How to match the colors of the background and the foreground?
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Hi, I'm working on a project that consists of a still image of a bedroom and a window and the background of the windows changes (different timelapses running as the view of the window). The thing is, I'd like to change the lighting of the room so it matches the background. I know that for still images there's this new feature in Photoshop that does it automatically and it works flawlessly so I was wondering, is there anything like that on Premiere or AE? Thank you very much!
I add some still images I did on photoshop just so you get an idea (the masking is rubbish, I know, but I was solely focusing on the lighting).
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I think you should see and read this:
After Effects Top Tip: Color Correction to Match Footage Clips - YouTube
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Yeah, this I know how to do it. The problem is that it bases the changes on a single frame. So if, let's say, you are to seect a timelapse with sunset in the background, the colors in the foreground won't change while the colors in the background will.
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The problem is that it bases the changes on a single frame.
the color matcher effect is matching per frame and not a single frame. so if there is a change in the background (target layer), it will affect the foreground (source layer with the effect applied).
the other method is manual so you can set keyframes for the related properties and they will animate
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for quickly color matching different elements in a scene, I would try using the color matcher effect in after effects (same effect exists in Premiere but I wouldn't composite images in premiere if I can help it) which can do a decent job sometimes and somewhat similar to color match in photoshop although not that accurate in comparison from my testing. there's a strength slider and color offset parameter that can give you some control, you can further enhance it using other color correction tools like levels or curves.
for more accurate way which is a longer route, I would use the manual way which is matching each RGB channel by either curves or levels, here's a tutorial to demonstrate this method. you can use the regular levels effect or curves effect, and I would also adjust the mid-tones(gamma), not just dark and bright points.