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Line animation

New Here ,
Nov 08, 2019 Nov 08, 2019

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How to create line animation as in the video posted below?





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Nov 08, 2019 Nov 08, 2019

First of all, this would be much easier to do in a 3D app like C4D if you have the skills. Let's look at one part of the video:
Screenshot_2019-11-08 07.09.54_a010Qn.pngexpand image

Let me start with the moving text that wraps around the building. That can be done with two syncronized 3D text layers carefully positioned to match the geometry of the model.


Now let's start with the top row of blinking lights. Once again, to make it around the corner you need two 3D shape layers with synchronized timing carefully arranged in 3D space. Each of those




Nov 08, 2019 Nov 08, 2019

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It's basically all just dots moving around on other faint lines. Not sure what else you need to know.







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Community Expert ,
Nov 08, 2019 Nov 08, 2019

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First of all, this would be much easier to do in a 3D app like C4D if you have the skills. Let's look at one part of the video:
Screenshot_2019-11-08 07.09.54_a010Qn.pngexpand image

Let me start with the moving text that wraps around the building. That can be done with two syncronized 3D text layers carefully positioned to match the geometry of the model.


Now let's start with the top row of blinking lights. Once again, to make it around the corner you need two 3D shape layers with synchronized timing carefully arranged in 3D space. Each of those shape layers needs a stroked path with dashes and gaps that has a trim paths animator added to create the motion. The number of paths and trim paths animators on a layer depends on the spacing and timing of the pattern you want to create. When you get the first animated row of light effects completed you will have to duplicate the pair for every row of effects on the building.


Another way to approach the problem is to try and create all the patterns on a single 2D layer using one of the surfaces of the building as a guide then change that layer to 3D, duplicate it for the sides, and carefully arrange the 3D layers in space and use masks to keep things from overlapping. Every time the design of the line effects changes you will need another set of lines.


No matter how you look at this project it is going to take a great deal of familiarity with shape layers, glow effects, 3D layers, blend modes, and a hand full of other techniques to pull off. If you are new to After Effects and are working on the project parttime duplicating the entire project could easily take a month. If you are fairly experienced, this project could easily take three or four days.


I hope this helps. There isn't a single tutorial that would guide you through all of the steps necessary to complete this kind of project. You'll have to find a couple of dozen tutorials and combine the techniques to pull it off.


It would be the same in 3D, but it is a lot easier to precisely attach lighting effects to geometry in a 3D app and make them wrap around corners. 





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New Here ,
Nov 09, 2019 Nov 09, 2019

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Thanks for the detailed instructions. I think this will help.





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