Logo problem in After effects
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Hi if i use my own logo than its not completed in ae only blank round showing any help for this thx
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It details the issue a little more because it is not possible to understand what you need to solve and what your screenshots have to do with each other.
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the orginal logo is first and the screen shot of after effects in not view the good logo like the orginal logo its blank in after effects it must be like the orginal logo
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Are the logos the same frame size? If I'm underestanding your question correctly you might be able to right click on the old logo in the project panel and replace footage with the new logo. But I'm also not clear on your question.
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Your cropped screenshot tells us nothing about your workflow. Start soloing layers until you see your logo. It should be the logo layer. If you cannot see the logo then turn off all effects applied to that layer. If you still can't figure it out select your logo layer and press the U key twice to show all modified properties. Select both the icons at the bottom left corner of the timeline so both the Switches and Modes columns are visible. If there isn't something you can reset to make your logo visible then select the logo in the Project panel and double click it to open it in the Footage panel. If it is all black, then there is something wrong with the file.
If you can't figure it out then select the logo in the project panel so we can see what kind of file it is, select the logo layer in the timeline and any layer that makes the logo turn black and. press the 'u' key twice so we can see all modified properties of the layers and post the screenshot. If the file type is correct then this problem is just a user error. We have no idea what that error is unless you can show us the modified properties of the problem layers.
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Hi. You appear to be using Element 3D, have you set up your textures properly?