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I need to change the text color of a logo animation. the Text animation is a individual comp, and it is in black color.. In the main comp there are many baby animations (like swirl/circle moving in bg etc) and also this text animation (in black color) included.
In the project panel I duplicated the main comp four times, where each will be different text color, RED, BLUE, GREEN.
I named Main comp- text black (Original)
Main comp- text RED (Duplicated from main comp in project panel)
Main comp- text BLUE (Duplicated from main comp in project panel)
Main comp- text GREEN (Duplicated from main comp in project panel)
here where I am lost-
when I open these individually and I see each carry that text precomp, which is in Black color.. My question do I need to duplicate the text comp in project panel also 4 times, and then bring them in each duplicated main comps so that one dsnt affect another when I change the color?
or as I already duplicated the main comp four times in project panel all those 'text precomp (black font)' is totally unique? they wont affect each other?
I need help. 😞
Hopefully this makes sense:
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Hopefully this makes sense:
Which one of those scenarios achieves what you're after?
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😮😮So many things yet to know! Life is so short! Time is running away. Thank you so much. I becaome teary reading your reply. LAST ONE!!! last scenario is my scenario! I need four animation, all will be same EXCEPT the text color. Thank you so much.I am eternally grateful 😥
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In my experience, the Best way to duplicate a comp is using a script called: TRUE COMP DUPLICATOR
This is an incredible script.
you can get it from Ae script , you can put any price for this script.
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Thank you so much!! Thank you.