plain Text > save it > go into your Finder and rename the file with .jsx at the end, and then you can run it in after effects enjoy!
// Duplicate selected comp and all nested comps
(function() {
var proj = app.project;
// Function to recursively duplicate a composition and all nested comps
function duplicateComp(comp, compMap) {
// If comp is already duplicated, return the duplicated one
if (compMap[]) {
return compMap[];
// Duplicate the main comp
var duplicatedComp = comp.duplicate(); = + "_copy";
// Add the duplicated comp to the map
compMap[] = duplicatedComp;
// Loop through all layers to find nested comps
for (var i = 1; i <= duplicatedComp.numLayers; i++) {
var layer = duplicatedComp.layer(i);
if (layer.source && layer.source instanceof CompItem) {
// Recursively duplicate the nested comp
var nestedComp = layer.source;
var duplicatedNestedComp = duplicateComp(nestedComp, compMap);
// Replace the original nested comp with the duplicated one
layer.replaceSource(duplicatedNestedComp, false);
return duplicatedComp;
app.beginUndoGroup("Duplicate Comp with Nested Comps");
if (proj.selection.length > 0 && proj.selection[0] instanceof CompItem) {
var selectedComp = proj.selection[0];
// Map to store duplicated comps to avoid duplicating the same comp multiple times
var compMap = {};
duplicateComp(selectedComp, compMap);
alert("Duplicate process completed!");
} else {
alert("Please select a composition in the Project panel.");