How to show the cone to change your spot light?
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I want to move the shadow on my object and play with the spot light. I am looking for the cone that appeared when I first created the spot light. I clicked on the layer but settings appear, on Position under the layer >Transform. I don't know where to look.
thank you for your help,
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So there are severa things that could happened. So:
a) show light properties( cone etc) just select your light on timeline:
b) you moved camera outside of light effectors - so you cant seethem, or moved light outside of camera. To see them you can use custom view
c)or you - by mistake - hide layers controls. To show hide layer controls just use Ctrl+Shift+H shortcut
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great ! thanks! It is so odd because I lost the shadow on one of my objects!
and the "cast shadow" is on!
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all objects must be in 3D layers and in the material options for them " cast shadow " must be switched on .
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Now I am having trouble hiding the black around the cone. Why is it still showing? See below.