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Hello all.
I have create a logo from Illustrator. This is just a simple logo of elipse shape and text, i named it Logo
I want to create this logo become 3D, to do this i import this Logo to the AE project, create a new composition, and drag this Logo to the composition.
Then i create a shape by doing right clicking Logo -> Create shape from vector layer.
'Create shape from vector layer' command doesn't create shape of text. Why?
So, in my Illustrator, i convert my text 'LS' to shape, by doing Object -> Expand.
Then i import and doing the same again and it works.
By converting layer to 3D in Ae, adding some extrude and adding light, it works great.
BUT, i want to change my logo to white,so i change fill of my logo to white like below :
Look, 'LS' with white color not 3D. How to make that text 3D too?
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I tried to copy paste the 'logo ls outline', delete the elipse part, and change some x and y direction, it looks good.
BUT, UNFORTUNATELY, when i select these two layers (logo LS outlines and Logo LS Outlines 2) the pre comp it, it losts its 3D even i actvate 3d icon.
Anyone here understand my problem?